Avian (Poultry) Production, 2nd Revised And Enlarged Edition


Avian (Poultry) Production, 2nd Revised And Enlarged Edition

Avian Poultry Production 2Nd Revised And Enlarged Edition

By Sapcota D, D. Narahari and J.D. Mahanta

The book has been authored by 30 well experienced academia to match the syllabi in vogue prescribed by the Veterinary Council of India. In addition, we believe that it has also been useful to postgraduate students of Poultry Science and candidates appearing for JRF, SRF, ARS and NET examinations. Further, this book has also been prepared for the students of the Courses: Poultry Production & Business Management (PPBM), B. Tech, B.Sc Poultry Science and Poultry Science diploma. The title is quite comprehensive and includes updated information on topics dealt with. The unique feather of this book is that at the end of each chapter there is a Question Bank with Answer key so as to help the students for self testing and prepare for the examinations. This book also contains best quality photographs, figures and illustrations to reflect the course contents and explain the subject. We do hope that the book will be appropriate use for the students in particular and teachers, scientists and farmers in general.

Table of Contents

Preface to the Second Edition
List of Contributors
Stimulating Memory Tips

1. Indian Poultry Industry

2. Classification and Common Breeds of Poultry

3. Indigenous Fowls of India

4. Reproduction in Fowl

5. Formation and Structure of Egg

6. Economic Traits in Poultry

7. Backyard, Scavenging and Semi-intensive Systems of Management

8. Coloured Feathered Birds Developed for Rural Poultry

9. Mixed Farming

10. Brooding and Rearing of Poultry

11. Economic Production of Poultry

12. Marketing of Poultry Products

13. Setting-Up of Farms for Different Classes of Poultry

14. Organic and Hill Farmings

15. Conservation of Indigenous Germplasm

16. Project Preparation for Rural People

17. Poultry Housing

18. Brooding (Chick) Management

19. Care and Management of Commercial Growers, Layers and Broilers

20. Poultry Judging

21. Poultry Litter Management

22. Special Management of Poultry

23. Vices in Poultry and Their Remedial Measures

24. Water Quality in Poultry Rearing

25. Biosecurity

26. Poultry Behaviour and Welfare

27. Feeding of Poultry

28. Health Care

29. Designer Egg and Chicken Meat

30. Breeder Flock Management

31. Artificial Insemination in Poultry

32 Hatchery Practices


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