+200 Best Veterinary Books For Veterinarians In 2024


Best Veterinary Books For Vets And Students

If you are a veterinary student or a veterinarian searching for the best veterinary books to keep your knowledge up to date with the latest research, techniques, and clinical practices. We have made this great list of the Best Veterinary Books For Veterinarians and students in 2024. We have selected over +200 Books for Veterinary Professionals and Students on many different aspects of veterinary medicine that help in studying, learning, and increasing their veterinary knowledge and practical skills. These Veterinary books can be considered the best vet books to buy to prep for veterinary school because these resources also include the basic sciences in veterinary medicine.

Vet Books

Small Animal Medicine Books

1-Cotes Clinical Veterinary Advisor Dogs and Cats 4th Edition

Cotes Clinical Veterinary Advisor Dogs And Cats 4Th Edition Pdf
The indispensable resource for the busy small animal practitioner. Providing easy-to-use, cutting-edge information, This Book is like six books in one — with concise coverage of diseases and disorders; procedures and techniques; differentials, mnemonics, and lists; laboratory tests; clinical algorithms; and a drug compendium. Completely updated from cover to cover, this edition includes over a dozen all-new chapters on new and important topics including hyperadrenocorticism (food-related), hypercalcemia (idiopathic feline), meningoencephalitis of unknown etiology, incidentally-detected heart murmurs, and more. It also includes free access to a fully searchable companion website containing an electronic version of the text, all of the book’s images in color, bonus chapters and video content, a searchable drug compendium, 200 client education handouts in both English and Spanish, and 35 customizable client consent forms.

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2-Blackwell’s Five-minute Veterinary Consult Canine and Feline 7th Edition

Blackwells Five Minute Veterinary Consul Canine And Feline 7Th Edition

Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Canine and Feline, 7th Edition provides up-to-date information on feline and canine disease in the familiar, popular, and trusted 5-Minute Veterinary Consult format. This reference puts all the necessary information regarding common diseases and conditions in dogs and cats at the reader’s fingertips. Covering 845 specific disorders, Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult is the most comprehensive and timely reference on canine and feline medicine available today.

It is carefully designed for fast and easy access to vital and accurate information. The companion website allows the reader to access more than 350 downloadable client education handouts, as well as images and video clips.

The book makes it easy to find essential details on:

  • 845 different diseases and conditions, from amebiasis to zinc toxicosis
  • Diagnosis
  • Common treatments and prognoses

Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Canine and Feline is the leading quick-access reference for veterinary practitioners and students everywhere.

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3-Small Animal Surgery, 5th Edition

Small Animal Surgery 5Th Edition

From basic procedures like spays, castrations, and declaws to advanced surgeries like craniotomy, vertal slots, and lung lobectomy, Fossum’s Small Animal Surgery, 5th Edition is the go-to, full-color guide for everything that general veterinarians and vet students need to know about both soft tissue and orthopedic surgery. Five editors bring their expert perspective as they discuss the latest advances in key areas such as imaging modalities, regenerative medicine, minimally invasive surgery, and neurology. With each book adoption, you’ll also have access to the Expert Consult website, which includes a fully searchable version of the book plus step-by-step video clips and animations of surgical procedures, aftercare instruction handouts, case presentations, references linked to full text articles on PubMed, and an extensive image collection. There is no better resource to keep you up to date on the latest advances and techniques in small animal surgery!.

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4-Atlas of Small Animal Ultrasonography, 2nd Edition

Atlas Of Small Animal Ultrasonography, 2Nd Edition
Atlas of Small Animal Ultrasonography, Second Edition is a comprehensive reference for ultrasound techniques and findings in small animal practice, with more than 2000 high-quality sonograms and illustrations of normal structures and disorders.

  • Provides a comprehensive collection of more than 2000 high-quality images, including both normal and abnormal ultrasound features, as well as relevant complementary imaging modalities and histopathological images
  • Covers both common and uncommon disorders in small animal patients
  • Offers new chapters on practical physical concepts and artifacts and abdominal contrast sonography
  • Includes access to a companion website with over 140 annotated video loops of the most important pathologies covered in each section of the book

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5-100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice

100 Top Consultations In Small Animal General Practice Pdf

Focusing on ‘day one competencies’, this book offers essential guidance to the most common problems encountered in small animal general practice. Addressing 100 core scenarios, it is ideal for the undergraduate or newly qualified vet, and for those seeking an up-to-date refresher. Organized by presenting sign (diarrhoea, itching) or disease (diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis), and with colour illustration throughout, each chapter explains:
  • how to make a diagnosis
  • which interventions are most appropriate in general practice
  • what the vet should say to the client before and after examination

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6-Greene’s Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat 5th Edition

Greene’s Infectious Diseases Of The Dog And Cat 5Th Edition
Greene’s Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat, 5th Edition provides a comprehensive, clinically useful reference on the management of infectious diseases caused by viruses, bacteria (including rickettsiae, chlamydiae, mycoplasmas, and spirochetes), fungi, algae, protozoa, parasites, and other atypical agents. Each section guides the reader through diagnostic testing for specific infectious diseases, from specimen collection to laboratory submission to interpretation of results to appropriate treatment measures. Full-color illustrations and hundreds of tables provide convenient access to diagnostic and therapeutic recommendations, along with the appropriate drug dosages for effective treatment and prevention. A fully searchable enhanced eBook version is included with print purchase, allowing access to all of the text and figures on a variety of digital devices.

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7-Small Animal Internal Medicine 6th Edition

Small Animal Internal Medicine 6Th Edition Pdf

With hundreds of images, step-by-step procedures, and a practical clinical emphasis, Small Animal Internal Medicine, 6th Edition offers the foundation and tools you need to properly recognize, diagnose, and treat small animals with common internal conditions. Each section of the text takes a problem-oriented approach that begins with a discussion of clinical signs, diagnostic recommendations, and techniques; and then moves to therapeutic considerations and management. This edition also includes two all-new chapters (neonatology and the effects of specific heart diseases respectively) as well as extensive updates throughout covering new advancements, techniques, and evolving best practices in the field of small animal internal medicine. And with access to the new online Expert Consult, you will have the 360-degree support you need to solve virtually any internal medical challenge.

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8-Emergency Procedures for the Small Animal Veterinarian 3rd Edition

Emergency Procedures For The Small Animal Veterinarian 3Rd Edition

Small animal veterinarians of all specialties and at all stages in their careers will find the new edition of Emergency Procedures for the Small Animal Veterinarian their invaluable one-stop shop for the information they need to provide optimal patient care in an emergency situation. Readers familiar with the previous edition will be pleased to see the text comprehensively updated, with much new content and many new features including an all-color design to make finding information easier than ever. Those coming to the book for the first time will appreciate its clarity of structure, its concise and practical approach and its step-by-step presentation of key information, all of which will prove their worth time and again in each new emergency, whatever the species. For those working as a solo doctor in an emergency practice, Emergency Procedures for the Small Animal Veterinarian third edition will fulfil the role of a substitute colleague when further information is needed quickly. No small animal clinician will want to be without a copy.

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9-Small Animal Dermatology: A Color Atlas and Therapeutic Guide 4th Edition

Small Animal Dermatology: A Color Atlas And Therapeutic Guide Pdf

Streamlined for practical, everyday use in the clinic, Small Animal Dermatology: A Color Atlas and Therapeutic Guide, 4th Edition provides concise, thorough information on more than 250 skin diseases affecting small animals. More than 1,400 high-quality images help to ensure accurate diagnoses, with coverage including recognizable clinical signs, top differentials, diagnostic tests, treatment recommendations, and prognosis for each disorder. The differential diagnosis chapter adds clarity to the difficult task busy students and practitioners face every day – identifying what dermatologic condition is causing a dog, cat, or exotic animal to suffer. Chapters list diseases based upon the frequency of their occurrence in the pet population, and detailed procedures include helpful illustrations of key techniques.

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10-Electrocardiography of the Dog and Cat, Diagnosis of Arrhythmias, 2nd Edition

Electrocardiography Of The Dog And Cat Diagnosis Of Arrhythmias 2Nd Edition Scaled

Electrocardiography of the Dog and Cat (2nd edition) promises to give the student and the specialist both the practical approach of the electrocardiographic diagnosis and the depth of understanding that promotes genuine learning in a subject area that has intrigued clinicians for more than a century. The combined and varied experiences of the authors give strengths to the review of the literature, and the approach to electrocardiogram interpretation in the dog and cat.


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11-Miller and Evans’ Anatomy of the Dog 5th Edition

Miller And Evans%E2%80%99 Anatomy Of The Dog 5Th Edition

Featuring unparalleled full-color illustrations and detailed descriptions, Miller and Evans’ Anatomy of the Dog 5th Edition makes it easy to master the intricate details of canine morphology. Content has been updated throughout the text to reflect the latest knowledge regarding the development, structure, and function of the canine body. Chapters in the text are logically organized by body system and written by expert anatomists who lend their extensive knowledge of particular structures. Plus, there’s a special introductory chapter on breed categories from the American Kennel Club to help you understand dog breeds and how they are determined. This new edition also features an enhanced focus on digital radiology and includes upgraded MR and CT scans throughout the text. Most notably, however, are the elaborate full-color illustrations by expert medical illustrators that bring complex anatomy to life in a way that no other vet text can. Overall, Miller and Evan’s Anatomy of the Dog is an invaluable reference for veterinary students, clinicians, technicians, breeders, and animal specialists alike.

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12-Essentials of Small Animal Anesthesia and Analgesia, 2nd Edition

Essentials Of Small Animal Anesthesia And Analgesia 2Nd Edition

This book presents the fundamentals of managing small animal anesthesia patients in a clinically relevant, accessible manual. The bulk of the book is distilled from Lumb and Jones’ Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia to provide authoritative information in a quick-reference format, with references to Lumb and Jones’ throughout for easy access to further detail. Logically reorganized with an easy-to-use structure and an increased focus on pain management, this new edition features new chapters on equipment and managing specific conditions. The Second Edition has been updated to reflect current practices in anesthesia and analgesia, and a new companion website offers review questions and answers, video clips, and an image bank with additional figures not found in the printed book. Essentials of Small Animal Anesthesia and Analgesia, Second Edition provides veterinary care providers and students with key information on anesthetic and analgesic pharmacology, physiology, patient assessment, and clinical case management.

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Bsava Small Animal Formulary Part A Canine And Feline

13-BSAVA Small Animal Formulary, Part A, Canine and Feline, 11th Edition

The BSAVA Small Animal Formulary has been one of the Association’s most trusted and highly valued publications for over a quarter of a century. Under the guidance of Editor-in-Chief, Fergus Allerton, the Editorial Panel has thoroughly reviewed and updated the content of the Formulary. As well as up-to-date information on over 400 drug monographs, the new edition includes: 20 new drug monographs, a clear indication of which drugs are authorized for use in dogs, cats or both species; guidance on the prescribing cascade and medicines available as ‘veterinary specials’; and a sedation protocol for dogs with the ABCB1 gene and a mycobacterial protocol for cats. As part of BSAVA’s continuing commitment to providing rational and tiered antibiotic selection, relevant drug monographs now cite the European Medicines Agency (EMA) categories. This is complemented by an Appendix providing guidance on the categories and on the responsible use of antibiotics.

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Bsava Small Animal Formulary Part B Exotic PetsBSAVA Small Animal Formulary, Part B, Exotic Pets, 11th Edition

As the popularity of non-traditional companion animals grows, there is an increasing need for dedicated information on drug use in these animals. The BSAVA Small Animal Formulary, 11th edition – Part B: Exotic Pets covers mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish. The drug monographs have been comprehensively reviewed and updated by the Editorial Panel, with new drugs added and additional information including a new table on antimicrobial susceptibility and guidelines on the responsible use of parasiticides. This online version includes a revised table covering proprietary medicines for fish, and a new series of tables covering doses for British wildlife.

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14-Atlas of Normal Radiographic Anatomy and Anatomic Variants in the Dog and Cat, 3rd Edition

Atlas Of Normal Radiographic Anatomy And Anatomic Variants In The Dog And Cat 3Rd Edition

Make accurate diagnoses and achieve successful treatment outcomes with this highly visual, comprehensive atlas! Featuring a substantial number of new high-contrast images, Atlas of Normal Radiographic Anatomy and Anatomic Variants in the Dog and Cat, 3rd Edition, provides an in-depth look at both normal and non-standard subjects, along with demonstrations of proper technique and image interpretations. Expert authors Donald E. Thrall and Ian D. Robertson describe a wider range of “normal” as compared to other books — not only showing standard dogs and cats, but also non-standard subjects such as overweight and underweight pets and animals with breed-specific variations. Each body part is put into context with a description that helps explain why a structure appears as it does in radiographs, enabling you to appreciate variations of normal based on an understanding of basic radiographic principles.

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15-Manual of Canine and Feline Cardiology, 5th Edition

Manual Of Canine And Feline Cardiology 5Th Edition

The most effective, practical approach to the recognition and management of cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary medicine, Manual of Canine and Feline Cardiology, 5th Edition walks readers through the challenges and conditions encountered in everyday practice. This completely revised and updated edition includes vital information on diagnostic modalities and techniques, therapeutic options, surgical procedures, and pharmaceutical management of the dog and cat cardiac patient. A new chapter on genetic and biomarker testing and a new chapter on nutrition surrounding cardiovascular disease ensure practitioners are well-equipped to handle every aspect of cardiac care in small animals.

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16-Atlas for the Diagnosis of Tumors in the Dog and Cat

Atlas For The Diagnosis Of Tumors In The Dog And Cat

Atlas for the Diagnosis of Tumors in the Dog and Cat is a diagnostic tool for determining if samples are abnormal and defining the cause of the abnormality, with 386 clinical images depicting normal and abnormal results.

  • Offers a brief overview of the methods used to produce a diagnosis and prognosis from a biopsy tissue sample
  • Pairs photographs of biopsy samples with photomicrographs of cells obtained via fine needle aspirate
  • Includes a useful chapter covering sample handling, staining, and shipping

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17-Small Animal Clinical Techniques, 3rd Edition

Small Animal Clinical Techniques 3Rd Edition

Learn how to confidently care for small animal patients with Taylor’s Small Animal Clinical Techniques, 3rd Edition. Filled with more than 60 of the most common procedures performed by veterinary technicians and assistants, this highly visual guide helps you easily master the diagnostic and therapeutic clinical techniques that are essential to small animal practice. Each procedure uses clear step-by-step instructions to walk you through the purpose, indications, contraindications and concerns, complications, special anatomy, equipment, restraint, and procedure techniques. This new edition also features a new chapter on physical examination, all-new physical examination procedure videos, and updated images throughout the text. And as with previous editions, Taylor’s companion online learning modules will further hone your ability to logically think through procedures and properly perform skills.

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18-Small Animal Medical Differential Diagnosis 3rd Edition

Images 50

Small Animal Medical Diagnosis 3rd Edition takes a problem-oriented approach to clinical diagnosis and outlines core information necessary to effectively evaluate the major medical problems in dogs and cats. The text starts by defining problems caused by disease and proceeds to integrate the history, physical examination, and diagnostic modalities into a logical approach designed to assist with the medical management of patients. The new edition continues to serve as a vital tool in accurate and appropriate diagnosis for small animal veterinarians, emergency and critical care veterinarians, and veterinary students.

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Farm Animals Medicine Books

19-Veterinary Medicine a Textbook of the Diseases of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Pigs and Goats – Two-Volume Set 11th Edition

Veterinary Medicine A Textbook Of The Diseases Of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Pigs And Goats - Two-Volume Set 11Th Edition

Treat the diseases affecting large animals! Veterinary Medicine, 11th Edition provides up-to-date information on the diseases of horses, cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs. Comprehensive coverage includes the principles of clinical examination and making a diagnosis, along with specific therapy recommendations. For easier use, this edition has been divided into two volumes and restructured into a logical, anatomically based approach to disease. From internationally known veterinary experts Peter Constable, Kenneth Hinchcliff, Stanley Done, and Walter Grünberg, this book is the definitive, one-stop reference for farm animal and equine care.

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20-Large Animal Internal Medicine, 6th Edition

Large Animal Internal Medicine 6Th Edition

Utilize a problem-oriented approach to the diagnosis of diseases of horses, cattle, sheep, and goats. Large Animal Internal Medicine, 6th Edition covers the diagnosis and management of disease in both ruminant and equine internal medicine. As the first veterinary internal medicine text to use a problem-based approach, it offers discussions of over 150 clinical signs and manifestations, as well as comprehensive coverage of laboratory and diagnostic testing. New to this edition is a versatile online reference platform and coverage of conditions that exist in Europe, Central and South America, Australia, and New Zealand. In addition, thoroughly revised and updated content includes new vaccines and vaccination protocols; the most current laboratories for DNA, genetic, and PCR testing; and colostrum supplements and replacers. It’s everything you need to stay up to date with the latest information on preventing and treating disease in large animals.

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21-Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals, 8th Edition

Anatomy And Physiology Of Farm Animals 8Th Edition

Revised and updated, the eighth edition of Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals remains the essential resource for detailed information on farm animal anatomy and physiology.

  • Offers a revised edition to this comprehensive guide to the anatomy and physiology of farm animals
  • Presents learning objectives in each chapter for the first time
  • Adds new material on endocrine and metabolic regulation of growth and body composition
  • Features additional illustrations to enhance comprehension
  • Includes a companion website that offers supplemental content, including word roots, clinical cases, study and practice questions, the images from the book and additional images, diagrams, and videos to enhance learning.

“This book will be an invaluable resource for animal science, veterinary technician, and preveterinary students as well as instructors because it is well organized and easy to understand and contains reasonable details.” – JAVMA Vol 255 No. 6

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22-Farm Animal Anesthesia: Cattle, Small Ruminants, Camelids, and Pigs, 2nd Edition

Farm Animal Anesthesia Cattle Small Ruminants Camelids And Pigs 2Nd Edition

distinguished veterinarians Drs. HuiChu Lin and Paul Walz deliver a practical and easy-to-use manual for techniques associated with anesthesia and pain management in farm animal species. The authors incorporate advances in surgical and diagnostic techniques, with the latest drugs and equipment, updated images, and new technique descriptions added throughout the book.

Reflecting their newfound popularity, Farm Animal Anesthesia offers additional and updated information on drug combinations and anesthetic techniques relevant to small ruminants and potbellied pigs. New chapters and topics on paralytic drugs for complete muscle relaxation, ventilators for advanced orthopedic and ophthalmological surgeries, updated local and regional anesthetic techniques, and comprehensive standing surgery and diagnostic procedures have been added.

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23-Medicine and Surgery of Camelids, 4th Edition

Medicine And Surgery Of Camelids 4Th Edition

Dr. Andrew J. Niehaus delivers a comprehensive reference to all aspects of camelid medicine and surgery. The book covers general husbandry, restraint, nutrition, diagnosis, anesthesia, surgery, and the treatment of specific diseases veterinarians are likely to encounter in camelid patients. Although the focus of the text remains on llamas and alpacas, camel-specific information has received more attention than in previous editions with a chapter dedicated to old-world camelids.

The editor revitalizes the emphasis on evidence-based information and pathophysiology and draws on the experience of expert contributors to provide up-to-date and authoritative material on nutrition, internal medicine, and more. A classic text of veterinary medicine, this latest edition comes complete with high-quality color photographs and access to a companion website that offers supplementary resources.

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24-Rebhun’s Diseases of Dairy Cattle 3rd Edition

Rebhuns Diseases Of Dairy Cattle 3Rd Edition 1

Diagnose and treat bovine diseases in cattle with Rebhun’s Diseases of Dairy Cattle, 3rd Edition — your all-in-one guide to bovine disease management. Organized by body system for quick, convenient reference, this complete resource equips practitioners and students with the knowledge needed to confidently diagnose, treat, and prevent bovine disease. All chapters are updated from the previous edition to reflect the most up-to-date diagnostics and therapeutics, including revised drug usage considerations. An entirely new chapter for this third edition provides easy-to-read, but detailed information on diagnostic laboratory sample submission so that you will know what tests are available and the proper samples to submit. Another entirely new chapter focuses on diseases of the bull. More color photographs and illustrations are provided so that clinical signs and pathology of the diseases and diagnostic procedures commonly used in practice can be visualized. With expanded coverage of herd diseases, this new edition meets the growing need for management of both diseases of individual cows and medical problems affecting whole herds.

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25-Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Ruminant, 2nd Edition

Blackwells Five Minute Veterinary Consult Ruminant 2Nd Edition

Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Ruminant, Second Edition keeps practitioners completely current with the latest in disease management for ruminants and camelids.

  • Updates the first all-in-one ruminant resource designed specifically for quick information retrieval
  • Provides identically formatted topics for easy searching by alphabetical listing or by discipline, with each topic indicating the species affected
  • Offers fast access to the accumulated wisdom of hundreds of veterinary experts
  • Adds more than 100 new topics, with significant revisions to existing topics
  • Includes access to a companion website with additional topics, client education handouts, and figures

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26-Bovine Medicine 3rd Edition

Bovine Medicine 3Rd Edition

Bovine Medicine 3rd Edition offers to practice large animal veterinarians and veterinary students a comprehensive reference to core aspects of contemporary cattle health and husbandry.

