Production Diseases In Farm Animals: 12th International Conference


Production Diseases In Farm Animals: 12th International Conference

Production Diseases In Farm Animals Pdf

By Nanda P. JoshiThomas H. Herdt

Production Diseases in Farm Animals PDF. High-producing farm animals are permanently challenged by a variety of factors: lack of proper nutrition (deficit/surplus), housing systems, infections and stress. The incidence, course and outcome of production diseases are changing continuously. Therefore new information on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of production diseases is needed. These problems are complicated by the discussion of animal welfare, the rapid changes in agricultural production and the economics of production.

The following key topics are handled:

  • Fatty liver in dairy cows
  • Alternatives to growth-promoting antibiotics
  • Chronic inflammation and animal production
  • Animal behavior and welfare in intensive production systems
  • Epidemiology of production diseases
  • New techniques in immunoprophylaxis
  • Nutrition-immunology and production-immunology relationships
  • Phosphorus nutrition: animal health and environmental concerns
  • Application of genomics to production disease
  • Role of specific fatty acids in animal health, reproduction, and performance
  • Trace mineral nutrition and metabolism
  • Subclinical rumen acidosis

Read more: Principles of Goat Disease and Prevention

Table of Contents

Production Diseases In Farm Animals: 12th International Conference Tables of contents :


The History and Influence of the ICPD 

Section A. Transition Cow Biology And Management

  1. Advances in transition cow biology: new frontiers in production diseases
  2. Research priorities from a producer’s point of view
  3. Metabolic profiling to assess health status of transition dairy cows
  4. A consideration about the energy supply in peripartum of dairy cows on the basis of change in plasma free amino acid concentration
  5. Metabolic predictors of displaced abomasum in transition dairy cows  Evaluation of a rapid test for NEFA in bovine serum
  6. Association of rump fat thickness and plasma NEFA concentration with postpartum metabolic diseases in Holstein cows
  7. Effect of pre-partum feeding intensity on postpartum energy status of Estonian Holstein cows
  8. Using a pooled sample technique for herd metabolic profile screening

Section B. Metabolic Effects Of Immune Mediators

  1. Metabolic effects of immune mediators
  2. The effect of bovine respiratory disease on carcass traits
  3. Does calf health during the feedlot period affect gain and carcass traits?
  4. Effects of dexamethasone on mRNA levels and binding sites of hepatic β-adrenergic
    receptors in neonatal calves and dependence on colostrum feeding
  5. Pathogenesis of avian growth plate dyschondroplasia
  6. Concentrations of haptoglobin and fibrinogen during the first ten days after calving in
    dairy cows with acute endometritis
  7. Extracellular pH alters innate immunity by decreasing the production of reactive
    oxygen and nitrogen species, but enhancing phagocytosis in bovine neutrophils and
  8. High nitrite/nitrate status in neonatal calves is associated with increased plasma levels
    of S-nitrosoalbumin and other S-nitrosothiols
  9. Effects of 0.03% dietary β-glucans on nonspecific/specific immunity, oxidative/
    antioxidative status and growth performance in weanling pigs
  10. Influence of organic nutrition and housing on selected immunological and metabolic
    properties in fattening pigs

Section C. Animal Behavior And Welfare In Intensive Production Systems

  1. Associations of cow comfort indices with total lying time, stall standing time, and lameness
  2. Interaction of lameness with sand and mattress surfaces in dairy cow freestalls
  3. Electric and magnetic fields (EMF) affect milk production and bevavior of cows
  4. Effect of roughages added to the milk replacer diet of veal calves on behavior and gastric
  5. Transportation stress of cattle by railway

