The Laboratory Mouse, 3rd Edition


The Laboratory Mouse, 3rd Edition

The Laboratory Mouse, 3Rd Edition Pdf Download

By Mark A. Suckow, Sara Hashway and Kathleen R. Pritchett-Corning

The Laboratory Mouse, 3rd Edition PDF. With the advent of transgenic and other genetic engineering technologies, the versatility and usefulness of the mouse as a model in biomedical research has soared. Revised to reflect advances since the second edition, The Laboratory Mouseย continues to be the most accessible reference on the biology and care of the mouse in research settings.

This guide presents basic information and common procedures in detail to provide a quick reference source for investigators, technicians, and caretakersย on the humane care and use of the mouse. The new edition adds information on novel technologies such as CRISPR-Cas andย on housing systems and management practices; itย covers new concepts such as pain assessment by facial expression and the importance of nest-building as an assessment tool of well-being. There are now expanded sections on anesthesia and analgesia, and on behavior and enrichment.

An ideal quick reference for investigators, technicians, and animal caretakers charged with the care and/or use of mice in a research setting, this book will be particularly valuable to those new to working with mice who need to start research programs using these animals.

Table of Contents


About the Authors.

Important Biological Features.



Clinical Medicine.

Preventative Medicine.

Experimental Methodology.

Resources and Additional Information.

Appendix A: Suggested cassette numbering system and some trimming suggestions.

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