  • New edition of a classic text, featuring thoroughly rewritten text, with coverage shifted to the core aspects of everyday cattle practice
  • Includes new focus on both applied skills and application of knowledge, along with many more full-colour illustrations than in previous editions
  • Represents a toolkit of skills that will support the delivery of contemporary cattle practice
  • Presents a seamless integration of information on husbandry, nutrition, and disease
  • Written by a wide range of experts from around the world

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27-Bovine Reproduction, 2nd Edition

Bovine Reproduction 2Nd Edition

It delivers a comprehensive overview of all major issues in bovine reproduction. Written by leading experts in the subject, the book is an indispensable reference for any veterinarian dealing with bovine fertility.

Bovine Reproduction is divided into sections on the bull, the cow, the neonate, and assisted reproduction techniques. New chapters cover new gene manipulation technologies, managing problem donors, lameness, and more. Outdated and redundant information from the First Edition has been removed and replaced by coverage of new diseases, technologies, procedures, techniques, and approaches to fertility problems.

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28-Turner and Mcilwraith’s Techniques In Large animal Surgery 4th Edition

Turner And Mcilwraiths Techniques In Large Animal Surgery 4Th Edition

Turner and Mcilwraith’s Techniques In Large animal Surgery 4th edition is an updated version of the classic resource for step-by-step instruction on basic surgical techniques in cattle, horses, swine, goats, and llamas. With detailed line drawings to demonstrate the principles discussed, addresses general aspects of surgery such as anesthesia and equipment and provides descriptions of surgical conditions and techniques commonly encountered in large animal practice. Now including a website with interactive review questions and the figures from the book in PowerPoint, the Fourth Edition is a highly practical, reliable guide for veterinary students and veterinary practitioners with a large animal caseload.

This Book includes eight new techniques and completely rewritten chapters on anesthesia, equine wound management, and surgical techniques in bovine and swine patients, as well as revisions to reflect advances throughout the book and updated references. Turner and McIlwraith’s Techniques in Large Animal Surgery continues to supply students and practitioners alike with a valuable resource on the fundamental techniques of farm animal surgery.

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29-Bovine Surgery and Lameness, 3rd Edition

Bovine Surgery And Lameness 3Rd Edition

Bovine Surgery and Lameness, 3rd Edition PDF veterinarians a concise text ideal for use in the field.

  • Offers a fully revised edition of the popular and well-respected book on bovine surgery and lameness
  • Presents a practical quick-reference guide ideal for the field veterinarian
  • Covers both common surgical procedures and the latest information on combating lameness
  • Written by an expert team of international authors
  • Includes access to a companion website offering video clips


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30-Practical Lambing and Lamb Care: A Veterinary Guide, 4th Edition

Practical Lambing And Lamb Care A Veterinary Guide 4Th Edition Scaled

The Fourth Edition of Practical Lambing and Lamb Care offers a complete revision and update to this comprehensive and practical resource to all aspects of lambing and lamb care.

  • Offers a thoroughly revised edition of this practical guide to all aspects of lambing and lamb care
  • Presents an authoritative resource for anyone involved in the care of pregnant ewes and newborn lambs, especially sheep farmers and veterinarians
  • Written by leading authors in the field
  • Includes information on health problems, abortion, lambing management, obstetrics and much more


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31-Current Therapy in Large Animal Theriogenology, 2nd Edition

Current Therapy In Large Animal Theriogenology 2Nd Edition

An essential resource for both students and practitioners, this comprehensive text provides practical, up-to-date information about normal reproduction and reproductive disorders in horses, cattle, small ruminants, swine, llamas, and other livestock. Featuring contributions from experts in the field, each section is devoted to a different large animal species and begins with a review of the clinically relevant aspects of the reproductive anatomy and physiology of both males and females. Key topics include the evaluation of breeding soundness, pregnancy diagnosis, diagnosis and treatment of infertility, abortion, obstetrics, surgery of the reproductive tract, care of neonates, and the latest reproductive technology.

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32-Color Atlas of Farm Animal Dermatology 2nd Edition

Color Atlas Of Farm Animal Dermatology 2Nd Edition

Color Atlas of Farm Animal Dermatology 2nd Edition is an essential reference for veterinary dermatologists, practitioners, and students alike. Emphasizing recognition and diagnosis, the book combines hundreds of color photographs with clear and concise text highlighting clinical features, differentials, and diagnostic information for each disease. Coverage includes both common and uncommon diseases of cattle, goats, sheep, llamas and alpacas, and pigs.

This new edition has been fully updated throughout, and now includes information on llamas and alpacas. Diseases covered include bacterial, fungal, parasitic, viral and protozoal, immunological, congenital and hereditary, environmental, nutritional and miscellaneous diseases, as well as neoplastic and non-neoplastic growths.

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33-Farm Animal Surgery 2nd Edition

Farm Animal Surgery 2Nd Edition

 Farm Animal Surgery 2nd Edition Masters the surgical techniques needed to treat large animals! A comprehensive resource, Farm Animal Surgery, 2nd Edition provides clear, step-by-step guidelines to performing common, field-tested surgical procedures. Coverage includes key information such as patient examination and preparation, diagnostic imaging, surgical procedures by body system, anesthesia concerns, fluid therapy, and postoperative management. Written by large animal specialists Susan Fubini and Norm Ducharme, along with a team of expert contributors, this resource is also an invaluable tool in preparing for ACVS or ECVS board exams.

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34-Color Atlas of Diseases and Disorders of Cattle 3rd Edition

Color Atlas Of Diseases And Disorders Of Cattle 3Rd Edition

Color Atlas of Diseases and Disorders of Cattle 3rd Edition . It’s the established and respected illustrated guide to the full range of conditions encountered in cattle worldwide.For this new edition the atlas has been redesigned to present over 840 colour illustrations and clearer than ever coverage of conditions, with a special emphasis on ease of use. The text has been updated and rewritten to encompass many new conditions including burns, ‘bleeding calf syndrome’, rib fracture and jejunal hemorrhagic syndrome, while treatment of existing conditions has been expanded.

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35-Veterinary Clinical Procedures in Large Animal Practice, 2nd Edition

Veterinary Clinical Procedures In Large Animal Practice 2Nd Edition

Delivering clear and concise step-by-step instructions, VETERINARY CLINICAL PROCEDURES IN LARGE ANIMAL PRACTICE, 2e thoroughly addresses the most common clinical procedures performed on horses, cattle, sheep, llamas, goats, and pigs in large animal veterinary practice. Every procedure includes a stated purpose, a review of potential complications, a checklist of the equipment required, and step-by-step descriptions with corresponding rationale that not only explains what needs to be done, but why each action will lead toward a successful outcome for the patient. With the new inclusion of clinical procedures for sheep and the addition of current information related to each large animal considered, this edition seeks to fully prepare aspiring veterinary technicians and DVMs for the field.

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36-Sheep and Goat Medicine, 3rd Edition

Sheep Goat And Cervid Medicine 3Rd Edition

Get practical answers from the only guide on the care of sheep, goats, and cervids! Authoritative yet easy to read, Sheep, Goat and Cervid Medicine, 3rd Edition covers all the latest advances in the field, including diseases and medical treatment, surgery, pain management, theriogenology, and nutrition. Clear instructions and hundreds of full-color photographs guide you step by step through common procedures including restraint for examination, administration of drugs, blood collection, and grooming. New to this edition is coverage of deer and elk medicine, reflecting the growing interest in these ruminants. Written by an expert team led by Dr. D.G. Pugh, this comprehensive reference is ideal for veterinarians and also for owners of sheep and goats.

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37-Diseases of Sheep 4th Edition

Diseases Of Sheep 4Th Edition

First published in 1983, Diseases of Sheep has become a definitive reference book on sheep diseases. This new edition has been revised and updated to maintain its original core structure and its international approach to the many diseases which affect sheep. Any veterinary surgeon or agriculturalist who works with sheep will continue to find the information in this book the most authoritative and comprehensive available.

  • Known to many as the “Moredun Sheep Book” because of its association with the Moredun Research Institute, long recognised as a centre of excellence in sheep disease research.
  • Special attention is given to specific regional disease problems in the Middle East, Southern Africa, Australia, New Zealand, North America and South America.
  • Covers technical aspects of disease prevention and treatment, including uncommon diseases, as well as sheep welfare issues.

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38-Diseases of Swine, 11th Edition

Diseases Of Swine 11Th Edition

Diseases of Swine has been the definitive reference on swine health and disease for over 60 years. This new edition has been completely revised to include the latest information, developments, and research in the field. Now with full color images throughout, this comprehensive and authoritative resource has been redesigned for improved consistency and readability, with a reorganized format for more intuitive access to information.

Diseases of Swine covers a wide range of essential topics on swine production, health, and management, with contributions from more than 100 of the foremost international experts in the field. This revised edition makes the information easy to find and includes expanded information on welfare and behavior.

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Equine Medicine Books

39-Equine Internal Medicine 4th Edition

Equine Internal Medicine 4Th Edition

Confidently diagnose, treat, and manage patient conditions with the only comprehensive book on the market devoted solely to equine internal medicine. Filled with fully updated content on principles of treatment and contributions from internationally known equine experts, Equine Internal Medicine, 4th Edition focuses on the basic pathophysiologic mechanisms that underlie the development of various equine diseases. A problem-based approach outlines how to apply the latest clinical evidence directly to the conditions you will encounter in practice. A new companion website with over 120 video clips presents diseases and disorders that cannot be explained as well through words.

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40-Equine Surgery, 5th Edition

Equine Surgery 5Th Edition

Equip yourself for success with the only book on the market that covers all aspects of equine surgery! Equine Surgery, 5th Edition prepares you to manage each surgical condition by understanding its pathophysiology and evaluating alternative surgical approaches. Explanations in the book describe how to avoid surgical infections, select and use instruments, and perfect fundamental surgical techniques including incisions, cautery, retractions, irrigation, surgical suction, wound closure, dressings, bandages, and casts. In addition to diagnostic imaging and orthopedic coverage, it includes in-depth information on anesthesia, the integumentary system (including wound management, reconstructive surgery, and skin grafting), the alimentary system, respiratory, and urogenital systems.

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41-Clinical Radiology of the Horse 4th Edition

Clinical Radiology Of The Horse 4Th Edition

Clinical Radiology of the Horse is the best-selling, practical guide to all areas of equine radiography and radiology written by an experienced group of clinicians with a broad range of backgrounds.

  • Offers an atlas of normal and clinical images, as well as a comprehensive guide to techniques, equipment, positioning, and interpretation for general veterinary practitioners and specialists in imaging and orthopaedics
  • Updates to this fourth edition fully reflect the move to digital imaging with many new figures in the book and major revisions to the chapters on the head, thorax, and abdomen
  • Contains expanded coverage of the foot, pastern, and fetlock (now in separate chapters)
  • Includes a password-protected website with all the images from the book as well as over 200 additional images with examples of more subtle lesions, more fractures, correct technique and positioning versus incorrect, immature horses, progression of disease, and pathological images

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42-Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Equine, 3rd Edition

Blackwells Five Minute Veterinary Consult Equine 3Rd Edition

Written by today’s leading experts, this book keeps practitioners completely current with the latest in disease management of horses, taking a clear and practical approach ideal for daily equine practice. Arranged by subject for efficient searching, each topic covers clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up. Practitioners gain quick access to information about conditions and disorders encompassing behavior, cardiology, dermatology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, hematology, infectious diseases, laboratory tests, musculoskeletal, neonatology, neurology, ophthalmology, respiratory, theriogenology, toxicology, and urinary diseases.

Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Equine, Third Edition enhances the practitioner’s skills in evidence-based treatment planning, and is unmatched for its comprehensive coverage of more than 500 diseases and conditions. This handy, practical guide will help cut down on time spent navigating through other resources, so that equine veterinarians and veterinary students can study, diagnose, and treat with greater efficacy.

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43-Atlas of Equine Ultrasonography

Atlas Of Equine Ultrasonography

The only visual guide to equine ultrasonography based on digital ultrasound technology.  Atlas of Equine Ultrasonography provides comprehensive coverage of both musculoskeletal and non-musculoskeletal areas of the horse. Ideal for practitioners in first opinion or referral practices, each chapter features normal images for anatomical reference followed by abnormal images covering a broad range of recognized pathologies. The book is divided into musculoskeletal, reproductive and internal medicine sections and includes positioning diagrams demonstrating how to capture optimal images. With contributions from experts around the world, this book is the go-to reference for equine clinical ultrasonography.

  • Pictorially based with a wealth of digital ultrasound images covering both musculoskeletal and non-musculoskeletal areas and their associated pathologies.
  • Each chapter begins with a discussion of normal anatomy and demonstrates how to obtain and interpret the images presented.
  • A video library of over 50 ultrasound examinations is available for streaming or download and viewing on-the-go.  Access details are provided in the book.

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44-Equine Ophthalmology 3rd Edition

Equine Ophthalmology 3Rd Edition

Now available in a fully updated third edition, Equine Ophthalmology is the most comprehensive and current clinical resource for the diagnosis and treatment of ophthalmic disease in horses.

  • Provides complete, authoritative information on the diagnosis and treatment of ophthalmic disease in horses
  • Fully updated with improved figures, the latest research, and new chapters on advanced diagnostics, foal ophthalmology, neuro-ophthalmology, national and international regulations, and an expanded chapter on inherited ocular disease
  • Features contributions from an international group of equine experts, under the editorship of a leading equine veterinary specialist
  • Offers comprehensive coverage of clinical and reference information ideal for specialists, general equine practitioners, and veterinary students alike
  • Includes access to a companion website with expanded content and figures.

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45-Equine Dentistry 3rd Edition

Equine Dentistry 3Rd Edition

Equine Dentistry 3rd Edition is A compilation of a wide range of topics discussed by world-renowned experts in the field of equine dentistry.

The new edition of this popular resource represents a total revision of previous content and provides the reader with state-of-the-art knowledge of the field. Comprehensive and definitive, Equine Dentistry third edition retains the successful approach of extensive illustration and step-by-step guidance through oral and dental procedures. In addition, it includes many new figures, expanded text sections in key areas and brings to the team two new editors of international repute. Many new contributions from international experts are combined in this text to promote not only the care of horses in regards to oral and dental health but also the education of veterinary professionals in this rapidly developing area.

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46-Equine Infectious Diseases 2nd Edition

Equine Infectious Diseases 2Nd Edition

Ideal for both practitioners and students, Equine Infectious Diseases 2nd Edition covers the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of infectious disease in horses. Organized by infectious agent — viral, bacterial and rickettsial, protozoal, and fungal — it includes complete coverage of the individual diseases caused by each type of agent. A section on clinical problems offers effective treatment for conditions such as ocular infections, CNS infections, and skin infections. Preventing and controlling infectious disease outbreaks is addressed with information on epidemiology, biosecurity, antimicrobial therapy, and recognizing foreign equine diseases.

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47-Handbook of Equine Anaesthesia 2nd Edition

Handbook Of Equine Anaesthesia 2Nd Edition

Handbook of Equine Anaesthesia 2nd Edition continues to offer sound practical guidance on all aspects of sedation and anaesthesia in horses. It covers anaesthesia in a logical way from pre-anaesthetic preparation through to induction, maintenance, monitoring and recovery; as well as highlighting any problems and special situations. This second edition now devotes a new chapter to analgesia.As an easy reference book, it is designed for everyday use by the equine practitioner; from those who anaesthetise many horses daily under theatre conditions, to those who anaesthetise just a few a year. Moreover, Handbook of Equine Anaesthesia is useful for veterinary students, giving them a complete overview of equine anaesthesia.

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48-Equine Science 5th Edition

Equine Science 5Th Edition

This engaging, informative text provides a thorough introduction to equine care and management. EQUINE SCIENCE, Fifth Edition, features a full–color layout, numerous photos, and vivid illustrations that help bring chapter material to life, as well as a logical, easy-to-understand sequence of topics. Following an introduction to the equine industry, you’ll learn about horses’ unique anatomy and needs; how to care for, train, and manage horses; and key business aspects of the industry. This all-new edition also clearly connects text content to National AFNR (Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources) Standards, key math and science concepts, and current references, helping prepare you for success in the classroom and beyond.   

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49-Adams and Stashak’s Lameness in Horses 7th Edition

Adams And Stashaks Lameness In Horses 7Th Edition

Adams and Stashak’s Lameness in Horses 7th Edition features updates throughout and more in-depth information on objective lameness assessment, sports medicine, rehabilitation, treatment options, and advanced imaging. With contributions from the world’s leading authorities on the subject, the book covers functional anatomy, examination, imaging, lameness of the distal limb, proximal limb, and axial skeleton, principles of musculoskeletal disease, therapies, occupation-related conditions, lameness in young horses, and farriery. More than 1,700 images support the text, making it an exhaustive reference for all aspects of lameness in horses.

Now in its seventh edition, Adams and Stashak’s Lameness in Horses continues to be the definitive resource on equine lameness for veterinary specialists, practitioners, interns, residents, and students alike. The book is supplemented with a companion website offering a plethora of “how-to” videos demonstrating a variety of different physical examination techniques, including palpation, hoof testing, flexion tests, and perineural and intrasynovial injection techniques.

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50-Handbook of Equine Radiography

Handbook Of Equine Radiography

Handbook of Equine Radiography is a practical and accessible “how-to” guide to obtaining high-quality radiographs of the horse. It covers all aspects of taking radiographs of the commonly examined regions (lower limbs and skull) as well as less frequently examined areas (upper limbs, trunk).

The main part of the book consists of diagrams to illustrate the positioning of the horse and the radiography equipment. For each view, a benchmark example of a normal radiograph is illustrated. The accompanying text for each radiographic view succinctly presents the most relevant aspects.

Practically orientated, and including chapters covering such key areas as radiation safety in equine radiography and patient preparation, plus a trouble-shooting section, the Handbook of Equine Radiography is an indispensable guide to practitioners in all countries engaged in equine work.

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51-Equine Emergency and Critical Care Medicine

Equine Emergency And Critical Care Medicine

Early recognition of problems by owners, appropriate first aid, and timely referral by field veterinarians improve the chance of survival for horses requiring emergency management and critical care. With a view toward improving patient outcome, Equine Emergency and Critical Care Medicine is written by a team of enthusiastic equine specialists who explore a host of conditions that the equine veterinarian will encounter. Areas covered include:

  • Digestive, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, urogenital, and nervous systems
  • Neonatal diseases
  • Lacerations, wounds, and skin diseases requiring emergency care
  • Emergency ophthalmological problems
  • Toxicology
  • Antimicrobial drugs and nutritional support
  • Fluid, inotrope, and vasopressor therapy
  • Sedation and analgesia
  • Systemic inflammatory response
  • The postoperative colic patient
  • Critical care of the pregnant mare and neonate
  • The recumbent horse

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52-The Equine Distal Limb: An Atlas of Clinical Anatomy and Comparative Imaging

The Equine Distal Limb An Atlas Of Clinical Anatomy And Comparative Imaging

The Equine Distal Limb: An Atlas of Clinical Anatomy and Comparative Imaging by Jean-Marie Denoix who is the world’s leading equine musculoskeletal system anatomist and has become one of the foremost equine diagnostic ultrasonographers. There is therefore nobody better to compile a reference atlas of the clinical anatomy of the foot, pastern and fetlock, correlated with images obtained by radiography, diagnostic ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging. Advanced imaging techniques require in depth knowledge of anatomy for accurate interpretation and especially when using magnetic resonance imaging this must be a 3-dimensional concept of anatomy.

This book provides a unique contribution and is an invaluable reference text. The image quality is extraordinarily high and the multiple views of each area of the distal limb provide an extremely detailed evaluation. Each part opens with a characteristically superb anatomical drawing by the author. Each spread of pages deals with a single dissection viewed by means of colour photographs, labelled black and white equivalents, plus x-rays, ultrasound and MRI scans as required. The book is designed for maximum clarity using a generous page size. The atlas is essential for anybody involved in detailed anatomical study, complex lameness evaluation or advanced imaging techniques.

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53-Equine Clinical Medicine, Surgery and Reproduction, 2nd Edition

Equine Clinical Medicine Surgery And Reproduction 2Nd Edition

This fully-revised new edition of the best-selling Equine Clinical Medicine, Surgery and Reproduction is supported by over 1800 illustrations of the highest quality: colour photographs, diagnostic images including MRI and CT, and diagrams. System-based, the chapters introduce each individual system with precise information on the relevant basic anatomy and physiology, standard clinical examination techniques and useful differential diagnostic aids. This is followed by diseases and disorders that are pertinent to that system, grouped together either anatomically or based on presenting clinical signs. Each condition is described using consistent headings: definition/overview, etiology and pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnoses, management/treatment, and prognosis. Additional chapters deal with the foal and wounds.

