Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition


Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition

Veterinary Histology Of Domestic Mammals And Birds 5Th Edition

By Hans-Georg Liebich

Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition PDF covers domestic mammals and birds. It provides a peerless collection of diagrams, schematics, color micrographs, and electron microscope images, plus online access to a further 900 color images. The author presents information from both a structural and functional perspective. This applied approach highlights the importance of understanding histology as a basis for identifying disease.

Translated from the German edition, Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition is an excellent atlas for veterinary students and veterinary school libraries.

Table of Contents

The cell (cellula)

Epithelial tissue (textus epithelialis)

Connective and supportive tissues (textus connectivus)

Muscle tissue (textus muscularis)

Nervous tissue (textus nervosus)

Circulatory system (systema cardiovasculare et Iymphovasculare)

Blood and haemopoiesis (sanguis et haemocytopoesis)

Immune system and lymphatic organs (organa Iymphopoetica)

Endocrine system (systema endocrinum)

Digestive system (apparatus digestorius)

Respiratory system (apparatus respiratorius)

Urinary system (organa urinaria)

Male reproductive system (organa genitalia masculina)

Female reproductive system (organa genitalia feminina)

Common integument (integumentum commune)

Receptors and sense organs (organa sensuum)

Nervous system (systema nervosum)

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