Reptile Medicine and Surgery in Clinical Practice


Reptile Medicine and Surgery in Clinical Practice

Reptile Medicine And Surgery In Clinical Practice Pdf

By Bob Doneley, Deborah Monks, Robert Johnson and Brendan Carmel

Reptile Medicine and Surgery in Clinical Practice PDF is the ideal guide for the busy veterinarian treating reptile cases. Designed as a quick reference guide, but with comprehensive coverage of all the topics needed for first opinion practice, the book presents the principles of reptile medicine and surgery.

Richly illustrated chapters cover anatomy, physiology, behaviour, husbandry, reproduction, common diseases and disorders, and much more. Application in a clinical setting is emphasized throughout, including guidance on the physical examination, diagnostic testing and imaging, treatment options, and anaesthetic and surgical techniques.

  • Practical quick-reference guideโ€”ideal for the busy, first-opinion veterinary practitioner
  • Richly illustrated in full colour throughout
  • Edited by a team of highly experienced exotic animal veterinarians
  • Useful reference for those studying for postgraduate certificates in exotic animal medicine

With contributions from experts around the globe,ย Reptile Medicine and Surgery in Clinical Practiceย is a valuable reference offering a balanced international view of herpetological medicine.

Read more: Reptile Medicine and Surgery 2nd Edition

Table of Contents

List of Contributors xi

Preface xv

1 Taxonomy and Introduction to Common Species 1
Bob Doneley

2 Anatomy and Physiology of Reptiles 15
Bairbre Oโ€™Malley

3 Behaviour in the Wild and in Captivity 33
Robert Johnson

4 Husbandry and Nutrition 45
Michelle Kischinovsky, Aidan Raftery and Shivananden Sawmy

5 Enclosure Design 61
Michael McFadden, Deborah Monks, Bob Doneley and Robert Johnson

6 Lighting 75
Frances M. Baines

7 Reproduction 91
Timothy J. Portas

8 Reptile Paediatrics 105
Deborah Monks and Bob Doneley

9 Setting Up and Equipping a Reptile Practice 115
Bob Doneley, Shane Simpson, Angela M. Lennox and John Chitty

10 The Reptile Consultation 125
Bob Doneley and Brendan Carmel

11 Diagnostic Testing 135
Rachel E. Marschang, Frank Pasmans, Tim Hyndman, Mark Mitchell and An Martel

12 Diagnostic Imaging 145
Zdenยจยงk Knotek, Shane Simpson and Paolo Martelli

13 Clinical Techniques and Supportive Care 159
Kimberly Vinette Herrin

14 Reptile Pharmacology 175
Tim Hyndman

15 Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases 185
Brendan Carmel and Robert Johnson

16 Infectious Diseases and Immunology 197
Tim Hyndman and Rachel E. Marschang

17 Differential Diagnoses: A Problemยฉ\Based Approach 217
Helen McCracken, Brendan Carmel, John Chitty, Bob Doneley, Robert Johnson, Angela M. Lennox, Deborah Monks and Annabelle Olsson

18 Disorders of the Integument 255
Linda Vogelnest

19 Diseases of the Gastrointestinal System 273
Robert Johnson and Bob Doneley

20 Diseases of the Cardiovascular System 287
Tegan Stephens and Alex Rosenwax

21 Diseases of the Respiratory System 299
Melinda L. Cowan

22 Disorders of the Reproductive System 307
Timothy J. Portas

23 Diseases of the Urinary Tract 323
Peter Holz

24 Diseases of the Nervous System 331
Hamish Baron and David N. Phalen

25 Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System 345
Adolf K. Maas

26 Diseases of the Organs of Special Senses 357
Alex Rosenwax and Tegan Stephens

27 Analgesia and Anaesthesia 369
Annabelle Olsson and Mark Simpson

28 Surgery 383
Zdenยจยงk Knotek and Stacey Leonatti Wilkinson

29 Turtle Shell Repair 397
Jane Roffey and Sasha Miles

30 Necropsy 409
Catherine M. Shilton

31 Reptile Parasitology in Health and Disease 425
Jan ล lapeta, David Modrรฝ, Robert Johnson

32 Nursing the Reptile Patient 441
Gary Fitzgerald and Emma Whitlock

33 Euthanasia 449
Tim Hyndman

Appendix 1: Formulary 453

Appendix 2: Reference Intervals for Commonly Kept Reptile Species 473

Index 481

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