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54-Manual of Equine Reproduction 3rd Edition

Manual Of Equine Reproduction 3Rd Edition

Now in full color, Manual of Equine Reproduction, 3rd Edition provides a comprehensive look at the reproductive management of horses, including management of stallions, pregnant mares, and neonatal foals. Expert authors use a concise, practical approach in discussing improved therapies and treatments in equine breeding. You’ll enhance your skills and knowledge with this book’s detailed coverage of techniques used in reproductive examination, breeding procedures, pregnancy diagnosis, foaling, and reproductive tract surgery.

  • A clinical emphasis includes a step-by-step format of possible scenarios from conception to breeding management.
  • Practical information includes topics such as breeding with transported cooled or frozen semen, and caring for the broodmare and newborn foal.
  • The organization of material corresponds to the course of study in veterinary school, so you can find topics easily.
  • Chapter objectives and study questions at the beginning of each chapter guide you through the material and provide clear learning goals.
  • Evaluation of Breeding Records chapter covers the importance of breeding records, and how to use them to evaluate stallion performance and optimize fertility.

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55-Manual of Clinical Procedures in the Horse

Manual Of Clinical Procedures In The Horse

Manual of Clinical Procedures in the Horse is a detailed step-by-step guide to clinical skills in equine practice. With information on techniques ranging from physical examination and blood sampling to lameness and neurologic exams and other specialized procedures, the book is an aid to confidently and effectively performing procedures used in daily equine practice. Well illustrated with clinical photographs throughout, the book’s focus is on providing thorough, easy-to-understand descriptions of 80 techniques necessary for examining and treating horses.

Each topic includes a summary of the purpose, potential complications, equipment and proper restraint for each procedure, with a detailed description of each action for the technique and the rationale behind it.  More than 1,100 full-colour clinical photographs demonstrate the techniques.  Manual of Clinical Procedures in the Horse is an essential purchase for any veterinary practice seeing equine patients.

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56-Equine MRI

Equine Mri

Equine MRI is a unique, comprehensive guide to MRI in the horse. Edited by Rachel Murray, a leading authority and researcher in the field with over ten years of equine clinical MRI experience, the book also includes contributions from worldwide experts in the subject.

Divided into the following four sections, the book presents key information based on previous validation work and clinical practice:

  • Principles of MRI, including the practicalities of image acquisition and interpretation
  • Normal MRI anatomy and normal variations
  • Different types of pathological change
  • Options for clinical management and prognosis for different conditions

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57-Practical Equine Dermatology, 2nd Edition

Practical Equine Dermatology 2Nd Edition

Practical Equine Dermatology, 2nd Edition delivers a thorough exploration of common dermatological conditions affecting horses whilst also drawing attention to rarer conditions.

The Practical Equine Dermatology 2nd Edition book offers detailed advice on treatments and products currently available on the veterinary market in a problem-oriented layout that provides a practical approach to quick and efficient diagnosis. Clinical presentations, diagnostic features, and disorder management for each described condition are presented in an easy-to-digest bullet-point format supported by concise references and recommendations for further reading.

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58-Equine Internal Medicine: Self-Assessment Color Review Second Edition

Equine Internal Medicine Self Assessment Color Review Second Edition

Written by well-respected experts from the UK and USA, Equine Internal Medicine: Self-Assessment Color Review Second Edition presents more than 200 interesting and challenging cases encountered in equine practice, complete with photographs, imaging, or endoscopy findings; blood or fluid smears; other ancillary tests; and, in some cases, pathologic findings. Completely revised and updated, this new edition of a bestseller contains entirely new cases, presented in random order, just as they would in practice.

The cases are formatted as self-assessment problems comprising integrated questions, illustrations, and detailed explanations designed to educate as well as to provide answers. The authors include pertinent questions with each case to guide you through the case workup and treatments with in-depth answers for each case in the second half of the book. They provide a short list of pertinent references after most cases.

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59-Equine Fracture Repair, 2nd Edition

Equine Fracture Repair 2Nd Edition

The Second Edition of Equine Fracture Repair has been thoroughly revised and updated to present the most current information on fracture repair in horses. Written to be accessible, the text is logically arranged, presenting the most authoritative information on equine fracture repair with explanations of the expected outcomes. The book provides valuable insight as to whether a fracture should be repaired, the degree of difficulty of the procedure, and a wealth of practical information on surgical techniques.

This fully revised Second Edition offers a valuable tool for veterinarians making clinical decisions when faced with horse fractures, covering emergency care and splinting, the most current innovative techniques in equine fracture repair, and new implant systems. With contributions from leading experts in the field, the revised edition continues to be the essential reference to the subject.

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60-Complications in Equine Surgery

Complications In Equine Surgery

A groundbreaking reference on complications associated with equine surgical procedures

Complications in Equine Surgery is the first reference to focus exclusively on understanding, preventing, recognizing, managing, and prognosing, technical and post-procedural complications in equine surgery. Edited by two noted experts on the topic, the book presents evidence-based information using a clear approach, organized by body system. Featuring color images, the book contains detailed coverage of the gastrointestinal, respiratory, musculoskeletal, urogenital, and neurological systems.

Each chapter contains a short introduction of the procedure with explanations of when and how the procedure is to be performed. All chapters review how to recognize and prevent technical complications and explain how to manage post-operative complications.

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Zoo& Wildlife Books

61-Fowler’s Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine Current Therapy, Volume 10

Fowlers Zoo And Wild Animal Medicine Current Therapy Volume 10

Get the latest advances in zoo and wild animal medicine in one invaluable reference! Written by internationally recognized experts, Fowler’s Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy, Volume 10 provides a practical guide to the latest research and clinical management of captive and free-ranging wild animals. For each animal, coverage includes topics such as biology, anatomy and special physiology, reproduction, restraint and handling, housing requirements, nutrition and feeding, surgery and anesthesia, diagnostics, and treatment protocols. New topics in this edition include holistic treatments, antibiotic resistance in aquariums, non-invasive imaging for amphibians, emerging reptile viruses, and African ground hornbill medicine, in addition to giant anteater medicine, Brucella in marine animals, and rhinoceros birth parameters. With coverage of many subjects where information has not been readily available, Fowler’s is a resource you don’t want to be without.

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62-Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine Current Therapy, 6th Edition

Zoo And Wild Animal Medicine

With expert contributors from around the world sharing their knowledge on 57 new cutting-edge areas of interest, Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine, Volume 6 continues to provide outstanding coverage of today’s most relevant topics. This book is an essential resource in zoo and wild animal medicine, addressing the special challenges posed by individual and herd medical management, newly emerging diseases in diverse wild animal populations, the effect of habitat loss and destruction on wildlife species, and the utilization of zoo animals in the surveillance and detection of potential zoonoses. The user-friendly current therapy approach continues to serve a vital function in the field by fostering a conservation biology ethic, bridging the gap between captive and free-ranging wild animal medicine, from a diverse group of experts.

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63-Wildlife Medicine and Rehabilitation: Self-Assessment Color Review

Wildlife Medicine And Rehabilitation Self Assessment Color Review

Veterinarians increasingly encounter wildlife casualties in practice and have a duty of care for the welfare of the animals. This comprehensive and easy-to-use self assessment book contains some 208 clinical cases with 325 illustrations. It has been compiled by authors with a wide range of experience and expertise in this area. Common conditions seen in wildlife species are covered with cases from Europe, North America, the Middle East and Australia. The selection of cases is presented randomly and covers scenarios relevant to most readers. The book is of value to veterinarians in practice and training and to all those working directly with wildlife who wish to expand their knowledge in this field.

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64-Medical Management of Wildlife Species A Guide for Veterinary Practitioners

Medical Management Of Wildlife Species A Guide For Veterinary Practitioners

Medical Management of Wildlife Species A Guide for Veterinary Practitioners offers an all-encompassing resource for reliable information on the medical management of wild birds, mammals, amphibians, and turtles. Focusing on the medical information relevant to the wildlife setting, it covers triage, emergency care, and other key considerations in handling, diagnosing, and treating wild animals. The book’s population-based approach encourages practitioners to understand individual animal care within the broader context.

Medical Management of Wildlife Species: A Guide for Practitioners begins with a brief summary of natural history, and introductory chapters address general topics such as pre-release conditioning, post-release monitoring, and legal issues associated with handling wildlife species. Species-specific chapters provide practical information on medical management, including the most prevalent concerns for each species and the epidemiology of infectious diseases.

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65-Zoo and Wild Mammal Formulary

Zoo And Wild Mammal Formulary

Zoo and Wild Mammal Formulary offers fast access to authoritative dosing information for drugs used in more than 35 zoo and wild mammal groups, including marsupials, bears, and elephants. Taking an easy-to-use tabular format, the book is organized by taxa, with drug doses sorted by type and alphabetically arranged in every chapter.

Clear and comprehensive, the book offers dosages for all important drugs, including antibiotics, antifungals, anesthetics, analgesics, and more. Each dose is referenced with a journal or textbook source, including the number of animals in the study where available, making it easy to find trusted information.

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66-BSAVA Manual of Wildlife Casualties, 2nd Edition

Bsava Manual Of Wildlife Casualties 2Nd Edition

The provision of care for wildlife casualties remains an important responsibility of veterinary surgeons, limited not only to emergency care but also encompassing the rehabilitation and release of the casualty and the wider impact on the environment. The second edition of the BSAVA Manual of Wildlife Casualties provides critical information for all stages from the initial decision to intervene to monitoring of released casualties.

Fully updated, the initial chapters have also been expanded to include new chapters on: capture, handling and transportation; triage and decision-making; first aid and emergency care; wildlife anaesthesia; management in captivity; care and hand-rearing of young animals; and investigation of wildlife crime.

The second half of the manual returns to a species- and group-specific format, covering wild mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles encountered in the UK. Each chapter gives details on: ecology and biology; anatomy and physiology; capture, handling and transportation; examination and clinical assessment for rehabilitation; first aid and short-term hospitalization; anaesthesia and analgesia; specific conditions; therapeutics; management in captivity; rearing of neonates and juveniles; release; and legal aspects. Specialist organizations and useful contacts are also provided at the end of chapters and in a comprehensive appendix.

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67-Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals

Pathology Of Wildlife And Zoo Animals Scaled

Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals is a comprehensive resource that covers the pathology of wildlife and zoo species, including a wide scope of animals, disease types and geographic regions. It is the definitive book for students, biologists, scientists, physicians, veterinary clinicians and pathologists working with non-domestic species in a variety of settings. General chapters include information on performing necropsies, proper techniques to meet the specialized needs of forensic cases, laboratory diagnostics, and an introduction into basic principles of comparative clinical pathology. The taxon-based chapters provide information about disease in related groups of animals and include descriptions of gross and histologic lesions, pathogenesis and diagnostics. For each group of animals, notable, unique gross and microscopic anatomical features are provided to further assist the reader in deciding whether differences from the domestic animal paradigm are “normal.” Additional online content, which includes text, images, and whole scanned glass slides of selected conditions, expands the published material resulting in a comprehensive approach to the topic.

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68-Zoo Animal and Wildlife Immobilization and Anesthesia, 2nd Edition

Zoo Animal And Wildlife Immobilization And Anesthesia 2Nd Edition

Zoo Animal and Wildlife Immobilization and Anesthesia, Second Edition is a fully updated and revised version of the first comprehensive reference on anesthetic techniques in captive and free-ranging wildlife. Now including expanded coverage of avian and aquatic species, this exhaustive resource presents information on the full range of zoo and wildlife species. Covering topics ranging from monitoring and field anesthesia to CPR and euthanasia, the heart of the book is devoted to 53 species-specific chapters providing a wealth of information on little-known and common zoo and wildlife animals alike.

In addition to new species chapters, the new edition brings a new focus on pain management, including chronic pain, and more information on species-specific physiology. Chapters on airway management, monitoring, emergency therapeutics, and field procedures are all significantly expanded as well. This update to Zoo Animal and Wildlife Immobilization and Anesthesia is an invaluable addition to the library of all zoo and wildlife veterinarians.

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Avian Medicine Books

69-Backyard Poultry Medicine and Surgery: A Guide for Veterinary Practitioners, 2nd Edition

Backyard Poultry Medicine And Surgery A Guide For Veterinary Practitioners 2Nd Edition

You can look to Backyard Poultry Medicine and Surgery, Second Edition for practical veterinary information on the treatment of poultry. You’ll find six new chapters covering radiology, toxicology, euthanasia, gross pathology, behavior, and emergency medicine. The book is written by some of the most respected specialists in a broad range of fields.

With many original chapters also significantly expanded, the book provides a complete guide to all aspects of husbandry, medicine, and surgery for poultry. Diseases are organized by body systems to aid in developing a diagnosis. This book supports your work as a practitioner, whether you treat birds occasionally or regularly.

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70-Diseases Of Poultry, A Colour Atlas

Diseases Of Poultry A Colour Atlas

The atlas contains 557 colour photographs demonstrating the overall pathology of birds.

The book includes more than 50 diseases from avian infectious pathology and a similar number from non-infectious pathology.There are both classic and well known diseases and new and little known diseases.

The book is designed for veterinarians, veterinary students, poultry farmers and poultry specialists.

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71-Diseases of Poultry 14th Edition

Diseases Of Poultry 14Th Edition Scaled

The most complete and definitive reference to all aspects of poultry diseases, Diseases of Poultry 14th Edition has been fully revised and updated to offer a comprehensive survey of current knowledge.

  • Updates the definitive reference of poultry health and disease
  • Provides more clinically relevant information on management of specific diseases, contributed by clinical poultry veterinarians
  • Offers information on disease control in organic and antibiotic-free production
  • Presents more concise, streamlined chapters for ease of use
  • Incorporates advances in the field, from new diagnostic tools and information to changes brought about by the increasing globalization and the re-emergence of zoonotic pathogens

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72-Avian Pathology, A Colour Handbook

Avian Pathology A Colour Handbook 1

Since past few decades because of changing demand for white meat from red meat, the small poultry farms and backyard poultry units developed to commercial farms. The adaptation of intensive poultry keeping methods and rearing of different species of poultry together has given rise to many disease problems. Since the inception of intensive poultry production worldwide farmers were struggling with severe diseases and huge economic losses in their unit. In order to keep pace with ever expanding poultry industry and meeting the increased demand for poultry products, knowledge for prevention and control of poultry diseases will be crucial. The book will enable veterinary students to have sound understanding and working knowledge of poultry diseases. The book will also assist personnel at the poultry disease diagnostic laboratories and progressive farmers. The book devotes total seven sections including basics about avian, bacterial diseases, viral diseases, fungal diseases, parasitic diseases, nutritional deficiency diseases and miscellaneous disorders affecting poultry. There are total 74 chapters in a capsule form. Emphasis has been put on etiology, transmission, epizootiology, clinical signs, gross and microscopic lesions, diagnosis, treatment and control. Where necessary, mention has been made on zoonoses. Necessary images and tables have been added to enhance the understanding of the diseases.

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73-Avian Histopathology 4th Edition

Avian Histophatology 4Th Edition

Avian Histopathology 4th Edition is available for purchase now. The new edition has about 650 pages that include 2005 colored pictures. Several chapters in this edition have been revised by incorporating new information and adding new images. As in previous editions, the book maintains the organization of chapters by organ systems, which provides a systemic approach to avian histopathology. Lesions associated with specific diseases and conditions in different organs and tissues are described.

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74-Clinical Veterinary Advisor Birds and Exotic Pets

Clinical Veterinary Advisor Birds And Exotic Pets

Providing accurate, at-a-glance information on managing the diseases of birds and exotic pets, Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Birds and Exotic Pets is the only comprehensive resource on the market covering birds, reptiles, small mammals, and other non-traditional pets. Concise summaries of hundreds of common medical problems help you consider differential diagnoses, recommend diagnostic tests, interpret results mindful of unique species differences, utilize important concepts of species-specific husbandry and nutrition, prescribe treatments, and provide follow-up care. With contributions from recognized avian and exotics experts and edited by Jörg Mayer and Thomas M. Donnelly, this clinical reference provides all the information you need in one book!

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75-Avian Medicine and Surgery In Practice Companion and Aviary Birds 2nd Edition

Avian Medicine And Surgery In Practice Companion And Aviary Birds Second Edition

Avian Medicine and Surgery In Practice Companion and Aviary Birds is an invaluable quick reference resource for clinicians and a useful study guide for veterinary students. Early chapters cover physical examination, advice on interpreting diagnostic tests, and avian anatomy and physiology. Disorders affecting the different body regions and systems make up the majority of the book from the external—skin, feathers, eyes, legs and feet—to the internal including the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system. Further aspects of avian medicine discussed in the book include behavioural problems, incubation of eggs, paediatrics and surgery.Written by an expert with more than 30 years of clinical experience in avian medicine, the new edition is thoroughly revised with updated diseases, new and expanded clinical techniques, and over 100 new color illustrations. It also adds four important new chapters: Husbandry, Grooming and Nutrition, Diagnostic Imaging, Endoscopy, and Oncology as well as new sections on cardiovascular anatomy and neuroanatomy.

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76-Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Avian

Blackwell%E2%80%99S Five Minute Veterinary Consult Avian

Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Avian  presents complete information on diseases and conditions seen in birds in a quick-reference format ideal for clinical practice.•    Offers fast access to essential information on 128 avian diseases and syndromes
•    Written by leading experts in avian medicine
•    Uses the trusted Five-Minute Veterinary Consult format
•    Focuses on practical clinical knowledge
•    Includes access to a companion website offering algorithms, procedure guides, and client education handouts to download, edit, and use in practice

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77-Sturkie’s Avian Physiology 7th Edition

Sturkies Avian Physiology 7Th Edition

Sturkie’s Avian Physiology 7th Edition is the classic, comprehensive, single volume on the physiology of domestic and wild birds. This latest edition is thoroughly revised and updated with several new chapters with entirely new content on such topics as vision, sensory taste, pain reception, evolution and domestication. Chapters throughout have been greatly expanded due to the many recent advances in the field. This book is written by international experts in different aspects of avian physiology. For easy reading and searches, the book is structured under a series of themes, beginning with genomic studies, sensory biology and nervous systems, and major organs. Sturkie’s Avian Physiology 7th Edition is an important resource for ornithologists, poultry scientists, and other researchers in avian studies. It is also useful for students in avian or poultry physiology, as well as avian veterinarians.

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78-Current Therapy in Avian Medicine and Surgery

Current Therapy In Avian Medicine And Surgery

A current and cutting-edge reference, Current Therapy in Avian Medicine and Surgery takes the popular Current Therapy approach in providing succinct and clear information pertinent to the medical care of avian species. Most chapters include an up-to-date delivery of the current state of knowledge on their subject material, and provide practical approaches and thought processes applicable to diagnosis and therapy where appropriate. Information is always easy to find, with topics including the latest advances in internal medicine; behavioral medicine; anesthesia, analgesia, and surgery. Sections dedicated to welfare, conservation, and practice risk management explore important, but less commonly discussed aspects of avian practice; and the pattern recognition portion of the text offers readers a view of what companion bird conditions are likely to be seen in practice in different parts of the world. Written by a team of highly regarded contributors from around the world, this text helps readers, regardless of location and current knowledge, develop and augment skills in the medical and surgical care of avian species.

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79-Avian Immunology 3rd edition

Avian Immunology 3Rd Edition

Avian Immunology 3rd Edition contains a detailed description of the avian innate immune system, encompassing the mucosal, enteric, respiratory and reproductive systems. The diseases and disorders it covers, include immunodepressive diseases and immune evasion, autoimmune diseases, and tumors of the immune system. Practical aspects of vaccination are examined as well. Extensive appendices summarize resources for scientists including cell lines, inbred chicken lines, cytokines, chemokines, and monoclonal antibodies. With contributions from the foremost international experts in the field, Avian Immunology 3rd, provides the most up-to-date crucial information not only for poultry health professionals and avian biologists, but also for comparative and veterinary immunologists, graduate students, and veterinary students with an interest in avian immunology. Avian Immunology 3rd edition is a fascinating and growing field and surely provides new and exciting insights for mainstream immunology in the future.

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80-Raptor Medicine, Surgery, and Rehabilitation, 3rd Edition

Raptor Medicine Surgery And Rehabilitation 3Rd Edition

Comprehensive, practical and extensively illustrated, this book accumulates years of practical knowledge when dealing with injured birds of prey. Written by a practicing veterinarian it is a concise, helpful, day-to-day guide which outlines everything from handling and the intake examination, through to practical procedures and the treatment of a comprehensive range of conditions and injuries. Also covering advice on housing, rehabilitation and eventual release, and fully updated throughout, this new edition incorporates new images as well as new and expanded information on electrocution, pesticides, feeding puppets and species habitats.

With plenty of new ‘raptor tips’ and questions, Raptor Medicine, Surgery, and Rehabilitation, 3rd Edition, includes handy hints, clinical pearls and retains its emphasis on practical procedures throughout. Forming a complete and approachable guide to raptor veterinary care, this book also features numerous rapid reference charts and appendices.

