Veterinary Hematology, Clinical Chemistry, and Cytology 3rd Edition


Veterinary Hematology, Clinical Chemistry, and Cytology 3rd Edition

Veterinary Hematology, Clinical Chemistry, And Cytology, 3Rd Edition Pdf

By Mary Anna Thrall , Glade Weiser , Robin W. Allison and Terry W. Campbell

Veterinary Hematology, Clinical Chemistry, and Cytology, 3rd Edition PDF delivers a thorough and focused exploration of the basic principles of veterinary lab testing and diagnosis, as well as the cytology, hematology, and chemistry of common domestic and non-domestic species. The book offers readers an expanded wealth of clinical case presentations, providing case data and narrative discussions designed to promote skill development.

The book is packed with information useful to veterinary students, technicians, pathologists, and researchers, and includes access to a companion website that offers clinical cases and the figures from the book in PowerPoint. Heavily and clearly illustrated, with a strong practical emphasis, this latest edition includes a brand-new section on veterinary cytology and a chapter on laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases as well as updated information throughout that keeps pace with the rapidly developing field of clinical pathology.


  • A comprehensive overview of laboratory testing and diagnosis principles, with unique emphases on interpretive perspectives and slide preparation techniques.
  • A complete treatment of hematopathology of domestic animal species, organized by erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, bone marrow, hemostasis, and transfusion medicine.
  • A comprehensive treatment of clinical biochemistry in domestic animals organized by organ system, including electrochemical evaluation of electrolyte and acid-base pathology.
  • A complete treatment of domestic animal cytology organized by both common collection sites and principles of inflammation, infectious agents, and neoplasia.
  • Complete sections covering practical treatment of hematology and clinical biochemistry of non-domestic mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, and amphibians.
Table of Contents

Section I General Principles of Laboratory Testing and Diagnosis 1

1 Laboratory Technology for Veterinary Medicine 3
Glade Weiser

2 Sample Collection and Processing, Preparations for Clinical Microscopy, and Analysis of Laboratory Service Options 30
Glade Weiser

3 Perspectives in Laboratory Data Interpretation and Disease Diagnosis 46
Glade Weiser and Robin W. Allison

4 Immunodiagnostics: Current Use and Future Trends in Veterinary Medicine 58
Wayne A. Jensen

5 Laboratory Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases of Animals 65
Sreekumari Rajeev

Section II Hematology of Common Domestic Species 85

6 Erythrocyte Production, Function, and Morphology 87
Mary Anna Thrall

7 Classification of and Diagnostic Approach to Anemia 100
Mary Anna Thrall

8 Nonregenerative Anemia 106
Mary Anna Thrall

9 Regenerative Anemia 110
Mary Anna Thrall

10 Classification of and Diagnostic Approach to Erythrocytosis 135
Mary Anna Thrall

11 Introduction to Leukocytes and the Leukogram 139
Glade Weiser

12 Neutrophil Production, Trafficking, and Kinetics 144
Glade Weiser

13 Interpretation of Leukocyte Responses in Disease 148
Glade Weiser

14 Molecular Diagnostics of Hematologic Malignancies 161
Emily D. Rout and Anne C. Avery

15 Laboratory Evaluation of Bone Marrow 170
Mary Anna Thrall and Glade Weiser

16 Lymphoproliferative Disorders and Myeloid Neoplasms 183
Mary Anna Thrall

17 Disorders of Hemostasis 201
James Meinkoth

18 Principles of Blood Transfusion and Crossmatching 220
Linda M. Vap and Karl E. Jandrey

Section III Hematology of Common Nondomestic Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Fish, and Amphibians 235

19 Mammalian Hematology: Laboratory Animals and Miscellaneous Species 237
Terry W. Campbell

20 Hematology of Birds 254
Terry W. Campbell

21 Hematology of Reptiles 292
Terry W. Campbell

22 Hematology of Fish 314
Terry W. Campbell

23 Hematology of Amphibians 330
Terry W. Campbell

Section IV Clinical Chemistry of Common Domestic Species 341

24 Laboratory Evaluation and Interpretation of the Urinary System 343
Donald Meuten and Saundra Sample

25 Laboratory Evaluation of Electrolytes 402
Andrea A. Bohn

26 Laboratory Evaluation of Acid-Base Disorders 417
Glade Weiser

27 Laboratory Evaluation of the Liver 425
Robin W. Allison

28 Laboratory Evaluation of the Pancreas and Glucose Metabolism 445
Robin W. Allison

29 Laboratory Evaluation of Gastrointestinal Disease, Digestion, and Intestinal Absorption 458
Dawn Seddon

30 Laboratory Evaluation of Plasma and Serum Proteins 484
Robin W. Allison

31 Laboratory Detection of Muscle Injury 498
Robin W. Allison

32 Laboratory Evaluation of Lipids 502
M. Judith Radin

33 Laboratory Evaluation of the Thyroid, Adrenal, and Pituitary Glands 515
Donald Meuten and Saundra Sample

34 Parathyroid Glands and Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolic Pathology 561
Donald Meuten

Section V Clinical Chemistry of Common Nondomestic Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Fish, and Amphibians 587

35 Clinical Chemistry of Mammals: Laboratory Animals and Miscellaneous Species 589
Terry W. Campbell

36 Clinical Chemistry of Birds 601
Terry W. Campbell

37 Clinical Chemistry of Reptiles 617
Terry W. Campbell

38 Clinical Chemistry of Fish and Amphibians 625
Terry W. Campbell

Section VI Cytopathology of Common Domestic Animals 633

39 Cytology of Inflammation and Infectious Agents 635
Robin W. Allison

40 Cytology of Neoplasia 652
Donald Meuten and Kristina Meichner

41 Cytology of Skin and Subcutaneous Masses 676
Donald Meuten, Kristina Meichner, and Mary Anna Thrall

42 Cytology of Body Cavity Effusions 703
Robin W. Allison

43 Cytology of Synovial Fluid 717
James Meinkoth

44 Cytology of Abdominal Organs 731
Mary Anna Thrall and Andrea A. Bohn

45 Cytology of Lymph Nodes 752
Mary Anna Thrall, Donald Meuten, Andrea A. Bohn, and Kristina Meichner

Section VII Clinical Case Presentations 775

Clinical Case Presentations 777
Alex Mau

This section includes 117 cases with clinicopathologic data accompanied by an interpretive discussion and diagnostic summary.

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