By Thomas Colville and Joanna Bassert
Learn to apply your A&P learning in the lab setting with theย Laboratory Manual for Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians, 4thย Edition.ย This practical laboratory resource features a variety of activities, such as terminology exercises, illustration identification and labelling, case presentations, and more to help reinforce your understanding of veterinary anatomy and physiology. The laboratory manual also features vivid illustrations, lists of terms and structures to be identified, and step-by-step dissection guides to walk you through the dissection process.
- Clinically oriented learning exercisesย introduce you to the language of anatomy and physiology as you identify structures and learn concepts.
- Clear, step-by-step dissection instructionsย for complex organs such as the heart familiarize you with the dissection process in a very visual, easy-to-understand format.
- Learning objectives, the clinical significance of the content, and lists of terms and structures to be identifiedย appear at the beginning of each chapter.
- Review activities and study exercisesย are included in every chapter to reinforce important information.
- High-quality, full-color illustrationsย provide a solid understanding of the details of anatomic structure.
See Also: Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians 4th edition
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