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81-Handbook of Avian Medicine 2nd Edition

Handbook Of Avian Medicine

Handbook of Avian Medicine PDF gives the small animal practitioner a complete information source for the basics of avian medicine and surgery. It pulls together the international expertise of the avian veterinary community by incorporating the knowledge of authors world-wide. The first six chapters cover the basic medical information needed to run a primary care avian practice. The focus here is on introductory level material and the average companion animal practice. If you see between one and five birds a week, this text is for you. The later chapters are species-specific and help the veterinarian in evaluating, treating, and/or referring various bird species. The new edition builds on the success of the first edition and includes full colour illustrations throughout.

  • First 6 chapters: cover basic information needed to run a primary care avian practice
  • Later chapters: species-specific helping veterinarians to build up their knowledge in order to evaluate, treat and/or refer
  • Multi-author text combining best practice tips and different techniques from avian experts worldwide: the editors are from 3 different countries and the chapter authors from many more
  • Provides quick access to crucial information for the non-specialist
  • Offers the basics of avian medicine and surgery

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82-BSAVA Manual of Avian Practice: A Foundation Manual

Bsava Manual Of Avian Practice A Foundation Manual

Avian Immunology 3rd Edition contains a detailed

Authored by vets with experience in all aspects of avian care, this manual is an essential tool for those in general practice who do not often see birds. Subjects including anatomy and physiology, husbandry, behaviour, examination, surgical techniques are covered in detail; common presentations are also dealt with in individual chapters.

  • Includes Quick Reference Guides
  • Informative and detailed appendices
  • Clinical signs-based section, exploring particular conditions in detail

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83-Avian Disease Manual, 7th Edition

Avian Disease Manual 7Th Edition

The Avian Disease Manual has become the best selling publication of the AAAP. Its success is likely due to its ability to deliver at a reasonable cost, concise yet complete information on commonly encountered diseases affecting poultry. It has become an educational staple to North American veterinary and poultry science students, to those interested in avian diseases, and a most useful reference in developing countries.

The manual is divided in various chapters grouping diseases by agent (viral, bacterial, fungal, etc…). Within each chapter, diseases are listed alphabetically and the addition of an index  further helps the reader to quickly locate the required information. The Appendix contains tables, each of which lists the most common diseases of a single body system. Various tables let you quickly compare diseases at a glance. This edition contains two new tables: diseases of the ducks and diseases of the upland game birds, to cover a wider spectrum of avian species. A poultry drug use list is also provided as a general guide. Also new to this manual is a chapter ‘’How do we investigate a sick flock?” The necropsy chapter includes the differential diagnosis procedure which goes on when a post-mortem examination is being performed. Last, the 7th edition includes more photos than previous editions and photos are included in the text and can be found after each disease section.

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84-Avian Medicine 3 Edition

Avian Medicine 3 Edition

Combining the in-depth coverage of a text with the practicality of a clinical manual and the visual detail of an atlas, Avian Medicine3rd Edition is the complete, all-in-one guide to every aspect of avian care. Written by some of the world’s leading authorities in avian medicine, this highly illustrated reference covers a wide variety of avian species — including psittacines, raptors, bustards, parrots, finches, and more. Comprehensive coverage includes issues ranging from the basic aspects of patient management to the most sophisticated diagnostic techniques. Plus, with more illustrations, a wealth of practical advice, and the latest information on cutting-edge treatments and procedures incorporated into this new edition, today’s general clinician will be fully equipped to effectively and confidently care for all birds.

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85-Atlas of Avian Necropsy, Macroscopic Diagnosis Sampling, Updated Edition

Atlas Of Avian Necropsy Macroscopic Diagnosis Sampling Updated Edition

Atlas of Avian Necropsy, Macroscopic Diagnosis Sampling, Updated Edition describes the avian necropsy technique in a detailed and systematic manner. It also provides information about the pathologies commonly observed in poultry at the slaughterhouse, as well as guidelines on how to collect samples for diagnostic tests. This updated edition includes, in addition to more than 200 images, explanatory videos to obtain the maximum diagnostic yield.


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86-Avian Medicine and Surgery: Self-Assessment Color Review, Second Edition

Avian Medicine And Surgery Self Assessment Color Review Second Edition

This completely revamped second edition of Avian Medicine and Surgery includes over 260 all-new colour illustrated cases, with questions and answers fully exploring a breadth of diseases and disorders. Avian patients are a routine part of the veterinary case load and are being seen by many clinicians across the world. This book provides a unique quick reference for clinicians and a useful self-test for students by offering comprehensive, clinically-oriented information that can be quickly accessed, easily understood and applied.

With contributions from leading international authorities with diverse fields of expertise, the book covers a wide range of disciplines, organ systems and species. The cases are presented in a random order, just as they would appear in daily practice, challenging the reader to address real clinical situation and offering, where possible, a comprehensive solution.

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87-Essentials of Avian Medicine and Surgery 3rd Edition

Essentials Of Avian Medicine And Surgery 3Rd Edition

Essentials of Avian Medicine and Surgery 3rd Edition is designed as a concise quick reference for the busy practitioner and animal nurse. Eminently practical, this classic avian text is prized for its down-to-earth approach.

  • new contributions from world renowned experts in avian medicine
  • new chapter on the special senses of birds, an understanding of which is crucial when giving advice on avian welfare problems
  • fully up-to-date on the latest diagnostic and imaging techniques
  • avian zoonotics are highlighted in infectious diseases section

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Veterinary Anaesthesia Books

88-Lumb and Jones Veterinary Anesthesia And Analgesia 5th Edition

Lumb And Jones Veterinary Anesthesia And Analgesia

Lumb and Jones Veterinary Anesthesia And Analgesia 5th Edition is a reorganized and updated edition of the gold-standard reference for anesthesia and pain management in veterinary patients.

  • Provides a thoroughly updated edition of this comprehensive reference on veterinary anesthesia and analgesia, combining state-of-the-art scientific knowledge and clinically relevant information
  • Covers immobilization, sedation, anesthesia, and analgesia of companion, wild, zoo, and laboratory animals
  • Takes a body systems approach for easier reference to information about anesthetizing patients with existing conditions
  • Adds 10 completely new chapters with in-depth discussions of perioperative heat balance, coagulation disorders, pacemaker implantation, cardiac output measurement, cardiopulmonary bypass, shelter anesthesia and pain management, anesthetic risk assessment, principles of anesthetic pharmacology, and more
  • Now printed in color, with more than 400 images

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89-Veterinary Anaesthesia 11th Edition

Veterinary Anaesthesia 11Th Edition

An acknowledged classic in its field, Veterinary Anaesthesia 11th edition has undergone a thorough revision to bring you the latest information in a more accessible format than ever before. The book meets the needs of several groups. For students, it provides basic concepts and ‘how to’ advice on anaesthetizing animals. For veterinarians in practice or those working with laboratory animals it’s an excellent reference that draws on both the considerable experience of the authors and on published scientific data. Those wishing to specialize in veterinary anaesthesia will find it a stimulating introduction to the subject. This revision has been expanded to incorporate evidence-based information, additional chapters on advances in analgesia, anaesthesia of small mammals, fish and wildlife, and updated information on cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation (CPCR).

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90-Veterinary Anaesthesia: Principles to Practice 2nd Edition

Veterinary Anaesthesia Principles To Practice 2Nd Edition

Veterinary Anaesthesia: Principles to Practice 2nd Edition is A popular book amongst veterinary students and veterinary anaesthesia residents, the new edition of Veterinary Anaesthesia: Principles to Practice continues to be a comprehensive textbook covering the key principles of veterinary anaesthesia, encompassing a wide range of species.                   

Fully revised, the information is summarised in a simple, accessible format to help readers navigate and locate relevant information quickly. Filled with technical and species-based chapters, it offers a quick reference guide to analgesic infusions, as well as emergency drug dose charts for canines, felines, and equines.

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91-Pain Management in Veterinary Practice

Pain Management In Veterinary Practice

Pain Management in Veterinary Practice provides veterinary practitioners with the information needed to recognize and manage pain in a wide range of large, small, and exotic animal species. Encompassing acute, adaptive, and chronic, maladaptive pain, the book provides an up-to-date review of the physiology and pathophysiology of pain. Pain Management in Veterinary Practice offers specific strategies for addressing pain in animals, including local and regional analgesia, continuous rate infusions, and novel methods of analgesic drug delivery.

With comprehensive information on the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic characteristics of analgesic drugs, the book goes beyond pharmaceutical options to incorporate scientific information on techniques for complementary treatment, including physical therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic techniques, and nutritional strategies. Pain Management in Veterinary Practice is a valuable resource for developing pain management protocols in the veterinary clinic.

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92-Handbook of Veterinary Anesthesia 5th edition

Handbook Of Veterinary Anesthesia 5Th Edition

Handbook of Veterinary Anesthesia, 5th Edition is a well-accepted guide to performing anesthesia and anesthetic techniques safely and effectively. This convenient pocket guide provides clear, concise guidelines on anesthetic procedures for dogs, cats, horses, ruminants, camelids, pigs, birds, and other exotic pets. Topics include patient evaluation and preparation, local anesthetic drugs, anesthetic equipment, patient monitoring, pain management, breathing systems and ventilation, shock therapy, respiratory and cardiac emergencies, and euthanasia. Written by leading anesthesiology experts William W. Muir III and John A. E. Hubbell, this practical handbook is the perfect size to take anywhere!

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93-Canine and Feline Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease, 2nd Edition

Canine And Feline Anesthesia And Co Existing Disease 2Nd Edition

Canine and Feline Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease 2nd Edition expands and updates the only book solely dedicated to practical anesthetic techniques for dogs and cats with co-existing disease. The book now includes additional images in full color, new discussions of cutting-edge drugs and techniques, and updated chapters and information throughout.

Canine and Feline Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease 2nd Edition PDF provides in-depth and clinically-useful information that can easily be incorporated into the progressive companion animal practice. It offers more than 200 new images and 4 new chapters focusing on urogenital concerns, genetic diseases, nociceptive disorders, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation and post-resuscitation care. It is intuitively organized by body system to allow for quick and easy reference.

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94-BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Anaesthesia and Analgesia, 3rd Edition

Bsava Manual Of Canine And Feline Anaesthesia And Analgesia 3Rd Edition

Anaesthesia and analgesia is a constantly advancing field and this new edition has been extensively revised and updated to take account of the latest techniques and considerations. The structure, which has worked so well for the previous editions, has been retained and there are new chapters on pain assessment methods, anaesthesia for MRI and how to manage chronic pain.

Full-colour illustrations, tables and charts allow readers to easily visualise techniques, ensuring that this manual will be a must-have for any practice.

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95-Small Animal Anesthesia and Pain Management A Color Handbook 2nd Edition

Small Animal Anesthesia And Pain Management A Color Handbook

This is a concise and quick reference guide, clinically oriented, based on experience underpinned by published research data.Small Animal Anesthesia and Pain Management A Color Handbook covers anesthetic equipment, monitoring, premedication, intravenous induction agents, injectable anesthetic combinations, inhalant anesthesia, anesthesia for specific diseases, fluid therapy, anesthetic emergencies and complications, acute and chronic pain management. Drug dosages and anesthetic protocols are provided in tabular form. The book contains a wealth of superb illustrations.

Small Animal Anesthesia and Pain Management is of value to all those who need practical information easily to hand: small animal practitioners, veterinary technicians/nurses, and veterinary students.

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96-Handbook of Veterinary Pain Management 3rd Edition

Handbook Of Veterinary Pain Management 3Rd Edition

Trust the Handbook of Veterinary Pain Management 3rd Edition to help you meet the increasing need for effective pain management in the animals you treat. This user-friendly guide contains the most up-to-date and clinically relevant information on analgesic drugs and managing pain in dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, ferrets, and rabbits. It specifically covers the areas of pain assessment, pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical treatment options, guidelines for managing acute and chronic pain, and unique aspects of pain management. This edition also incorporates expanded information on cats, exotics, the latest drugs, and more to keep you on top of today’s best practices in veterinary pain management.

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97-Feline Anesthesia and Pain Management

Feline Anesthesia And Pain Management

Feline Anesthesia and Pain Management offers a definitive and practical guide to feline anesthesia and pain management.

The only book offering detailed practical information on anesthesia and pain management in cats, one of the world’s most popular pets
World renowned author team
Quick reference format with full color illustrations
  • Offers detailed practical information on anesthesia and pain management tailored to the unique needs of cats
  • Includes a team of world-renowned authors who are experts in veterinary anesthesia and analgesia
  • Uses a quick reference format that makes the information easy to find and follow
  • Presents full color images to illustrate concepts

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98-Anesthesia of Exotic Pets

Anesthesia Of Exotic Pets

Anaesthesia of Exotic Pets provides a unique and quick reference guide for all those working in veterinary practice. The book covers the common species seen and includes: the basic approach to the case, equipment required, drug doses, and anaesthetic induction and maintenance as well as anaesthetic monitoring techniques. Peri-anaesthetic nursing care, such as husbandry, fluid and nutritional support, is discussed for each species. Written by experienced practitioners, the book provides a common sense and practical approach to anaesthesia to enable a variety of techniques to be performed confidently.

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Emergency and Critical Care Books

99-Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Procedures 2nd Edition

Veterinary Emergency And Critical Care Procedures 2Nd Edition

Avian Immunology 3rd Edition contains a detailed description of the avian innate immune system, encompassing the mucosal, enteric, respiratory and reproductive systems. The diseases and disorders it covers, include immunodepressive diseases and immune evasion, autoimmune diseases, and tumors of the immune system. Practical aspects of vaccination are examined as well. Extensive appendices summarize resources for scientists including cell lines, inbred chicken lines, cytokines, chemokines, and monoclonal antibodies. With contributions from the foremost international experts in the field, Avian Immunology 3rd, provides the most up-to-date crucial information not only for poultry health professionals and avian biologists, but also for comparative and veterinary immunologists, graduate students, and veterinary students with an interest in avian immunology. Avian Immunology 3rd edition is a fascinating and growing field and surely provides new and exciting insights for mainstream immunology in the future.

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100-Kirk & Bistner’s Handbook of Veterinary Procedures and Emergency Treatment, 9th Edition

Kirk Bistner%E2%80%99S Handbook Of Veterinary Procedures And Emergency Treatment 9Th Edition

Avian Immunology 3rd Edition contains a detailed description of the avian innate immune system, encompassing the mucosal, enteric, respiratory and reproductive systems. The diseases and disorders it covers, include immunodepressive diseases and immune evasion, autoimmune diseases, and tumors of the immune system. Practical aspects of vaccination are examined as well. Extensive appendices summarize resources for scientists including cell lines, inbred chicken lines, cytokines, chemokines, and monoclonal antibodies. With contributions from the foremost international experts in the field, Avian Immunology 3rd, provides the most up-to-date crucial information not only for poultry health professionals and avian biologists, but also for comparative and veterinary immunologists, graduate students, and veterinary students with an interest in avian immunology. Avian Immunology 3rd edition is a fascinating and growing field and surely provides new and exciting insights for mainstream immunology in the future.

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101-Exotic Animal Emergency and Critical Care Medicine

Exotic Animal Emergency And Critical Care Medicine

Avian Immunology 3rd Edition contains a detailed description of the avian innate immune system, encompassing the mucosal, enteric, respiratory and reproductive systems. The diseases and disorders it covers, include immunodepressive diseases and immune evasion, autoimmune diseases, and tumors of the immune system. Practical aspects of vaccination are examined as well. Extensive appendices summarize resources for scientists including cell lines, inbred chicken lines, cytokines, chemokines, and monoclonal antibodies. With contributions from the foremost international experts in the field, Avian Immunology 3rd, provides the most up-to-date crucial information not only for poultry health professionals and avian biologists, but also for comparative and veterinary immunologists, graduate students, and veterinary students with an interest in avian immunology. Avian Immunology 3rd edition is a fascinating and growing field and surely provides new and exciting insights for mainstream immunology in the future.

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102-Handbook of Canine and Feline Emergency Protocols 2nd Edition

Handbook Of Canine And Feline Emergency Protocols Second Edition

Avian Immunology 3rd Edition contains a detailed description of the avian innate immune system, encompassing the mucosal, enteric, respiratory and reproductive systems. The diseases and disorders it covers, include immunodepressive diseases and immune evasion, autoimmune diseases, and tumors of the immune system. Practical aspects of vaccination are examined as well. Extensive appendices summarize resources for scientists including cell lines, inbred chicken lines, cytokines, chemokines, and monoclonal antibodies. With contributions from the foremost international experts in the field, Avian Immunology 3rd, provides the most up-to-date crucial information not only for poultry health professionals and avian biologists, but also for comparative and veterinary immunologists, graduate students, and veterinary students with an interest in avian immunology. Avian Immunology 3rd edition is a fascinating and growing field and surely provides new and exciting insights for mainstream immunology in the future.

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103-Equine Emergencies:Treatment and Procedures 4th edition

Equine Emergencies Treatment And Procedures 4Th Edition

Avian Immunology 3rd Edition contains a detailed description of the avian innate immune system, encompassing the mucosal, enteric, respiratory and reproductive systems. The diseases and disorders it covers, include immunodepressive diseases and immune evasion, autoimmune diseases, and tumors of the immune system. Practical aspects of vaccination are examined as well. Extensive appendices summarize resources for scientists including cell lines, inbred chicken lines, cytokines, chemokines, and monoclonal antibodies. With contributions from the foremost international experts in the field, Avian Immunology 3rd, provides the most up-to-date crucial information not only for poultry health professionals and avian biologists, but also for comparative and veterinary immunologists, graduate students, and veterinary students with an interest in avian immunology. Avian Immunology 3rd edition is a fascinating and growing field and surely provides new and exciting insights for mainstream immunology in the future.

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104-Textbook of Small Animal Emergency Medicine

Textbook Of Small Animal Emergency Medicine

Avian Immunology 3rd Edition contains a detailed description of the avian innate immune system, encompassing the mucosal, enteric, respiratory and reproductive systems. The diseases and disorders it covers, include immunodepressive diseases and immune evasion, autoimmune diseases, and tumors of the immune system. Practical aspects of vaccination are examined as well. Extensive appendices summarize resources for scientists including cell lines, inbred chicken lines, cytokines, chemokines, and monoclonal antibodies. With contributions from the foremost international experts in the field, Avian Immunology 3rd, provides the most up-to-date crucial information not only for poultry health professionals and avian biologists, but also for comparative and veterinary immunologists, graduate students, and veterinary students with an interest in avian immunology. Avian Immunology 3rd edition is a fascinating and growing field and surely provides new and exciting insights for mainstream immunology in the future.

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105-Small Animal Surgical Emergencies 2nd Edition

Small Animal Surgical Emergencies 2Nd Edition

Small Animal Surgical Emergencies 2nd Edition continues to be an important resource focusing on surgical emergencies, combining the work of surgical specialists and critical care specialists, and filling a void in educating and informing veterinarians.

The new edition of this book provides updated information on an array of topics such as preoperative stabilization, new and innovative treatment options, and aftercare. Each chapter covers step-by-step information on emergency stabilization, diagnostic approach, operative techniques, postoperative care, common complications encountered in each case, and how to troubleshoot any such complication should they occur. It also offers simplified surgical techniques to ensure success and describes new and novel procedures throughout.

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Veterinary Dermatology Books

106-Diagnostics and Therapy in Veterinary Dermatology

Diagnostics And Therapy In Veterinary Dermatology

Diagnostics and Therapy in Veterinary Dermatology presents thorough coverage of the latest discoveries, drugs, and treatments for dermatologic conditions in animals. Chapters written by experts in each respective area of veterinary dermatology contain up-to-date information on new diagnostic tools and tests, autoimmune diseases, parasitic and fungal infections, medical management of acute and chronic conditions, alternative dermatologic therapies, and more.

Offering practical solutions for both specialist and general practice veterinarians dealing with dermatology cases, this wide-ranging resource also addresses antibiotic resistance and misuse, the availability of foods for elimination diet trials, problems with generic drugs, emerging infectious diseases, and other important problems currently facing the profession. Throughout the text, veterinary practitioners are provided with real-world guidance on improving how they work up their dermatology cases and strengthening communication between the primary care veterinarian and the dermatologist.

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107-Small Animal Dermatology: What’s Your Diagnosis?

Small Animal Dermatology Whats Your Diagnosis Scaled

Small Animal Dermatology: What’s Your Diagnosis? provides practical information in an easy-to-reference, well-illustrated format, so that students and practicing veterinarians can develop their clinical dermatology skills and test their knowledge. It offers current diagnostic and therapeutic information on small animal skin diseases through real-world clinical cases. Organized by presenting complaint, each clinical problem is covered through case material and questions revolving around differential diagnoses, diagnostic tools, and treatment planning.

Small Animal Dermatology: What’s Your Diagnosis? features actual clinical cases that demonstrate common clinical presentations. It covers both common and uncommon dermatologic problems, such as alopecia, changes in skin pigmentation, causes of itch, and more. Designed to enhance clinical problem solving skills, the book can be approached as a series of mini challenges, making it an excellent primer for new clinicians as well as a resource for seasoned veterinarians.

