Exotic Pet Behavior: Birds, Reptiles, and Small Mammals PDF


Exotic Pet Behavior: Birds, Reptiles, and Small Mammals 1st Edition

Exotic Pet Behavior: Birds, Reptiles, And Small Mammals 1St Edition Pdf

By Teresa Bradley Bays, Teresa Lightfoot and Joerg Mayer

Exotic Pet Behavior: Birds, Reptiles, and Small Mammals 1st Edition PDF. In addition to coverage of all normal behavior patterns โ€” sensory, communication, social and antisocial, reproductive, eating, and elimination โ€” this resource helps you identify medical implications of abnormal behavior, pain-associated behaviors, and effects of captivity. Client education handouts provide important information about caring for a variety of avian and exotic pets.

  • A user-friendly format includes bulleted lists indicating how normal and abnormal behavior applies to species kept in captivity.
  • Includes coverage of all normal behavior patterns, including sensory, communication, social and antisocial, sexual, eating, and elimination.
  • Client education handouts are a convenient resource for providing clients with important information about caring for their pets.
  • Expert authors provide the most current information in the field of avian and exotic pet behavior.

Read more: Diagnostic Imaging of Exotic Pets: Birds, Small Mammals, Reptiles

Table of Contents

1. Rabbits

2. Birds

3. Reptiles

4. Ferrets

5. Guinea Pigs

6. Small Rodents

7. Miscellaneous Small Mammals

File Size 22.2 MB
File Format Pdf
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