Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals 6th Edition


Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals 6th Edition

Clinical Biochemistry Of Domestic Animals 6Th Edition

By Jiro Kaneko, John Harvey and Michael Bruss

Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals 6th Edition PDF covers all aspects of the biochemical abnormalities caused by various diseases and how they relate to the biochemical changes in the blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, joint fluids, other body fluids and in cells. The purpose is to provide the fundamental bases for understanding the biochemical changes that occur in disease processes and in turn to provide the rationale for applying this understanding to the diagnosis of the disease process. A substantial appendix is provided so that the user can quickly identify the reference ranges for a large number of animal species.

  • An appendix is provided in the book so that the user can quickly identify the reference ranges for a large number of animal species
  • Explains what biochemical changes occur in disease processes and provides the rationale for applying this understanding to the diagnosis of the disease process
Table of Contents

Concepts of Normality in Clinical Biochemistry

DNA Technology

Carbohydrate Metabolism and Diabetes

Lipids and Ketones


Clinical Immunology

The Erythrocyte

The Porhyrins

Iron Metabolism


The Leukocytes

Clinical Enzymology

Liver function

Pancreatic function

Gastrointestinal function

Skeletal Muscle Function

Kidney function

Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Balance

Pituitary Function

Adrenocortical function

Thyroid function

Reproductive Hormones

Clinical Nutrition

Calcium, Phosphorus and Magnesium Metabolism

Trace minerals


Tumor Markers

Lysosomal Storage Diseases

Cerebrospinal Fluid

Clinical toxicology

Clinical biochemistry of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits

Clinical biochemistry of Avians

Appendixes: Clinical laboratory reference values in a number of animal species and some useful laboratory information

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