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108-BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Dermatology, 4th Edition

Bsava Manual Of Canine And Feline Dermatology 4Th Edition

Dermatology constitutes a large percentage of the daily caseload in small animal practice and can represent a challenge for the busy practitioner, as many different diseases have similar presenting signs. For this reason, a structured understanding of how to approach a dermatological case is essential for a successful outcome.

BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Dermatology, 4th Edition has been completely updated, chapters have been expanded and structurally divided to include the management of specific diseases and common dermatological cases, such as ectoparasite infestation and its treatment and prophylaxis, atopic dermatitis and its management, superficial and deep pyoderma and their treatment, feline-specific conditions and their management, autoimmune and immune-mediated diseases and a targeted management, etc. New chapters have also been added to this new edition, such topical treatments, nutrients of the skin and regional dermatoses.

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109-Diagnostic Techniques in Veterinary Dermatology

Diagnostic Techniques In Veterinary Dermatology

A practical everyday reference for veterinary practitioners, Diagnostic Techniques in Veterinary Dermatology focuses on contemporary techniques for investigating skin problems in small animals, horses and exotic pets. Written by experienced specialists in veterinary dermatology, this book offers clear, step-by-step guidance on how to perform tests and interpret their results.

The first book devoted exclusively to the subject, this hands-on guide demonstrates how to carry out and interpret a huge range of dermatology tests, as well as how to avoid common mistakes and pitfalls. Featuring full colour photographs and illustrations throughout, key topics include: looking for parasites, hair plucks and trichograms, dermoscopy, cytology, fungal and bacterial cultures, histopathology, allergy testing, immune-mediated skin diseases, endocrine and metabolic skin diseases, infectious diseases, diagnostic imaging, otoscopy and examination of the ear, genetic tests, and more.

Diagnostic Techniques in Veterinary Dermatology is a valuable working resource for busy practitioners in first opinion practice, as well as veterinary nurses and technicians. It is also an ideal reference for veterinary students and specialists in-training.

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110-Muller and Kirk’s Small Animal Dermatology 7th Edition

Muller And Kirk%E2%80%99S Small Animal Dermatology 7Th Edition

Muller and Kirk’s Small Animal Dermatology 7th Edition is Covering the diagnosis and treatment of hundreds of dermatologic conditions, This Book is today’s leading reference on dermatology for dogs, cats, and pocket pets. Topics include clinical signs, etiology, and pathogenesis of dermatologic conditions including fungal, parasitic, metabolic, nutritional, environmental, and psychogenic. This edition includes full updates of all 21 chapters, and more than 1,300 full-color clinical, microscopic, and histopathologic images. Written by veterinary experts William Miller, Craig Griffin, and Karen Campbell, this resource helps students and clinicians distinguish clinical characteristics and variations of normal and abnormal facilitating accurate diagnosis and effective therapy.

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111-Equine Dermatology 2nd Edition

Equine Dermatology 2Nd Edition

Diagnose, treat, and manage equine skin disorders with the most comprehensive reference available! With 900 full-color photos, Equine Dermatology 2nd Edition Pdf covers skin diseases ranging from those that merely annoy the horse to others that interfere with the horse’s ability to function in riding, working, or show. Thorough coverage includes essential basics and practical diagnostic methods, therapies, and specific abnormalities and defects. Equine Dermatology 2nd Edition Pdf book describes the structure and function of the skin, and discusses disorders including bacterial, fungal, parasitic, viral, protozoal, allergic, immune-mediated, endocrine, metabolic, and nutritional diseases. It also covers congenital and hereditary defects, pigmentation abnormalities, keratinization defects, environmental skin diseases, and skin tumors. Written by renowned equine dermatologists Danny Scott and Bill Miller, this all-inclusive resource covers the latest dermatologic topics and the newest therapies.

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112-Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion, Small Animal Dermatology 3rd Edition

Blackwells Five Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion Small Animal Dermatology 3Rd Edition

Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Dermatology Third Edition offers accessible, reliable information on canine and feline dermatology using the popular Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult format—now with new topics, updated therapeutics, and improved images.

  • Provides fast access to reliable information on treating dermatologic diseases and conditions in dogs and cats
  • Uses the popular Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult format and alphabetic arrangement for quick reference
  • Offers thorough updates to this popular handbook, including a new “basics” section,  new topics, and updated therapeutics, as well as new and improved images of dermatoses for easy comparison with clinical cases
  • Puts the most commonly used dermatology information at the clinician’s fingertips for rapid decision-making
  • Includes access to a companion website with client education handouts to download and use in practice

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Veterinary Infectious Diseases Books

113-Infectious Disease Management in Animal Shelters 2nd Edition

Infectious Disease Management In Animal Shelters 2Nd Edition

Infectious Disease Management in Animal Shelters 2nd Edition. Since the publication of the first edition of Infectious Disease Management in Animal Shelters in 2009, research and practice in the field of shelter medicine have advanced significantly. This updated second edition of that seminal work provides the most up-to-date and comprehensive guide to preventing, managing, and treating infectious diseases affecting cats, dogs and exotic small companion mammals in animal shelters.

Throughout the book, the authors—noted experts on the topic—bridge the gap between medicine (both individual and group) and management. The book is filled with practical strategies that draw on the latest research and evidence-based medicine as well as the authors’ personal experience in the field. While the text highlights strategies for the prevention of illness and mitigation of disease spread, the book also contains practical information on treatment and considerations for adoption.

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114-Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat: A Color Handbook

Infectious Diseases Of The Dog And Cat A Color Handbook

The field of infectious diseases in veterinary medicine is both rewarding and challenging, and this book offers small animal veterinarians a lifeline by balancing relevant background, guidance and optimizing efficiency. It provides a pathway for clinicians through this complex field by highlighting the most clinically relevant aspects of a wide range of diseases, and granting them consideration for placement on dog and cat differential lists. Organized according to a system-based structure, all the major clinically affected systems are covered along with a catch-all multisystem chapter for infectious diseases that escape easy classification.

The book is clinically oriented, based on experience underpinned by published research data. Pathogen-specific information enables rational choice of diagnostics, therapy, and prognostication for a complete list of small animal infectious diseases, that includes bacterial, viral, parasitic/protozoal and fungal pathogens. This concise reference guide will be an invaluable tool for clinicians as they develop their understanding of, and ability to communicate about, infectious diseases of the dog and cat.

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115-Infectious Diseases of the Horse: Diagnosis, Pathology, Management, and Public Health

Infectious Diseases Of The Horse Diagnosis Pathology Management And Public Health

A clinician and a pathologist have collaborated to produce this thorough and balanced account of infectious diseases affecting horses. The book evaluates the latest diagnostic aids, including rapid developments in molecular biology, while emphasising that they are no substitute for clinical observation and skills.

The majority of equine infectious diseases caused by microbes and parasites are covered – bacterial, viral, protozoan, fungal, ectoparasitic and helminthic. A section on differential diagnosis is then provided to support clinical decision-making, followed by a review of current thinking on the zoonotic aspects of equine infectious diseases, and a guide to clinical pathology to underline its diagnostic importance.

Infectious Diseases of the Horse is illustrated throughout by a wealth of clinical and microscopic images, and is of value to all veterinary practitioners, scientists, students, technicians and nurses working with horses.

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116-Feline Infectious Diseases: Self-Assessment Color Review

Feline Infectious Diseases Self Assessment Color Review

Feline Infectious Diseases: Self-Assessment Color Review covers all types of feline infectious diseases, including infections caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi. 199 clinical cases are presented randomly, as in practice, but the wide range of cases cover infectious diseases which affect all the organ systems of the cat. The illustrated clinical cases contain integrated questions and detailed explanatory answers. The book is designed for professionals in practice and in universities, and to veterinary students, veterinary nurses and technicians.

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117-Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Canine and Feline Infectious Diseases and Parasitology 2nd Edition

Blackwell%E2%80%99S Five Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion Canine And Feline Infectious Diseases And Parasitology 2Nd Edition

Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Canine and Feline Infectious Diseases and Parasitology 2nd Edition takes a user-friendly alphabetical format to cover a wide spectrum of canine and feline infectious diseases and parasite-related disorders. Part of the popular Five-Minute Veterinary Consult series, it includes information on many specific organisms and diseases, from amebiasis and Ehrlichiosis to rabies and ticks. The text also provides extensive differential diagnostic lists, as well as information on drugs, dosages, toxicity, treatment options, diagnostic testing, immunization recommendations, and cytological appearance.The Second Edition presents three new chapters on canine influenza, sarcoptic mange, and staphylococcal pyoderma. Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Canine and Feline Infectious Diseases and Parasitology 2nd Edition is an ideal quick reference for veterinary professionals and students.

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Veterinary Dentistry Books

118-Wiggs’s Veterinary Dentistry: Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition

Wiggss Veterinary Dentistry Principles And Practice 2Nd Edition Scaled

Wiggs’s Veterinary Dentistry: Principles and Practice, Second Edition is a fully updated and expanded new edition of the classic comprehensive reference for veterinary dentistry.

  • Provides current, comprehensive information on veterinary dentistry
  • Encompasses rudimentary tenets of the field as well as advanced techniques
  • Presents the state-of-the-art in veterinary dentistry, with all topics fully updated, revised, and expanded to reflect current knowledge
  • Written by leading veterinary dental specialists and edited by luminaries in the field
  • Includes more images and color throughout to support the text

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119-Practical Veterinary Dental Radiography

Practical Veterinary Dental Radiography Scaled

With over 1,000 clear, high-quality images, this in-depth full guide covers all aspects of veterinary dental radiography. Chapters explain the indications for – and importance of – this key area of veterinary practice, the equipment used, the essential techniques in developing and processing the radiograph, common errors made, and the pathology of the teeth. The book also explores radiographic interpretation in seven detailed sections, discussing all aspects from normal radiographic anatomy to endodontic disease and trauma. An additional chapter covers techniques and interpretation with exotics in three sections: rabbits, ferrets and rodents. The book concludes with a look at future directions in this field.

Essential reading for all veterinary practitioners, Practical Veterinary Dental Radiography is also the ideal guide for trainees.

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120-Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion Small Animal Dentistry, 3rd Edition

Blackwells Five Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion Small Animal Dentistry 3Rd Edition

Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion Small Animal Dentistry, 3rd Edition delivers an expertly edited quick-reference guide to all aspects of small animal dentistry. The book comprehensively describes new technologies and techniques as well as updated classifications and terminology. Readers will enjoy fast access to basic knowledge and detailed instructions for a wide variety of techniques in small animal dentistry.

Newer technologies, like digital radiographs and advanced images, and newer techniques, like regional blocks, are combined with the latest in treatment information to provide readers with the most logically organized reference manual in the industry. The book’s companion website offers video clips and client education handouts perfect for use in a busy veterinary practice.

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121-The Veterinary Dental Patient: A Multidisciplinary Approach

The Veterinary Dental Patient A Multidisciplinary Approach

The Veterinary Dental Patient: A Multidisciplinary Approach helps veterinarians understand the dental aspects of every canine and feline patient and shows them how to effectively manage their oral health. It also provides guidance to the rest of the veterinary team so they can offer a coordinated approach when recommending and performing veterinary dentistry as a regular part of general practice.

Edited by two prominent veterinary dentists who are Board Certified in both Europe and the United States, the text includes the latest information on safe anesthetic and monitoring protocols, accurate diagnosis and management, and referring patients to specialists. Chapters cover: establishing a dental presence in general veterinary practice; nutrition, oral health, and feeding dental patients; local, regional, and systemic complications of dental diseases; pain management; ophthalmic considerations; common situations for malpractice and mistakes; oral and maxillofacial surgery; extraction techniques and equipment; drug dosages and more. The book also offers several helpful appendixes.

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122-Veterinary Periodontology

Veterinary Periodontology

Veterinary Periodontology is a comprehensive yet user-friendly reference on periodontal disease in dogs and cats, encompassing etiology, pathogenesis, and clinical features. Emphasizing clinical management of this common dental disease, this book covers basic as well as advanced treatments, offering practical instruction on therapeutic procedures. Veterinary Periodontology builds on existing human-based knowledge to provide veterinary-specific information on the periodontal disease process, therapies, patient management, and instrumentation.

The book presents detailed information in an accessible format, including numerous step-by-step procedures for use in the clinic. Full-color images aid in comprehension.  Veterinary Periodontology is beneficial for anyone who practices veterinary dentistry, including specialists, general practitioners, students, and technicians.


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123-Atlas of Dentistry in Cats and Dogs

Atlas Of Dentistry In Cats And Dogs

Dentistry at its finest. As a veterinarian and dentist in one, Dr. Markus Eickhoff has practiced high-level canine and feline dentistry for over 20 years. He now shares his fund of experience in this book with over 1500 images.

What equipment do I need? What treatment options are available and how do I perform them? This book provides detailed, systematic and generously illustrated instructions.

Over 1500 illustrations present details of many fascinating cases, allowing the practitioner to follow procedures in detail. The myriad practical tips and step-by-step instructions for performing common dental procedures provide security when performing dental treatment on small animals. Supported by the images, Dr. Eickhoff introduces the practitioner to commonly performed procedures such as the extraction of root fragments or the placement of fillings.

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124-Breed Predispositions to Dental and Oral Disease in Dogs

Breed Predispositions To Dental And Oral Disease In Dogs

Breed Predispositions to Dental and Oral Disease in Dogs is an accessible guide to hereditary oral and dental disease. The text is designed to help veterinarians make informed clinical decisions and better communicate with clients. Comprehensive in scope, the book provides a thorough understanding of the differences between large and small dogs as related to effective dental treatment.

This Book includes specific information for treating small and toy breed dogs, small breed brachycephalic dogs, and brachycephalic dogs. It contains key details of clinical conditions more likely to be faced in specific breeds.  To enhance the text, the book is filled with high quality clinical photographs and dental radiographs that demonstrate the concepts discussed.

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125-Veterinary Dentistry for the General Practitioner 2nd Edition

Veterinary Dentistry For The General Practitioner

The new edition of Veterinary Dentistry for the General Practitioner has been thoroughly revised and updated to ensure it continues to meet the needs of today’s veterinarians and veterinary students. The book offers all the theoretical knowledge and practical help any general practitioner needs in order to practise good dentistry, providing comprehensive and detailed knowledge of how to diagnose, prevent and treat common oral conditions in the dog and cat. It also presents information as to diagnosis and initial management of less common diseases, where the ultimate treatment will generally be performed by a specialist but the general practitioner needs to be able to identify a problem and have a basic understanding of the pathophysiology of the tissues involved. Dental conditions of lagomorphs and rodents are also covered.

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126-Zoo and Wild Animal Dentistry

Zoo And Wild Animal Dentistry

Zoo and Wild Animal Dentistry is the first book to offer a comprehensive reference to oral pathology and dental therapy in captive and wild exotic animals. Comprehensive in scope, the book is authored by noted experts on the topic who cover dental care for a broad range of species with an emphasis on oral health. Designed as a practical resource for treating exotic animals, the book is filled with instructive photographs and illustrations that clearly depict pathologies and demonstrate techniques.

The book draws on the editors’ and contributors’ years of experience with exotic animals to offer a reliable resource to the history of veterinary dentistry, information on the evolution of teeth, practical dental therapeutics, and oral descriptions for each of the more than three hundred species included in the book.  Zoo and Wild Animal Dentistry covers a wide range of zoo and wild species, including cats, bears, primates, dogs, raccoons, weasels, hyenas, marsupials, herbivores, edentates, sea mammals, birds, reptiles, and more.

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127-Principles of Equine Dentistry

Principles Of Equine Dentistry

The equine dentition (hypsodont) develops differently from that of humans and small animals (brachydont) yet many of the principles of general dentistry are applicable to the equine species. Some are not.

Dr Klugh and his contributing authors identify, apply and evaluate the principles of equine dentistry in relation to the horse—their similarities and differences. Such a system is of value in terms of vocabulary, biology and disease process.

The book’s coverage ranges from anatomy, biomechanics and examination to radiology, anesthesia, trauma, disease and restoration. Top quality color photographs and diagrams illustrate the text throughout.

Principles of Equine Dentistry is of value to equine dentists, equine practitioners, instructors and trainees, and to veterinary students.

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128-Veterinary Dentistry: Self-Assessment Color Review Second Edition

Veterinary Dentistry Self Assessment Color Review Second Edition

This new edition in the established and well-respected series Veterinary Self-Assessment Color Reviews covers all aspects of veterinary dentistry. Each case consists of one or more questions, illustrated by stimulating visual material including imaging and color clinical photographs.
The 228 cases appear in random order, just as they would in practice, and are presented as self-assessment problems comprising integrated questions and detailed explanations designed to educate as well as to provide answers.
Written by well-respected experts in the field, this new edition of a bestseller has been completely updated and includes more than 50 new cases. The book is an excellent resource for exam preparation or for practitioners in their continuing professional development.

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Veterinary Ophthalmology Books

129-Veterinary Ophthalmology: Two Volume Set 6th Edition

Veterinary Ophthalmology 2 Volume Set 6Th Edition

Veterinary Ophthalmology: Two Volume Set 6th Edition Offers the very latest in diagnostics and therapeutics, this book presents a fully updated and revised edition of the definitive reference to veterinary ophthalmology. Covering both basic sciences and clinical treatment, it is a state-of-the-art text that encompasses ophthalmology in all species, including dogs, cats, horses, large animals, and exotic animals. Featuring expanded coverage of ocular conditions in cats, horses, and birds—and featuring  nearly two thousand color photographs and illustrations—the book is a must for any practitioner treating eye disease.

Veterinary Ophthalmology, 2 Volume Set, 6th Edition discusses all topics relevant to diagnosing, treating, and managing any disease related to the eye.  The book also offers a companion website featuring video clips, and images from the book in PowerPoint, and contains the most comprehensive bibliographies found on the subject.

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130-Slatter’s Fundamentals of Veterinary Ophthalmology 6th Edition

Slatters Fundamentals Of Veterinary Ophthalmology 6Th Edition

Learn to recognize, diagnose, and manage a wide range of common ocular conditions with Slatter’s Fundamentals of Veterinary Ophthalmology. This thoroughly updated text provides the latest, most practical information on structure and function of the eye, the ophthalmic examination and diagnostic techniques, medical and surgical management of ocular disease, and management of ocular emergencies. Enhanced and logically organized coverage includes dogs, cats, horses, livestock, birds, and exotic pets. In addition, over 1,000 color photos and illustrations accurately depict ocular conditions encountered in practice and demonstrate diagnostic and surgical techniques. Edited by three of the most revered authorities in the field of veterinary ophthalmology, this reference is an essential aid to successful veterinary practice and education.

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131-Color Atlas of Veterinary Ophthalmology, 2nd Edition

Color Atlas Of Veterinary Ophthalmology 2Nd Edition

Color Atlas of Veterinary Ophthalmology, Second Edition provides a compendium of the clinical appearance of ophthalmic diseases likely to be encountered in small, large, or exotic animal practice.

  • Offers a pictorial reference to the clinical appearance of diseases and conditions of the animal eye
  • Presents multiple presentations of most ophthalmic diseases to show the varying ways the condition might appear
  • Provides more than 1,000 high-quality color clinical photographs showing ocular disorders
  • Includes new introductory chapters on ocular anatomy, the ophthalmic exam, and clinical findings in place of the clinical signs chapter
  • Covers clinical history, the clinical signs and findings associated with the disease, the rule-outs or differential diagnoses, the recommended treatment, and the prognosis for each disorder

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132-Veterinary Ophthalmic Surgery, 2nd Edition

Veterinary Ophthalmic Surgery 2Nd Edition

Master animal eye surgery techniques with this comprehensive, step-by-step guide! This Book is the resource of choice for all types of ophthalmic surgical procedures across all animal species. Not only does this book include illustrated guidelines and step-by-step procedures, but it also covers surgical instrumentation, the operating room, and the use of anesthesia. Each aspect of ophthalmic surgery is described, including pre-, intra- and post-operative details. Internationally recognized editors Galatt and Plumber are joined by a team of expert contributors in providing authoritative solutions to key issues in animal ophthalmic surgery. Whatever your specialty, this is the only eye surgery book you will ever need!

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133-Ophthalmic Disease in Veterinary Medicine 2nd Edition

Ophthalmic Disease In Veterinary Medicine 2Nd Edition

Featuring a new author team, this seminal book has been completely updated and significantly expanded. Following an outline of the basic elements of ophthalmic science relevant to study and practice, the authors provide a detailed description and discussion of each condition including etiology, clinical signs, diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy, as well as a section dedicated to presumed inherited eye disorders. The focus throughout remains on the clinical needs of the practitioner and the student.

Beautifully illustrated in full color, Ophthalmic Disease in Veterinary Medicine 2nd Edition PDF book is aimed at trainee and practicing veterinarians interested in all types of ophthalmic diseases and disorders. Although the focus is on small animals, there is additional material on the horse and the cow. For this edition, a diverse group of authors from many geographic regions of training and practice offer a breadth of clinical expertise.