Section D. Infection And Infectious Diseases Associated With Production Systems

  1. Postweaning Multisystemic Wasting Syndrome (PMWS) in pigs
  2. Influence of growth conditions on caprine nasal bacterial flora in the presence of Mannhemia hameolytica
  3. The relationship between exposure to bovine viral diarrhea virus and fertility in a commercial dairy herd
  4. Tritrichomonas foetus cysteine protease cp 30 induces cell death in host cells
  5. Immunological approaches to enhanced production in food animals
  6. Colostrum management in calves: effects of drenching versus bottle feeding
  7. Immune system activation increases the tryptophan requirement in post-weaning pigs
  8. Periparturient negative energy balance and neutrophil function suppression are associated with uterine health disorders and fever in Holstein cows
  9. Activities of enzymes in peripheral leukocytes reflect metabolic conditions in fattening
  10. Effects of 0.3% dietary β-glucan on nonspecific/specific immunity, oxidative/antioxidative status and growth performance in weanling pigs 107
  11. Evaluation of Liver Abscess Incidence in Feedlot Cattle Fed a Dietary Antioxidant (AGRADO®) across Four Studies
  12. Pathogenic Escherichia coli in dairy cows held in farms with organic production and with integrated production (IP)

Section E. Reproductive Health

  1. Rearing conditions and disease influencing the reproductive performance of swedish dairy heifers
  2. Factors influencing conception rate after synchronization of ovulation and timed artificial insemination
  3. The incidence of endometritis and its effect on reproductive performance of dairy cows
  4. Use of Neospora caninum vaccine in a dairy herd undergoing an abortion outbreak
  5. Ovulatory cycles, metabolic profiles, body condition scores and their relation to fertility of multiparous Holstein dairy cows
  6. Field trial on blood metabolites, body condition score (BCS) and their relation to the recurrence of ovarian cyclicity in Estonian Holstein cows
  7. In vitro embryo production: growth performance, feed efficiency, health status, and hematological, metabolic and endocrine traits in veal calves
  8. Dairy farms with organic production (OP) and with integrated production (IP): comparison of management, feeding, production, reproduction and udder health
  9. Milk production, nutritional status, and fertility in dairy cows held in organic farms and in farms with integrated production
  10. Oviductal prolapse led to more than eleven percent of hens dead in a highly inbred line of white leghorn chickens

Section F. Epidemiology Of Production Diseases

  1. Epidemiology of subclinical production diseases in dairy cows with an emphasis on ketosis
  2. Associations of cow and management factors with culture positive milk samples
  3. A mathematical model for the dynamics of digital dermatitis in groups of cattle to study the efficacy of group-based therapy and prevention strategies
  4. Diagnostic test evaluation without gold standard using two different bayesian approaches for detecting verotoxinogenic Escherichia coli (VTEC) in cattle
  5. A relative comparison of diagnostic tests for bovine paratuberculosis (Johne’s disease) Etiology, pathophysiology and prevention of fatty liver in dairy cows
  6. Relationships between mild fatty liver and health and reproductive performance in Holstein cows
  7. Prevention of fatty liver in transition dairy cows by subcutaneous glucagon injections
  8. Clinical relevance and therapy of fatty liver in cows
  9. The inflammation could have a role in the liver lipidosis occurrence in dairy cows
  10. Effect of propylene glycol on fatty liver development and hepatic gluconeogenesis in periparturient dairy cows
  11. The report of classical swine fever in Romania between april 2001 and april 2003
  12. Epidemiological survey on the downers in Korea

Section G. Alternatives To Growth-promoting Antibiotics

  1. Alternatives to antibiotic feed additives
  2. Continuous use of a dry disinfectant/antiseptic to enhance health and well being in food-animal production facilities
  3. Bovine colostrum as an alternative to feed additive in weaning diet improves gut health of piglets
  4. Production responses from antimicrobial and rendered animal protein inclusions in swine starter diets

Section H. Macromineral Metabolism And Production Diseases

  1. Strategies for controlling hypocalcemia in dairy cows in confinement and pasture settings
  2. Phosphorus digestion and metabolism in ruminants: applications to production disease
    and environmental considerations
  3. Prevalence of subclinical hypocalcemia in U.S. dairy operations
  4. The effect of low phosphorus intake in early lactation on apparent digestibility of
    phosphorus and bone metabolism in dairy cows
  5. Bone metabolism of milk goat and sheep during pregnancy and lactation
  6. Influence of starvation on fermentation in bovine rumen fluid (in vivo)
  7. Serum mineral concentrations and periparturient disease in Holstein dairy cows
  8. The relevance of hypophosphataemia in cows

