Commercial Chicken Egg Production


Commercial Chicken Egg Production

Commercial Chicken Egg Production Pdf

By M Murugan

Commercial Chicken Egg Production PDF. The objective of this book is to elaborate the commercial chicken production system of India with our own farming perspectives. There is a striking difference between western and Indian poultry production systems, which has to be clearly understood for effective professional practice of poultry production in India. Largely, Indian poultry system is tropical climate based and our experience in tropical chicken egg production is unique.The content of commercial chicken egg production is sequentially presented in the book for easy and comprehensive learning and activities have also been provided at the end of each chapter for practice. The target audience for this book is undergraduate and postgraduate students of veterinary science, poultry science, commercial poultry farm managers, farming aspirants and practicing field veterinary technocrats etc.

Table of Contents
Preface v
1. Introduction to Commercial Chicken Egg Production
2. Genetic Stocks of Chicken Egg Production
3. Poultry Housing of Layer Chicken
4. Layer Chicken Management
5. Commercial Layer Chicken Feeding
6. Chicken Egg Quality
7. Bio-security in Commercial Layer Farm
8. Common Poultry Diseases
9. Water Quality Management
10. Good Husbandry Practices in Commercial Layer Farming
11. Commercial Chicken Layer Farm Economics
Color plates

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