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134-Veterinary Ocular Pathology A Comparative Review

Veterinary Ocular Pathology A Comparative Review

Veterinary Ocular Pathology A Comparative Review PDF links the clinical features of ocular disease with gross and microscopic pathology to demonstrate the essential features observable during diagnosis. It is designed to be kept next to the microscope as an invaluable guide to accurate diagnosis in ocular pathology.

Veterinary Ocular Pathology A Comparative Review PDF book presents a wide range of images of the highest quality. A unique and distinctive feature is the juxtaposition of clinical and pathological images while offering detailed enumeration of the diagnostic features. Expert comparative comments by Dr Daniel Albert and contextual information on relative incidence are provided throughout. The authors address spontaneous disease of the eye in all animal species, with a particular emphasis on companion species. In addition, specific, common or interesting conditions of exotic species are included.

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135-Ophthalmology for the Veterinary Practitioner, 2nd, Revised and Expanded Edition

Ophthalmology For The Veterinary Practitioner 2Nd Revised And Expanded Edition

Ophthalmology for the Veterinary Practitioner 2nd Revised and Expanded Edition has been completely revised and extended to provide veterinarians in practice with a complete guide to the diagnosis and treatment of all important eye diseases. It includes coverage of the most common ophthalmic disorders of dogs and cats, as well as horses, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, rabbits and birds. It provides practical tips for diagnosis without specialised experience or specific instruments. As a guide to differential diagnosis rare signs are described to complete the range of possible ophthalmic disorders. A special chapter dedicated to ophthalmic emergencies has also been included.

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136-Handbook of Veterinary Ocular Emergencies

Images 47

This practical guide to small animal ophthalmic emergencies is ideal for the non-specialist veterinarian. From a problem-oriented approach, it describes ocular emergencies and gives information for immediate palliative measures and long-term treatment. Clinical pathways, diagnostic flowcharts, bullet points, and easy-to-follow line diagrams provide instant access to the correct diagnosis and management of ocular emergencies. Tinted boxes highlight important issues, key information, and additional material on background pathogenesis and treatment rationale. The emphasis on differential diagnosis and treatment options, as well as recommendations on when to refer a case to a specialist, makes this book an essential consulting room reference for every veterinary practitioner.

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137-Essentials of Veterinary Ophthalmology 3rd Edition

Essentials Of Veterinary Ophthalmology 3Rd Edition

Essentials of Veterinary Ophthalmology 3rd Edition offers an updated introduction to the diagnosis and clinical management of ocular conditions in veterinary patients, providing trusted information in a user-friendly format. The content of the book is distilled from the fifth edition of the gold-standard reference Veterinary Ophthalmology, emphasizing the information most relevant to veterinary students and general practitioners. Fully updated throughout, the Third Edition focuses more strongly on small animals and horses, with streamlined coverage of other species, and new chapters have been added on morphology, physiology, and pharmacology.

Carefully designed to be equally useful for learning and in practice, the book offers a streamlined, practical approach, with bolded terms to enhance comprehension. High-quality color photographs provide visual depictions of the conditions discussed. Essentials of Veterinary Ophthalmology, Third Edition is an indispensable resource for veterinary students or clinicians wishing to hone their ophthalmology knowledge and skills.

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Veterinary Surgery Books

138-Veterinary Surgery Small Animal 2nd Edition

Veterinary Surgery Small Animal 2Nd Edition

Veterinary Surgery Small Animal 2nd Edition Focus on the “how” and “why” of medical/surgical conditions — the critical issues that lead to successful outcomes for your patients — with Veterinary Surgery: Small Animal, Second Edition. This two-volume full-color resource offers an authoritative, comprehensive review of disease processes, a thorough evaluation of basic clinical science information, and in-depth discussion of advanced surgeries. With an updated Expert Consult website you can access anytime and detailed coverage of surgical procedures, it is the definitive reference for surgical specialists, practicing veterinarians, and residents..

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139-Veterinary Surgery: A Practical Guide

Veterinary Surgery A Practical Guide

Veterinary Surgery- A practical guide is basically prepared as per new VCI syllabus for students and field veterinarians. It comprised three units (I. General Veterinary Surgery, Anesthesiology and Diagnostic Imaging. II. Regional Veterinary Surgery. III. Veterinary Orthopedics and Lameness). This book contains more than 80 illustrations include different surgical instrument, suturing techniques, anesthetic sites for nerve block and surgical sites for abdominal surgery. This book is very useful for day to day practice for veterinarians.

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140-Laser Surgery in Veterinary Medicine

Laser Surgery In Veterinary Medicine

This book is a state-of-the-art reference to using surgical lasers to treat animal patients. Encompassing theory and practice, it emphasizes procedures, techniques, and equipment, with specific recommendations for laser settings.   While most of the procedures emphasize surgeries on dogs and cats, this practical guide also dedicates chapters to equine, small mammal, avian, aquatic animal, and reptile surgeries, making it an excellent clinical reference for any busy veterinarian.

The book begins with background information on the theory and science of laser surgery, then details specific surgical procedures with step-by-step instructions and accompanying photographs. The next section provides practical guidance for incorporating lasers into the veterinary practice, and the final section offers a look at the future of lasers in veterinary medicine and surgery. A companion website features video clips of surgery procedures.

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141-Surgical Instrumentation, An Interactive Approach, 3rd Edition

Surgical Instrumentation An Interactive Approach 3Rd Edition

With hundreds of detailed, full-color photographs of common surgical instruments, Surgical Instrumentation: An Interactive Approach, 3rd Edition helps you learn the identification, purpose, and set up of instruments for surgical procedures. Written for surgical technologists by a surgical technologist, it offers a level of visual clarity and realism unmatched by any other surgical instrument book. Many photos include close-up views of the instrument tip, so you can quickly discern differences between instruments. Interactive resources on Evolve allow you to view 360-degree rotations of more than 100 instruments. Also included are flash cards, timed memory exercises, Mayo stands, back-table set ups, quizzes, and instrument sets for common procedures in various surgical specialties.

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142-Veterinary Surgical Oncology, 2nd Edition

Veterinary Surgical Oncology 2Nd Edition

Veterinary Surgical Oncology 2nd Edition is a detailed, highly illustrated reference to surgical treatment of cancer in small animal patients. Designed to provide in-depth coverage of surgical procedures, the book also includes useful information on diagnostic testing, complications, aftercare, outcomes, prognosis, and adjuvant or alternative therapies to assist veterinary surgeons and veterinary oncologists with decision making. Contributions by leaders in the field discuss the principles of surgical oncology, multimodal therapy, and interventional radiology, and describe surgical techniques in all anatomical structures.

Now in its second edition, Veterinary Surgical Oncology is fully revised and incorporates new material, including a brand-new chapter discussing the anatomic, functional, and ethical limits of surgical oncology procedures. This edition contains expanded coverage of interventional oncology with discussion of these techniques in relevant chapters, additional surgical procedures, as well as more information regarding other modalities, including extravasation of chemotherapy and the effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy on wound healing. Additional surgical procedures are supported by new figures, improved images, and up-to-date information.


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143-Reptile Medicine and Surgery 2nd Edition

Reptile Medicine And Surgery 2Nd Edition

This outstanding clinical reference provides valuable insights into solving clinical dilemmas, formulating diagnoses, developing therapeutic plans, and verifying drug dosages for both reptiles and amphibians. The information is outlined in an easy-to-use format for quick access that is essential for emergency and clinical situations.

  • Discusses veterinary medicine and surgery for both reptiles and amphibians
  • Features complete biology of snakes, lizards, turtles, and crocodilians
  • Provides step-by-step guidelines for performing special techniques and procedures such as anesthesia, clinical pathology, diagnostic imaging, euthanasia and necropsy, fracture management, soft tissue surgery, and therapeutics
  • Covers specific diseases and conditions such as anorexia, aural abscesses, and digit abnormalities in a separate alphabetically organized section
  • 53 expert authors contribute crucial information to the study of reptiles and offer their unique perspectives on particular areas of study
  • The expansive appendix includes a reptile and amphibian formulary

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144-Ferrets, Rabbits and Rodents, Clinical Medicine and Surgery, 4th Edition

Ferrets Rabbits And Rodents Clinical Medicine And Surgery 4Th Edition

Learn to treat a wide variety of small mammals and pocket pets with Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents: Clinical Medicine and Surgery, 4th Edition. Covering the conditions most often seen in veterinary practice, this highly readable and easy-to-navigate text covers preventative medicine along with disease management, ophthalmology, dentistry, and zoonosis. More than 700 full-color photographs and illustrations highlight radiographic interpretation as well as diagnostic, surgical, and therapeutic techniques. This fourth edition also features new coverage of degus (large rodent species); new coverage of prairie dogs; and expanded coverage of surgical procedures, physical therapy rehabilitation and alternative medicine for rabbits, neoplasia in rabbits, and zoonotic disease. With expert contributors from around the globe, Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents is the authoritative, single point of reference for small mammal care that is hard to find elsewhere.

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Veterinary Clinical Pathology Books

145-Fundamentals of Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 2nd Edition

Fundamentals Of Veterinary Clinical Pathology 2Nd Edition

Fundamentals of Veterinary Clinical Pathology provides in-depth information about common clinical laboratory assays that are used to evaluate domestic mammals, including what assays measure, sample or assay conditions that affect results, and what results indicate about the physiologic or pathologic state of a patient. Whenever possible, diseases and conditions are grouped by common mechanisms or processes to promote a conceptual understanding of laboratory data that can be generally applied across many species. New to the second edition are additional disorders, diagnostic tests, illustrations, images, references, and pathophysiologic explanations. This text has proven valuable to students and veterinarians wanting a fundamental understanding of veterinary clinical pathology.

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146-Schalm’s Veterinary Hematology, 7th Edition

Schalms Veterinary Hematology 7Th Edition

Schalm’s Veterinary Hematology, 7th Edition is updated to provide a comprehensive review of all topics related to disorders of the blood in animals. Designed as a gold-standard reference, this text covers a wide range of species in both confined and free-range populations, reflects the most recent trends in hematology diagnostics, and discusses recent advances in traditional techniques.

Edited and written by an international team of experts in the field, the book represents an accessible yet in-depth resource for information on veterinary hematology. The new edition includes a hemolymphatic tissue section that covers current understanding of basic science and the species-specific hematology section is further expanded from previous editions. New chapters address emerging topics in hematology, and existing chapters have been revised and rearranged to improve readability and simplify access to the material.

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147-Duncan and Prasse’s Veterinary Laboratory Medicine: Clinical Pathology 5th Edition

Duncan And Prasses Veterinary Laboratory Medicine Clinical Pathology 5Th Edition

Now in full color throughout, Duncan and Prasse’s Veterinary Laboratory Medicine: Clinical Pathology 5th Edition offers a comprehensive overview of hematology, hemostasis, clinical chemistry, urinalysis, cytology, and reference intervals in a highly accessible outline format. With information on all major domestic species, the text is designed for the reader to quickly find answers to clinical questions. Taking a problem-solving approach to the interpretation of laboratory data, this book includes clinical cases to illustrate the concepts of laboratory data interpretation, with tables and key words to aid readers in locating and applying information.

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148-Veterinary Hematology and Clinical Chemistry 2nd Edition

Veterinary Hematology And Clinical Chemistry 2Nd Edition

Veterinary Hematology and Clinical Chemistry is a well-illustrated, user-friendly reference on veterinary laboratory diagnostic techniques and interpretation. Covering both hematology and chemistry for a wide range of species, including birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish, the book provides an overview of these critical veterinary skills. This Second Edition includes many revisions and additions, including new chapters on molecular diagnostics of hematologic malignancies and lipid pathology, updates to reflect advances in diagnostic instrumentation and capabilities, significant revisions to the data interpretation chapter to provide introductory guidance, and current information on immunodiagnostics and laboratory diagnostics of renal, endocrine, and calcium metabolic pathologies.
Veterinary Hematology and Clinical Chemistry 2nd Edition  with the basic principles of laboratory testing and diagnosis, the book moves into in-depth information on hematology and chemistry of common domestic and non-domestic species. Clinical case presentations, supplying case data and offering narrative discussions to promote skills, have been expanded and incorporated into the body of the book. Packed with useful information for veterinary students, technicians, pathologists, and researchers, Veterinary Hematology and Clinical Chemistry is an essential addition to any veterinary library.

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149-BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Clinical Pathology, 3rd Edition

Bsava Manual Of Canine And Feline Clinical Pathology 3Rd Edition

BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Clinical Pathology, 3rd Edition has been extensively updated to reflect advances in this field, while readers will also find new chapters on inherited and cardiac disease.

Clinical case studies have been retained, allowing readers to consider how they might approach common problems and see for themselves how test selection and interpretation are applied. Body systems are dealt with in their own discrete chapters, as are urinalysis, blood cells and proteins.

Full-colour photographs and illustrations can be found throughout, which will prove indispensable to clinical pathologists, clinicians and veterinary students keen to get grips with a rapidly expanding subject.

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150-Clinical Pathology for the Veterinary Team

Clinical Pathology For The Veterinary Team

clinical pathology for the veterinary team is a concise, reliable resource for technical team members performing clinical diagnostic evaluation. Focusing on sample handling, machinery calibration, normal physiology and anatomy, clinical diagnostics, and disease processes, the book helps technical team members to consistently achieve high-quality results in small animal lab work. An essential bench-side reference for in-house laboratories, the book includes a DVD with interactive cases to build skills in reading and interpreting digital slides.With chapters on blood counts, chemistry, urinalysis and electrolytes, advanced diagnostics, and cytology, Clinical Pathology for the Veterinary Team offers key technical information for consistently obtaining and evaluating samples. The book is a practical resource for anyone performing lab work, including veterinary technicians, technician and veterinary students, and veterinarians.

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Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging Books

151-Textbook of Veterinary Diagnostic Radiology 7th Edition

Textbook Of Veterinary Diagnostic Radiology 7Th Edition

Learn the latest advances in veterinary diagnostic radiology! Textbook of Veterinary Diagnostic Radiology 7th Edition is a one-stop resource covering the principles of radiographic technique and interpretation for dogs, cats, and horses. Within this bestselling text, high-quality radiographic images accompany clear coverage of diagnostic radiology, ultrasound, MRI, and CT. User-friendly direction helps you to develop essential skills in patient positioning, radiographic technique and safety measures, normal and abnormal anatomy, radiographic viewing and interpretation, and alternative imaging modalities. This new edition has been thoroughly revised to include important advances in the field, information about contrast media, dental radiography, and more!

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152-Veterinary Head and Neck Imaging

Veterinary Head And Neck Imaging

Veterinary Head and Neck Imaging is a comprehensive reference for the diagnostic imaging of the head and neck in dogs, cats, and horses. The book provides a multimodality, comparative approach to neuromusculoskeletal, splanchnic, and sense organ imaging. It thoroughly covers the underlying morphology of the head and neck and offers an integrated approach to understanding image interpretation.

Each chapter covers a different area and discusses developmental anatomy, gross anatomy, and imaging anatomy, as well as the physical limitations of different modalities and functional imaging. Commonly encountered diseases are covered at length.

Veterinary Head and Neck Imaging includes all relevant information from each modality and discusses multi-modality approaches.

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153-Diagnostic Imaging of Dogs and Cats

Diagnostic Imaging Of Dogs And Cats

This handbook provides an overview of diagnostic imaging— predominantly radiology and ultrasonography—as it pertains to general small animal practice. Important principles and key abnormalities are outlined for each body part. Part I addresses the process of image interpretation. Part II describes the imaging of the musculoskeletal system. Part III explores the unique demands of imaging the thorax and the abdomen and includes a chapter on abdominal ultrasound. Part IV displays the imaging challenges of specific canine and feline cases along with their diagnostic outcomes. The final section, Part V, contains a concise Index of Figures for easy reference to visual support; an imaging-specific Glossary of Terms; a list of Suggested Reading resources for more in-depth study; and a helpful Subject Index for quick access to particular conditions, techniques, and cases.

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154-Veterinary Reproductive Ultrasonography

Veterinary Reproductive Ultrasonography

This atlas, with about 400 illustrations, is the definitive guide to reproductive problems facing veterinarians in day-to-day practice. The book covers all important domestic large and small animals, e.g. horse, cow, sheep, goat, pig, dog and cat.
For each animal included in the book the correct technique for ultrasonography is explained, followed by a look at the ovarian structure. The book shows the development of the foetus and the stages of normal pregnancy in each animal and covers abnormal pregnancy. Also included are gynaecological conditions such as ovarian cysts and endometriosis.

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155-Veterinary Computed Tomography

Veterinary Computed Tomography

This practical and highly illustrated guide is an essential resource for veterinarians seeking to improve their understanding and use of computed tomography (CT) in practice. It provides a thorough grounding in CT technology, describing the underlying physical principles as well as the different types of scanners. The book also includes principles of CT examination such as guidance on positioning and how to achieve a good image quality.

Written by specialists from twelve countries, this book offers a broad range of expertise in veterinary computed tomography, and is the first book to describe the technology, methodology, interpretation principles and CT features of different diseases for most species treated in veterinary practice.

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156-Practical Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging, 2nd Edition

Practical Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging 2Nd Edition

Practical Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging is an essential and practical guide to the various diagnostic imaging modalities that are used in veterinary practice. It moves from basic mathematic and physical principles through to discussion of equipment and practical methods. Radiographic techniques for both small and large animals are covered. There is a separate chapter devoted to ultrasound, as well as discussion of advanced imaging techniques such as fluoroscopy, computerised tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. The book also covers legislation and safety issues in the context of their impact on the veterinary practice.

Presented with clear line diagrams and photographs, Practical Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging also provides revision points and self-assessment questions in each chapter to aid study. It is an ideal guide for student and qualified veterinary nurses. It is also a useful reference for veterinary students and veterinarians in general practice who want a basic guide to radiography and other imaging modalities.

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Veterinary Anatomy Books

157-Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy 4th Edition

Textbook Of Veterinary Anatomy 4Th Edition

Offering comprehensive coverage of core anatomic concepts, this respected, clinically oriented text is the definitive source for a complete understanding of veterinary anatomy. Gain the working anatomic knowledge that is crucial to your understanding of the veterinary basic sciences, as well as detailed information directly applicable to the care of specific animal species, including dogs, cats, horses, cows, pigs, sheep, goats, and birds. Each chapter includes a conceptual overview that describes the structure and function of an anatomic region, accompanied by new full-color dissection photographs that illustrate the relevance of anatomy to successful veterinary practice.

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158-Anatomy of the Horse 6th Edition

Anatomy Of The Horse 6Th Edition

Anatomy of the Horse 6th Edition contains updates to functional anatomy which has now been totally revised. There are also new chapters on the eye, abdomen, female reproduction, ultrasonography and orthopaedics. The atlas is superbly illustrated throughout with colour drawings, photographs, and radiographs providing the reader with detailed information on the structure, function, and clinical application of all equine body systems and their interaction in the live animal.

Already acknowledged by students and teachers as an essential resource for learning and revision, the sixth edition is a valuable reference for veterinary practitioners and for those who own and work with horses.

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159-Introduction to Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology Textbook 4th Edition

Introduction To Animal And Veterinary Anatomy And Physiology 4Th Edition

Introduction to Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology Textbook 4th Edition. A sound knowledge of anatomy and physiology is an essential basis for the effective clinical treatment of companion animals and farm animals alike. The fourth edition of this bestselling book continues to provide a comprehensive description of the anatomy and physiology of dogs and cats. Introduction to Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology Textbook 4th Edition builds on these foundations with detailed descriptions of exotic small species including birds, and domestic farm animals, including cows, sheep and pigs, as well as the horse.

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160-Atlas of Feline Anatomy For Veterinarians

Atlas Of Feline Anatomy For Veterinarians

Presenting more than 266 full color anatomic drawings arranged by organ system, this book is dedicated exclusively to feline anatomy with emphasis on those areas of anatomy that are frequently encountered in clinical practice. It includes a highly detailed chapter on special senses which collects and organizes difficult to find information for quick access. Nomenclature is from Nomina Anitomica Veterinaria so that the feline anatomy is in line with that used in other textbooks of veterinary anatomy of the domestic animals. The book accurately captures the anatomy pertinent to clinical veterinary medicine.

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161-Anatomy of the Dog: An Illustrated Text 5th Edition

Anatomy Of The Dog An Illustrated Text Fifth Edition

Anatomy of the Dog: An Illustrated Text 5th Edition Is One of The Best Veterinary Books Online. A revised edition of this superbly illustrated atlas with a new section on computed tomography. Illustrations include colour line diagrams, radiographs, ultrasound and CT scans providing the reader with detailed information on the structure and function of all the body systems and their interaction in the living animal.Already acknowledged by students and teachers as an essential resource for learning and revision, this new edition is also a valuable reference for practitioners.

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162-Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Animals: Textbook and Colour Atlas 7th Edition

Veterinary Anatomy Of Domestic Animals Textbook And Colour Atlas 7Th Edition

The days of cramming dry anatomical facts are over. It’s time to look at anatomy as an opportunity to appreciate a fascinating world of relationships and interconnections.


