Animal Health And Production For The 21St Century Pdf

By KJ Beh

Animal Health and Production for the 21st Century PDF places Australiaโ€™s efforts in selected areas of animal biotechnology in the context of research developments occurring internationally. The topics chosen for discussion are relevant for the development of animal production industries into the next century. The book is divided into three sections: genetic technologies; immunological-based technologies; and intensive animal production.

It is intended for animal geneticists, agriculturalists and students.

Table of Contents


  1. Transgenics
  2. Progress towards the introduction of new metabolic pathways to sheep
  3. Genetic manipulation in livestock improvement

Embryo Manipulation

  1. Pre-determination of progeny sex in livestock
  2. Embryonic stem cells in animal breeding
  3. Practical aspects of sheep embryo transfer
  4. Nuclear transplantation in cow embryos

Mapping Complex Genomes

  1. MHC as a candidate gene for resistance to Trichostrongylus infection in sheep
  2. Recent developments in human gene mapping


  1. Vaccine Technology
  2. Immunology of parasitism and the molecular vaccine objective
  3. The development of vaccines to protect mucosal surfaces
  4. Sites of antigenic stimulation
  5. Immunophysiology
  6. Mechanisms and molecules which regulate lymphocyte migration
  7. Novel immune approaches to the manipulation of growth
  8. Inhibin: A novel fecundity vaccine
  9. Hormone receptors and their role in growth


  1. Intensive Livestock Production
  2. Factors affecting livestock production in the 21st Century
  3. Poultry health and production
  4. Intensive pig production
  5. Lotfeeding in the 21st Century

File Size 32 MB
File Format Pdf
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