Section I. Micromineral Nutrition, Metabolism And Homeostasis

  1. Trace element nutriture and immune function
  2. Expected changes of the selenium content in foods of animal origin at a change from inorganic to organic selenium compounds for supplementation of the diet of farm animals
  3. Long acting injectable remedies to prevent cobalt and selenium deficiencies in grazing lambs and calves
  4. Parenteral and oral selenium supplementation of weaned beef calves
  5. Selenium yeast prevents nutritional muscular degeneration (NMD) in nursing calves

Section J. Role Of Specific Fatty Acids In Animal Health, Reproduction, And Performance

  1. Using conjugated linoleic acids for healthier animal products and as a management tool
  2. Fatty acid composition of phospholipids and levels of alpha-tocopherol, total antioxidative capacity and malondialdehyde in liver and muscular tissue after dietary supplementation of various fats in cattle
  3. A field sample study investigating possible indicators of undernutrition in cattle

Section K. Mastitis

  1. Activation of immune cells in bovine mammary gland secretions by zymosan treated
    bovine serum
  2. The effect of milk yield at dry-off on the likelihood of intramammary infection at calving
  3. Mastitis therapy for persistent Escherichia coli on a large dairy
  4. Diagnostic key data for lactate dehydrogenase activity measurements in raw milk for the
    identification of subclinical mastitis in dairy cows
  5. Evaluation of leukocyte subset for occurrence of mastitis on dairy herd
  6. Antimicrobial treatment strategies for Streptococcal and Staphylococcal mastitis
  7. Subclinical mastitis in dairy cows in farms with organic and with integrated production:
    prevalence, risk factors and udder pathogens
  8. Evaluation of a novel on-farm test for antibiotic susceptibility determination in mastitis

Section L. Rumen Digestion And Metabolism

  1. Physically effective fiber and regulation of ruminal pH: more than just chewing
  2. High dietary cation difference induces a state of pseudohypoparathyroidism in dairy
    cows resulting in hypocalcemia and milk fever
  3. Effects of two different dry-off strategies on metabolism in dairy cows
  4. Ruminal pH, concentrations and post-feeding pattern of VFA and organic acids in cows
    experiencing subacute ruminal acidosis
  5. Characterization of the Na+/Mg2+ exchanger as a major Mg2+ transporter in isolated
    ovine ruminal epithelial cells
  6. High potassium diet, sodium and magnesium in ruminants: the story is not over
  7. Functional characterization of the time course of rumen epithelium adaptation to a high
    energy diet
  8. Characterization of an ovine vacuolar H+-ATPase as a new mechanism for the
    energization of ruminal transport processes
  9. The absorptive capacity of sheep omasum is modulated by the diet

Section M. Application Of Genomics To Production Diseases

  1. Microarray analysis of bovine neutrophils around parturition: implications for mammary gland and reproductive tract health
  2. Functional genomics analysis of bovine viral diarrhea virus-infected cells: unraveling an
  3. Early postpartum ketosis in dairy cows and hepatic gene expression profiles using a bovine cDNA microarray
  4. Genetic improvement of dairy cattle health
  5. Parturition-induced gene expression signatures in bovine peripheral blood mononuclear cells
  6. Mechanisms of glucocorticoid-induced L-selectin (CD62L) down-regulation in bovine blood neutrophils
  7. T-cell receptor Vb gene repertoire analysis of the mammary gland T-cells on the Staphylococcus aureus causing bovine mastitis
  8. A new sensitive microarray for studying metabolic diseases in cattle
  9. Ontogenetic development of mRNA levels and binding sites of hepatic beta-adrenergic receptors in cattle
  10. Bovine lactase messenger RNA levels determined by real time PCR
  11. Design and application of a bovine metabolism long oligonucleotide microarray

Meeting Summaries

Meeting summary and synthesis: new scientific directions for production medicine research

Meeting summary and synthesis: practical applications and new directions for applied production medicine research

List of paticipants 12th ICPD

Author index

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