  • The complete spectrum of systematic and topographic anatomy: clearly structured and vividly presented, featuring superb high-quality images
  • A combined text and atlas: takes into account a variety of species, an ideal resource for developing a comprehensive understanding of anatomical structures and relationships
  • Integrated sectional anatomy and contemporary diagnostic imaging: a window into the application of anatomy in diagnostics

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163-de Lahunta’s Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology, 5th Edition

De Lahuntas Veterinary Neuroanatomy And Clinical Neurology 5Th Edition

Master the diagnosis and effective treatment of veterinary neurologic disorders! de Lahunta’s Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology, 5th Edition provides in-depth coverage of the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the nervous system. With this knowledge, you will be able to accurately diagnose the location of neurologic lesions in small animals, horses, and food animals. Practical guidelines explain how to perform neurologic examinations, interpret examination results, and formulate treatment plans. Descriptions of neurologic disorders are accompanied by clinical case studies, photos and drawings, and radiographs. Written by neurology experts Alexander de Lahunta, Eric Glass, and Marc Kent, this resource includes hundreds of online videos depicting the patients and disorders described in the text.

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164-Bovine Anatomy: An Illustrated Text, 2nd Edition

Bovine Anatomy An Illustrated Text 2Nd Edition

It provides the reader with detailed information on the structure, function, and clinical application of all bovine body systems and their interaction in the live animal. This expanded second edition now includes clinical anatomy and retains the topographical and systems based methods of anatomy used in the first edition. The topographic anatomy is accompanied by systematic illustrations of the bones, joints, muscles, organs, blood vessels, nerves, and lymph nodes for each body system. There are also tables containing detailed information on the muscles, lymph nodes, and peripheral nerves.

The authors pay particular attention to the histology, growth, and function of the bovine hoof. In addition to the gross anatomy of the udder, its development, histology, and function are described and illustrated. One chapter is devoted to the pathology, pathogenesis, and molecular biology of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, scrapie of sheep and goats, and chronic wasting diseas

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Veterinary Physiology Books

165-Cunningham’s Textbook of Veterinary Physiology, 6th Edition

Cunninghams Textbook Of Veterinary Physiology 6Th Edition

Learn how to understand normal body functions before learning about the mechanisms of veterinary disease. Cunningham’s Textbook of Veterinary Physiology, 6th Edition approaches this vast subject in a practical, user-friendly way that helps you grasp key concepts and learn how they relate to clinical practice. From cell physiology to body system function to homeostasis and immune function, this comprehensive text provides the solid foundation needed before advancing in the veterinary curriculum.


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166-Essentials of Animal Physiology 4th Edition

Essentials Of Animal Physiology 4Th Edition

This comprehensive, fully updated text describes the essential concepts of animal physiology and related biochemistry for students of biology and related disciplines. In terms of presentation and contents, the book offers relevant fundamentals of physiology and animal behaviour under diverse conditions. The text will certainly satisfy the needs of students of biology, home science and animal husbandry.

  • Covers physiology of organ systems of animals, including human and mammalian physiology.
  • Surveys functional specialisation of organisms and their survival ability under environmental stresses.
  • Explains criteria of physiological variations among organisms living in diverse habitats.
  • New coverage on animal calorimetry to explain energy requirements of animals.
  • In depth coverage of membrane physiology.
  • A new chapter on physiological disorders emanating from organellar malfunctions and genetic disabilities.

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167-Textbook of Veterinary Physiology 4th Edition

Textbook Of Veterinary Physiology 4Th Edition

Now with full-color illustrations, this easy-to-follow text takes the vast subject of physiology and focuses on concepts most important to the practice of veterinary medicine. Textbook of Veterinary Physiology 4th Edition includes coverage of physiopathology and clinical problem-solving techniques, making this a practical resource for any practice. The book’s logical, body-system organization makes it easy to find specific information. This edition includes a new chapter on cancer and a new section on the immune system.

  • Expanded information on diabetes mellitus includes the culmination of diabetes, diabetic ketoacidosis, and dietary management of Type 2 diabetes in cats.
  • Clinical Correlations boxes – increased by 25% in this edition – show how principles and concepts of physiology may be applied to the diagnosis and treatment of veterinary patients.
  • Summaries of essential points open each chapter, introducing new concepts and helping you prepare for examinations.
  • Practice questions on the Evolve website make it easy to review for examinations or practice by taking sample exams.

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Veterinary Behavior Books

168-Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Canine and Feline Behavior 2nd Edition

Blackwells Five Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion Canine And Feline Behavior 2Nd Edition

Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Canine and Feline Behavior, Second Edition offers fast access to reliable, practical information on managing common behavior disorders in dogs and cats.

  • Takes a new section approach to allow for easier browsing
  • Adds 19 new topics or algorithms covering separation anxiety, thunderstorm sensitivity, introducing pets to the family and each other, enrichment, geriatric behavior problems, handling techniques, urine marking, leash reactivity, pediatric behavior problems and best practices, and rescue pets
  • Offers a comprehensive guide to diagnosing and managing behavior problems in dogs and cats
  • Designed for fast access to information, with identically formatted topics for ease of use
  • Includes access to a companion website providing 43 client education handouts for download and use, including 25 brand-new handouts

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169-Principles of Animal Behavior, 4th Edition

Principles Of Animal Behavior 4Th Edition

Since the last edition of this definitive textbook was published in 2013, much has happened in the field of animal behavior. In this fourth edition, Lee Alan Dugatkin draws on cutting-edge new work not only to update and expand on the studies presented, but also to reinforce the previous editions’ focus on ultimate and proximate causation, as well as the book’s unique emphasis on natural selection, learning, and cultural transmission. The result is a state-of-the-art textbook on animal behavior that explains underlying concepts in a way that is both scientifically rigorous and accessible to students. Each chapter in the book provides a sound theoretical and conceptual basis upon which the empirical studies rest. A completely new feature in this edition are the Cognitive Connection boxes in Chapters 2–17, designed to dig deep into the importance of the cognitive underpinnings to many types of behaviors. Each box focuses on a specific issue related to cognition and the particular topic covered in that chapter.

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170-Dog Behavior, Modern Science and Our Canine Companions

Dog Behavior Modern Science And Our Canine Companions

Dog Behavior: Modern Science and Our Canine Companions provides readers with a better understanding of canine science, including evolutionary concepts, ethograms, brain structures and development, sensory perspectives, the science of emotions, social structure, and the natural history of the species. The book also analyzes relationships between humans and dogs and how the latter has evolved. Readers will find this to be an ideal resource for researchers and students in animal behavior, specifically focusing on dog behavior and human-canine relationships. In addition, veterinarians seeking further information on dog behavior and the social temperament of these companion animals will find this book to be informative.

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171-Feline Behaviour and Welfare

Feline Behaviour And Welfare

Cats are the world’s most popular domestic pet, as well as being wild animals. This comprehensive book on feline behaviour explores both the familiar domesticated animal and wild relatives such as the leopard, tiger and lynx to examine the Felidae family as a whole, allowing for fascinating comparisons between wild and domestic species and explanations of behaviour in pet cats with evolutionary origins. Fraser’s work helps increase readers’ understanding of cat behaviour – why they behave as they do, for what purpose and why. The focus is on identifying normal behaviour from the cat’s perspective, with a welfare theme running throughout; as exhibitions of normal behaviour provide evidence of good welfare, and abnormal behaviour can be an indicator of poor welfare. Providing a veterinary perspective – by including coverage of feline physiology, life stages and reproduction – as well as an ethological one, this is an important read for veterinarians, shelter workers, animal behaviourists and students of veterinary medicine and animal welfare, while also being of interest to pet owners.

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172-Exotic Pet Behavior: Birds, Reptiles, and Small Mammals 1st Edition

Exotic Pet Behavior Birds Reptiles And Small Mammals

In addition to coverage of all normal behavior patterns — sensory, communication, social and antisocial, reproductive, eating, and elimination — this resource helps you identify medical implications of abnormal behavior, pain-associated behaviors, and effects of captivity. Client education handouts provide important information about caring for a variety of avian and exotic pets.

  • A user-friendly format includes bulleted lists indicating how normal and abnormal behavior applies to species kept in captivity.
  • Includes coverage of all normal behavior patterns, including sensory, communication, social and antisocial, sexual, eating, and elimination.
  • Client education handouts are a convenient resource for providing clients with important information about caring for their pets.
  • Expert authors provide the most current information in the field of avian and exotic pet behavior

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Veterinary Biochemistry Books

173-Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals 6th Edition

Clinical Biochemistry Of Domestic Animals 6Th Edition

The 6th edition of a well-known and much used standard text in the field. This book covers all aspects of the biochemical abnormalities caused by various diseases and how they relate to the biochemical changes in the blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, joint fluids, other body fluids and in cells. The purpose is to provide the fundamental bases for understanding the biochemical changes that occur in disease processes and in turn to provide the rationale for applying this understanding to the diagnosis of the disease process. A substantial appendix is provided so that the user can quickly identify the reference ranges for a large number of animal species.

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174-Lehninger principles of biochemistry 8th Edition

Lehninger Principles Of Biochemistry 8Th

Available for the first time in Achieve, the definitive reference text for biochemistry Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 8e helps students focus on the most important aspects of biochemistry– the principles! Dave Nelson, Michael Cox, and new co-author Aaron Hoskins identify the most important principles of biochemistry and direct student attention to these with icons and resources targeted to each principle.

Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 8th Edition has been fully updated for focus, approachability, and up-to-date content. New and updated end-of-chapter questions -all available in the Achieve problem library with error-specific feedback and thorough solutions.  These questions went through a rigorous development process to ensure they were robust, engaging and accurate.

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175-Textbook of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations 7th Edition

Textbook Of Biochemistry With Clinical Correlations 7Th Edition

Textbook of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations 7th Edition presents a clear and precise discussion of the biochemistry of eukaryotic cells, particularly those of mammalian tissues, relates biochemical events at a cellular level to the subsequent physiological processes in the whole animal, and cites examples of abnormal biochemical processes in human disease.  The organization and content are tied together to provide students with the complete picture of biochemistry and how it relates to human diseases.

  • Contains multiple-choice questions at the end of each chapter to test knowledge of the topic  (50% new)
  • Includes a concise appendix reviewing important organic chemistry concepts
  • Includes a glossary of important terms
  • Contains detailed, full-color illustrations that clearly explain the associated concepts.
  • Contains pertinent biochemical abbrevations and normal clinical laboratory values for blood and urine.

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Veterinary Histology Books

176-Dellmann’s Textbook of Veterinary Histology 6th Edition

Dellmann%E2%80%99S Textbook Of Veterinary Histology 6Th Edition

Avian Immunology 3rd Edition contains a detailed description of the avian innate immune system, encompassing the mucosal, enteric, respiratory and reproductive systems. The diseases and disorders it covers, include immunodepressive diseases and immune evasion, autoimmune diseases, and tumors of the immune system. Practical aspects of vaccination are examined as well. Extensive appendices summarize resources for scientists including cell lines, inbred chicken lines, cytokines, chemokines, and monoclonal antibodies. With contributions from the foremost international experts in the field, Avian Immunology 3rd, provides the most up-to-date crucial information not only for poultry health professionals and avian biologists, but also for comparative and veterinary immunologists, graduate students, and veterinary students with an interest in avian immunology. Avian Immunology 3rd edition is a fascinating and growing field and surely provides new and exciting insights for mainstream immunology in the future.

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177-Color Atlas of Veterinary Histology, 3rd Edition

Color Atlas Of Veterinary Histology 3Rd Edition

Designed to provide students with a foundation in understanding and interpreting histologic and cytologic preparations, Color Atlas of Veterinary Histology is a practical benchside reference focusing on the normal histology of eight common domestic species. This Third Edition has been revised with new images, information, and updated terminology throughout. Introductory chapters have also been expanded to offer more complete coverage of the basic types of tissues, providing an even more thorough grounding in the principles of histology.

For the first time, the more than 900 photomicrographs are available digitally in an interactive atlas on CD, offering images available for download with zoom capability.  The new edition of this veterinary-specific histology atlas provides veterinary and veterinary technician students with an essential pictorial resource for interpreting histologic preparations.

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178-A Practical Guide to the Histology of the Mouse

A Practical Guide To The Histology Of The Mouse

Provides a full-colour atlas of mouse histology. Mouse models of disease are used extensively in biomedical research with many hundreds of new models being generated each year. Complete phenotypic analysis of all of these models can benefit from histologic review of the tissues.

This book is aimed at veterinary and medical pathologists who are unfamiliar with mouse tissues and scientists who wish to evaluate their own mouse models. It provides practical guidance on the collection, sampling and analysis of mouse tissue samples in order to maximize the information that can be gained from these tissues. As well as illustrating the normal microscopic anatomy of the mouse, the book also describes and explains the common anatomic variations, artefacts associated with tissue collection and background lesions to help the scientist to distinguish these changes from experimentally- induced lesions.

This will be an essential bench-side companion for researchers and practitioners looking for an accessible and well-illustrated guide to mouse pathology.

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179-Veterinary histology by Jo Ann Coers Eurell

Veterinary Histology By Jo Ann Coers Eurell

A brief but effective presentation of comparative histology for veterinary students, interns or residents reviewing for their specialty board exams or for a practitioner looking for an excellent quick reference source. This 100 page presentation boasts 39 chapters covering normal histology of the domestic animals and commonly seen exotics. Over 95 original full color drawings clearly and accurately present the normal morphology and organ differentiation of tissues. The presentation on classical embryology is especially helpful to student first learning this information. It is consistent with the Quick Look series, containing over 100 multiple choice questions to aid understanding. The well integrated CD-ROM contains over 250 full color tissue specimens which serve to further understanding on the topic. Published by Teton New Media in the USA and distributed by Manson Publishing outside of North America.

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180-Aughey and Frye’s Comparative Veterinary Histology with Clinical Correlates, 2nd Edition

Aughey And Fryes Comparative Veterinary Histology With Clinical Correlates 2Nd Edition

Aughey and Frye’s Comparative Veterinary Histology with Clinical Correlates, 2nd Edition covers the normal histological appearance of tissues in a wide range of animals, both domestic and exotic species, with relevant clinical correlates emphasising the need to appreciate the normal in order to recognise the abnormal.

In this update by two experienced veterinary pathologists and histology lecturers, new species, such as other companion mammals, aquatic species, and livestock, are introduced into each chapter along with a wealth of new high-quality images. A new chapter covers epitehlial tissue, and new techniques used in histology and histopathology are discussed throughout, including in situ hybridisation (ISH) and digital image analysis. Pathogenesis explanations are introduced in the current (and many new) cases of histopathology.

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181-Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition

Veterinary Histology Of Domestic Mammals And Birds 5Th Edition

This full color atlas of veterinary histology images with accompanying text covers domestic mammals and birds. It provides a peerless collection of diagrams, schematics, color micrographs, and electron microscope images, plus online access to a further 900 color images. The author presents information from both a structural and functional perspective. This applied approach highlights the importance of understanding histology as a basis for identifying disease.

Translated from the German edition, Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition is an excellent atlas for veterinary students and veterinary school libraries.

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182-Junqueira’s Basic Histology 15th Edition

Junqueira%E2%80%99S Basic Histology Text And Atlas 15Th Edition

For more than four decades, Junqueira’s Basic Histology has built a global reputation as the most accessible, yet comprehensive overview of human tissue structure and function available. This trusted classic delivers a well-organized and concise presentation of cell biology and histology that integrates the material with that of biochemistry, immunology, endocrinology, and physiology, and provides an excellent foundation for subsequent studies in pathology. Junqueira’s is written specifically for students of medicine and other health-related professions, as well as for advanced undergraduate courses in tissue biology – and there is nothing else like it.

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183-Fish Histology, From Cells to Organs, 2nd Edition

Fish Histology From Cells To Organs 2Nd Edition

Fish Histology: From Cells to Organs, 2nd Edition provides up-to-date information that emphasizes the relationships and concepts by which cell and tissue structures of fish are inextricably linked with their function. The book also describes the most recent development in the sciences of fish histology.

The first edition of this book was well received, and this updated and improved edition includes five brand new chapters on the skeleton of fishes, gas bladder and gas gland, endocrine system, nervous system, and sensory system. Various staining procedures were used in the second edition to enhance contrasts in samples. As a further aid to learning, many new immunohistochemical and ultrastructural images illustrate the text along with a particular emphasis on tables that summarize the morphologic and functional features of cells, tissues, and organs. The text and images for this edition have been updated with the most current information available at the time of publication.

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Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics Books

184-Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 10th Edition

Veterinary Pharmacology And Therapeutics 10Th Edition

Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 10th Edition  is a fully updated and revised version of the gold-standard reference on the use of drug therapy in all major veterinary species.

  • Provides current, detailed information on using drug therapies in all major domestic animal species
  • Organized logically by drug class and treatment indication, with exhaustive information on the rational use of drugs in veterinary medicine
  • Includes extensive tables of pharmacokinetic data, products available, and dosage regimens
  • Adds new chapters on pharmaceutics, ophthalmic pharmacology, food animal pharmacology, and aquatic animal pharmacology
  • Includes access to a companion website with the figures from the book in PowerPoi

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185-Papich Handbook of Veterinary Drugs, 5th Edition

Papich Handbook Of Veterinary Drugs 5Th Edition

Papich Handbook of Veterinary Drugs, 5th Edition includes concise entries for more than 550 drugs, with appendices summarizing clinically relevant information at a glance. Nineteen new drug monographs are added to this edition, and over 100 drug monographs have been updated and revised. An Expert Consult website contains more than 150 instructional handouts that may be customized and printed out for your clients. Written by clinical pharmacology expert Mark Papich, this handy reference makes it easy to find the drug data and dosage recommendations you need to treat small and large animals, right when you need it!

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186-Handbook of Veterinary Pharmacology

Handbook Of Veterinary Pharmacology

Handbook of Veterinary Pharmacology is a clear and concise guide to pharmacology concepts and commonly used veterinary drugs. Providing a succinct overview of veterinary pharmacology, this book presents information in a user-friendly outline format to allow quick access to practical drug information. With chapters covering the basic principles, specific drugs, interactions, and legal considerations, Handbook of Veterinary Pharmacology offers up-to-date information on basic and clinical veterinary pharmacology.
As an aid to student comprehension, simple line drawings depict the mechanisms of action and study questions with explanations are included at the end of each chapter. Appendices on withdrawal times for drugs in production animals and drug dosages in domestic species are a valuable tool, allowing quick decisions on drug therapy. Handbook of Veterinary Pharmacology is an indispensable text for veterinary students and practitioners.

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187-Antimicrobial Therapy in Veterinary Medicine, 5th Edition

Antimicrobial Therapy In Veterinary Medicine 5Th Edition

The Fifth Edition of Antimicrobial Therapy in Veterinary Medicine, the most comprehensive reference available on veterinary antimicrobial drug use, has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect the rapid advancements in the field of antimicrobial therapy. Encompassing all aspects of antimicrobial drug use in animals, the book provides detailed coverage of virtually all types of antimicrobials relevant to animal health. Now with a new chapter on antimicrobial therapy in zoo animals, Antimicrobial Therapy in Veterinary Medicine offers a wealth of invaluable information for appropriately prescribing antimicrobial therapies and shaping public policy.

Divided into four sections covering general principles of antimicrobial therapy, classes of antimicrobial agents, special considerations, and antimicrobial drug use in multiple animal species, the text is enhanced by tables, diagrams, and photos. Antimicrobial Therapy in Veterinary Medicine is an essential resource for anyone concerned with the appropriate use of antimicrobial drugs, including veterinary practitioners, students, public health veterinarians, and industry and research scientists.

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188-Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2nd Edition

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology And Therapeutics 2Nd Edition

Confidently utilize the rapidly growing selection of pharmaceuticals used to treat small animals. Small Animal Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2nd Edition helps you understand both the therapeutic uses of common pharmaceuticals and the pharmacology behind them, giving you all of the information you need to design and modify dosing regimens, identify factors that cause drugs to fail, and anticipate adverse drug reactions.

  • Comprehensive approach emphasizes the use of drugs for prevention as well as treatment.
  • Clear, consistent organization makes it easy to find the information you need when you need it.
  • Dosage tables help you find essential pharmaceutical information at a glance.

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Veterinary Microbiology Books

189-Veterinary Microbiology, 3rd Edition

Veterinary Microbiology 3Rd Edition

Veterinary Microbiology, Third Edition is a comprehensive reference on the bacterial, fungal, and viral pathogenic agents that cause animal disease. Now in full color with improved images throughout, the new edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect information from current research and diagnostic and clinical publications. Key changes include a review of microbial cell structure and function and increased emphasis on the key points of pathogenesis and host responses to infection.

Organized into four sections, the Third Edition begins with an updated and expanded introductory section on infectious disease pathogenesis, diagnosis and clinical management. The second section covers bacterial and fungal pathogens, and the third section describes viral diseases and viruses.  The final section presents a systematic approach of describing infection and disease of animals. Equally useful for beginning veterinary students and seasoned practitioners, Veterinary Microbiology offers a thorough introduction and reference text for veterinary infectious disease.

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190-Clinical Veterinary Microbiology 2nd Edition

Clinical Veterinary Microbiology 2Nd Edition

Clinical Veterinary Microbiology 2nd Edition provides concise information on the materials and methods of bacteriology, mycology, and virology. The book covers the collection, isolation, and culture of diagnostic specimens, with detailed notes on the biochemical, serological and other tests currently used to identify and distinguish between microbial pathogens. The new edition sets out to provide the most up-to-date account of all the clinically and economically important pathogens, including Bovine Spongiform Encephalomyeltis, Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, E-coli, and Salmonella. The clear, accessible format, together with the complete revision of the content, makes this a valuable resource.

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191-Essentials of Veterinary Bacteriology and Mycology 6th Edition

Essentials Of Veterinary Bacteriology And Mycology 6Th Edition

Essentials of Veterinary Bacteriology and Mycology 6th Edition provides the latest information on all facets of the microbial pathogens of animals and everything required for an introductory course in veterinary bacteriology and mycology. This book includes the basic characteristics of bacteria and fungi with two chapters on molecular biology and genetics and their applications. Handy glossaries are at the end of most chapters to aid comprehension.

Essentials of Veterinary Bacteriology and Mycology also deals with microbial pathogens of animals and the diseases they cause. Pathogenic bacteria are discussed in the order in which they occur in the latest molecular genetic (Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology) classification. This book is the foremost text in veterinary microbiology and continues to fill an important niche in veterinary education.

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192-Concise Review of Veterinary Microbiology 2nd Edition

Concise Review Of Veterinary Microbiology 2Nd Edition

Updated to reflect the latest developments in the field, Concise Review of Veterinary Microbiology 2nd Edition presents essential information on veterinary microbiology for students and those requiring a refresher on key topics relating to microbial diseases in animals. Morphological, cultural and other descriptive features of pathogenic microorganisms are described, together with their habitats and aetiological roles in disease production in animals and, where appropriate, in the human population.Key features:
• There are five sections covering bacteriology, mycology, virology, biosecurity and other aspects of infectious diseases
• Provides concise, yet comprehensive information on pathogenic microorganisms of importance in veterinary medicine, the diseases which they cause, their diagnosis and control
• The 79 short chapters in this book include 13 new chapters on antibacterial resistance, structure and function of the immune system, antifungal chemotherapy, antiviral chemotherapy, principles of biosecurity and a number of topics related to the control and prevention of infectious diseases
• This latest edition uses updated nomenclature and includes detailed diagrams now in full colour, and comprehensive tables.

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193-Fenner’s Veterinary Virology, 5th Edition

Fenner%E2%80%99S Veterinary Virology 5Th Edition

Fenner’s Veterinary Virology, Fifth Edition, is a comprehensive reference of global importance that features coverage on viral agents, viral diseases of animals, and newly emerging viral zoonotic diseases. It is an excellent first port of call for researchers and students alike, presenting the fundamental principles of virology, virus structure, genome replication, and viral diseases, while also focusing on the topics’ clinical aspects.

Organized on a taxonomic basis, readers can quickly understand how the virus (or the viral diseases) fits into the bigger picture of the virus genus and family. The basic information about each virus, such as disease, transmission, control, and treatment are useful for veterinary students and clinicians for their practices in disease management and prevention.

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194-Veterinary Virology, 3rd Edition

Veterinary Virology 3Rd Edition

Completely rewritten, this edition has expanded coverage of zoonotic viruses and the diseases they cause, and viruses and viral diseases of laboratory animals, poultry, fish, and wildlife. The concept of new emerging and reemerging viral diseases reflects the new perspective this concept has brought to veterinary and zoonotic virology and related fields. Part I presents fundamental principles of virology related to animal infection and disease. Part II details the properties and clinical features of the viruses that afflict animals and describes their treatment and control.

  • Comprehensive coverage of animal viruses, viral diseases, and viral zoonoses
  • Covers veterinary and zoonotic virology from the perspective of pathogenesis of viral infections, as well as from the perspective of disease prevention and control

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Veterinary Parasitology Books

195-Veterinary Parasitology 4th Edition

Veterinary Parasitology 4Th Edition

The recipient of much praise and acclaim, Veterinary Parasitology 4th Edition is widely considered to be the definitive veterinary parasitology reference for practitioners and students alike. This Fourth Edition has been developed and enhanced into a two-part reference to reflect recent advances in the field, modern teaching practice, and updated parasite taxonomic classification systems. Part One contains expanded individual parasite descriptions using current taxonomic status within three new chapters on Helminthology, Protozoology and Entomology. Further updated chapters are provided on: The laboratory diagnosis of parasitism, Antiparasitics, The epidemiology of parasitic diseases, and Host resistance to parasitic diseases. Host species chapters have been retained and expanded and are found in Part Two of the edition.

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196-Georgis’ Parasitology for Veterinarians 11th Edition

Georgis Parasitology For Veterinarians 11Th Edition

Georgis’ Parasitology for Veterinarians 11th Edition provides the most current information on all parasites commonly encountered in veterinary medicine, including minor or rare parasites to assist in the diagnosis of difficult cases. While primarily focused on parasites that infect ruminants, horses, pigs, dogs, and cats, this comprehensive text also covers organisms that commonly infect laboratory animals and exotic species. More than 600 high-quality, color photographs and illustrations help you learn how to easily identify and treat parasites of every kind.

  • The most comprehensive parasitology content available, written specifically for veterinarians, provides complete information on all parasites commonly encountered in veterinary medicine, as well as information about minor or rare parasites.
  • High-quality color photographs and illustrations make the process of identifying and treating parasites more accurate and efficient.

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197-Veterinary Clinical Parasitology, 9th Edition

Veterinary Clinical Parasitology 9Th Edition

Veterinary Clinical Parasitology, 9th Edition allows for a quick and accurate reference to internal and external parasites found in a wide variety of domestic animals and laboratory animal host species.  Focusing on the tests and information most relevant to daily veterinary practice, this classic benchtop manual contains a wealth of high-quality images to assist readers in diagnosing parasitic disease and identifying and treating relevant parasites.  Contributions by leading experts in veterinary pathobiology and parasitology cover fecal examination for the diagnosis of parasitism, detection of parasites in the blood, diagnosis of arthropod parasites, and more.

The latest edition contains fully revised material throughout, including new and expanded information on immunodiagnostic and molecular diagnostic tests, additional parasite-specific material on the benefits and limitations of different test modalities, and increased coverage of reptiles, birds, and other exotic and laboratory animals.  New sections include up-to-date information on anthelmintics, antiprotozoals, and other antiparasitic drugs, and challenging case studies that provide insights on situations where identification of parasites is especially difficult.

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198-Principles of Veterinary Parasitology

Principles Of Veterinary Parasitology

Principles of Veterinary Parasitology is a student-friendly introduction to veterinary parasitology. Written primarily to meet the immediate needs of veterinary students, this textbook outlines the essential parasitological knowledge needed to underpin clinical practice. Conceptual relationships between parasitic organisms, their biology and the diseases they cause are clearly illustrated. Help boxes and practical tips are included throughout alongside a wealth of colour photographs, drawings and life-cycle diagrams. Organised taxonomically with additional host-orientated chapters and focussing on parasites that commonly cause animal or zoonotic disease, welfare problems or economic losses, students worldwide will benefit from this straightforward and easy to comprehend introduction to veterinary parasitology.

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199-Veterinary Parasitology Reference Manual 5th Edition

Veterinary Parasitology Reference Manual 5Th Edition

Veterinary Parasitology Reference Manual Fifth Edition is a practical, thorough, bench top reference for basic diagnostic veterinary parasitology. The manual provides pertinent information on parasite life cyles, importance, location in the host, zoonotic potential, current literature, diagnosis, and treatment. It also includes step-by-step instructions for the most common diagnostic procedures used in routine veterinary practice.
Sections are organized by animal host species, including dogs; cats; cattle, sheep and goats; llamas; horses; pigs; birds; ratites (ostriches, emus, and cassowaries); and laboratory animals, as well as wildlife, reptiles, marine mammals, and humans. There is a section in which common artifacts found in fecal samples are presented, and the last section includes conversion tables and a list of abbreviations.

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Veterinary Immunology Books

200-Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition

Veterinary Immunology 10Th Edition 1

Exploring the immunologic concerns of both large and small animals, Veterinary Immunology: An Introduction,10th Edition is the only complete resource on immunology for veterinary practitioners. This new edition has been meticulously updated to continue its trend of incorporating the latest advances and topics in the field. It features a straightforward presentation of basic immunologic principles along with thorough and timely information on the most significant immunologic diseases and responses seen in domestic animals.

  • Comprehensive coverage clearly explains the general principles of immunology, and provides information on the most significant immunologic diseases and immunologic responses seen in domestic animals and marine mammals.
  • A wealth of clinical examples show how principles will be experienced and addressed in the clinical setting.
  • Educator and student resources on Evolve feature an image collection, enhanced animations, flashcards, content updates, and a test bank for instructors.
  • Improved images clarify new content and enhance your understanding.

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201-Basic Veterinary Immunology

Basic Veterinary Immunology

Designed to fill the current gap in resources for teaching veterinary immunology, Basic Veterinary Immunology offers a solid background in the essentials of immunology within the context of veterinary medicine.

The book combines a clinical framework complete with real-world examples to integrate the theory and practice of veterinary medicine. Each chapter begins with a clinically relevant veterinary issue and then presents one aspect of basic immunology in the context of that issue. All chapters include learning objectives and a clinical correlation follow-up section that includes student considerations and a review of the possible explanations for the clinical presentation.

Illustrated with 250 full-color images and figures that will also be available as PowerPoint teaching aids, Basic Veterinary Immunology and related materials will be made available online to students, faculty, and clinical veterinarians in partnership with the Veterinary Information Network.

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202-Equine Clinical Immunology

Equine Clinical Immunology

Equine Clinical Immunology offers comprehensive information on equine immunological disorders.
• Provides a complete, equine-specific reference on clinical immunology
• Focuses on clinically relevant information for the diagnosis and treatment of horses with immune disorders
• Illustrates the concepts discussed using drawings, photographs, and tables
• Presents key concepts, clinical assessment information, and treatment approaches in text boxes for ease of use
• Offers a practical, clinically oriented approach ideal for equine specialists

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203-Clinical Immunology of the Dog and Cat, 2nd Edition

Clinical Immunology Of The Dog And Cat 2Nd Edition

The First Edition of this book (1999) was greeted by critical acclaim, became a bestseller and was translated into many languages. It proved useful for veterinarians in general practice who may have had limited exposure to the subject of immunology in training to help translate theory into clinical practice. The book details the manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of immune-related disease in the dog and cat. It is illustrated throughout in full colour, to show and explain to the reader as clearly as possible the complicated principles of disease and immunodiagnostic tests, supported by clinical cases, gross and histopathology, cytology, haematology, immunohistochemistry and other immunological tests. Since publication of the First Edition many advances have been made and the Second Edition incorporates these changes in focus and on techniques. There is an additional chapter on respiratory and cardiac disease, and given the continued focus of companion animal practitioners on vaccine-related issues, a new chapter is devoted entirely to the subject of vaccinology. The Second Edition includes approximately 200 new photographic images, an updated list of further reading and an extensive glossary of terms.

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204-Veterinary Immunology, Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition

Veterinary Immunology Principles And Practice 2Nd Edition

Veterinary Immunology: Principles and Practice has become the adopted text in numerous veterinary schools throughout the world. Widely updated with advances in knowledge since 2011, this second edition reflects the rapid development in the field.

The new edition presents expanded information on commonly used diagnostic test procedures and discusses newly arising diseases such as bovine neonatal pancytopenia. Maintaining the same reliable format as its predecessor

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205-Cellular and Molecular Immunology 9th Edition

Cellular And Molecular Immunology 9Th Edition

Cellular and Molecular Immunology 9th Edition.The top required and recommended immunology text worldwide, Cellular and Molecular Immunology by Drs. Abul K. Abbas, Andrew H. H. Lichtman, and Shiv Pillai, is a clear, well-written, and superbly illustrated introduction to the field. The 9th Edition retains a practical, clinical focus while updating and revising all content to ensure clarity and comprehension, bringing readers fully up to date with new and emerging information in this challenging area.


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Animal Management Books

206-Cow Signals: A Practical Guide for Dairy Farm Management

Cow Signals A Practical Guide For Dairy Farm Management

Cows send out signals continuously about their health, well-being, nutrition, and production. The challenge for the dairy farmer is how to interpret these signals and use them. Dutch vet and cow enthusiast Jan Hulsen has drawn on his expertise and wide experience of cows and dairy farmers to write Cow Signals: a richly illustrated farmer’s guide on how to interpret the behaviour, posture and physical characteristics of groups of cows and individual animals.

When observing cows it is important not to jump to conclusions immediately, but instead always to ask yourself three questions: What do I see? Why has this happened? What does this mean? If you know what to look for, you can pick up the signals everywhere and any time. Cow Signals will show you how.

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207-Large Dairy Herd Management, 3rd Edition

Large Dairy Herd Management 3Rd Edition

The ADSA Foundation is pleased to announce that after untold hours of work by a dedicated group of 171 chapter authors, 18 section editors, and 73 external reviewers, under the leadership of Dr. David Beede, the third edition of Large Dairy Herd Management (e-book) is available for purchase. This edition was developed to help meet the growing information needs of dairy farmers, service professionals, and students worldwide. It brings peer-reviewed dairy science and management information to users in an accessible, easy-to-use format. The e-book includes 97 chapters in 15 sections.

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208-Livestock And Poultry Production Management and Planning

Livestock And Poultry Production Management And Planning

Livestock play a vital role in the agricultural and rural economies of the developing world. Not only do they produce food directly, they also provide key inputs to crop agriculture. Most farms in the developing world are too small to justify owning or using a tractor, and the alternatives are animal power or human labour. The global livestock sector is rapidly changing in response to globalization and growing demand for animal-source foods, driven by population growth and increasing wealth in much of the developing world. The rapid rate of urbanization seen in many countries is not only linked to growing affluence but also gives rise to changes in people’s food preferences; usually tending towards greater convenience and higher standards of safety. As well as the many benefits and opportunities associated with rapid sector transformation and growth, they are also associated with social, environmental and public health risks. This comprehensive text covers all types of farm animals and provides detailed information on each species.

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209-Multimodal Management of Canine Osteoarthritis, 2nd Edition

Multimodal Management Of Canine Osteoarthritis 2Nd Edition

Multimodal Management of Canine Osteoarthritis, Second Edition takes an evidence-based approach to the canine patient with osteoarthritis, pursuing the objective of the best available medicine by a variety of means: multiple drugs, agents, adjuncts and delivery methods. Appreciating that surgical intervention may initially be required, particularly for stabilizing a joint, the major focus in this work is the conservative management of osteoarthritis. A clear and visual approach is taken with the overlapping of two three-pointed triangles of management: medical and non-medical.

The completely updated new edition offers a major new chapter on Regenerative Medicine in collaboration with Drs Sherman Canapp and Brittany Jean Carr. It is recommended for any small animal veterinary practitioner, as well as researchers and students of the RCVS CertAVP.

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210-Equine Breeding Management and Artificial Insemination, 2nd Edition

Equine Breeding Management And Artificial Insemination 2Nd Edition

Put the principles of good breeding management into practice with Equine Breeding Management and Artificial Insemination, 2nd Edition for reproductive success! Practical information on the reproductive management of both thoroughbred and warmblood breeding operations prepares you to effectively breed even problem mares and stallions. Plus, detailed content on techniques, procedures, reproductive physiology, and more help you increase reproductive efficiency as well as track and improve your results throughout each breeding season.

  • A section on reproduction efficiency evaluation includes a worksheet to evaluate the performance of both mares and stallions during each breeding season, and helps you compare reproductive performance with previous breeding seasons.
  • Detailed descriptions of procedures and techniques including embryo transfer, artificial insemination, and more enable you to implement the methods for better breeding results.
  • Practical information on reproductive management of both thoroughbred and warmblood breeding operations enhance the fertility of problem mares and stallions.
  • World-renowned authors and contributors with years of practical knowledge and experience provide cutting-edge information.

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211-Horse and Stable Management 4th Edition

Horse And Stable Management 4Th Edition

Since the first edition was published in 1984 Horse and Stable Management Download has become the recognised source of reliable information on all aspects of the practical management of horses and ponies. It is now the established textbook for everyone who owns a horse or works with horses.
This fourth edition has been radically revised and reorganised to include the most up-to-date and accurate procedures and advice. With many new photographs, Horse and Stable Management includes chapters covering evolution and behaviour, conformation and action, routine preventive measures, nursing the sick horse, first aid, lameness and the management of breeding stock.

Horse and Stable Management is essential reading for those taking British Horse Society and Association of British Riding Schools examinations as well as those taking college equine courses or National Vocational Qualifications in horse care and management.

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212-Swine Production and Management

Swine Production And Health Management 1

Swine Production and Management book elaborately covers all topics of swine management like breeding, feeding, housing, health management and pork production technology.The book is well supported by a large number of illustrations and tables which makes the understanding of the text very simple and easy. It will be very useful for all students as well as professionals.
Note: T& F does not sell or distribute the Hardback in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.


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213-Management Strategies for Sustainable Cattle Production in Southern Pastures

Management Strategies For Sustainable Cattle Production In Southern Pastures

Management Strategies for Sustainable Cattle Production in Southern Pastures is a practical resource for scientists, students, and stakeholders who want to understand the relationships between soil-plant interactions and pasture management strategies, and the resultant performance of cow-calf and stocker cattle. This book illustrates the importance of matching cattle breed types and plant hardiness zones to optimize cattle production from forages and pastures. It explains the biologic and economic implications of grazing management decisions made to improve sustainability of pastures and cattle production while being compliant with present and future environmental concerns and cattle welfare programs.

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Practice Management Books

214-Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Practice Management Consult 3rd Edition

Blackwells Five Minute Veterinary Practice Management Consult 3Rd Edition

Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Practice Management Consult 3rd Edition provides quick access to practical information for managing a veterinary practice. It offers 320 easily referenced topics that present essential details for all things practice management—from managing clients and finances to information technology, legal issues, and planning. 

This fully updated Third Edition adds 26 new topics, with a further 78 topics significantly updated or expanded. It gives readers a look at the current state of the veterinary field, and teaches how to work in teams, communicate with staff and clients, manage money, market a practice, and more. It also provides professional insight into handling human resources in a veterinary practice, conducting staff performance evaluations, facility design and construction, and managing debt, among other topics.

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215-Leadership in Veterinary Medicine

Leadership In Veterinary Medicine

Leadership in Veterinary Medicine provides both theoretical and practical information for veterinary professionals who are contemplating leadership or currently facing day-to-day leadership challenges.

This much-needed book introduces and explores key leadership concepts in the veterinary context whilst encouraging self-reflection through real-world scenarios. Each chapter outlines a particular leadership concept or issue and includes a topic summary, discussion questions, full references and further reading suggestions.

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216-Ten Steps to Building a Successful Veterinary Practice

Ten Steps To Building A Successful Veterinary Practice

This book is a down to earth, practical guide which provides ten simple steps for success for anyone responsible for recruiting a winning veterinary practice team: whether they are recruiting employees and building their team, or changing culture and creating a supportive environment where employees are engaged and motivated. It is ideal for small business owners who can’t afford to employ any human resource support.

Intensely practical, it delivers key facts for veterinary staff starting out in business. The book:

  • Details how you can attract, recruit and retain the right people for a winning team
  • Guides you on creating a well organised, supportive practice in which employees can flourish
  • Provides you with a basic introduction to building a strategy and improving your marketing campaigns
  • Covers the basics of sound financial planning and how to win clients and increase your revenues
  • Looks at how to manage common pitfalls

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217-Veterinary Practice Management, 3rd Edition

Veterinary Practice Management 3Rd Edition

The third revised edition of this comprehensive book continues to provide an essential source of information on practice management. It gives straightforward guidance to veterinary surgeons setting up in practice for the first time as well as being invaluable to established practitioners and staff keen to improve the efficiency of their business. Those preparing for the Certificate in Veterinary Practice Management will find it particularly helpful.

Written by recognised experts in their field, Veterinary Practice Management now includes new chapters on veterinary nurse clinics, pharmacy management, management accounts and staff appraisals. There is also new material providing information and advice on partnership contracts, business marketing and health and safety.

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218-Modern Veterinary Practice Management

Modern Veterinary Practice Management

The classical veterinary education revolves around the anatomy, physiology, diseases and their treatment of the bovine, avian, equine, swine species and the assorted small animals. This book discusses the reasoning of both the veterinary profession in its medical care, innovation and scientific logic and also the tools and laws of the business world which cannot be ignored, if a veterinary practice shall survive. It is the reasonable synthesis of both, which eventually leads to profound business success and a medical reputation of excellence.


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