Ecotoxicology of Marine Organisms


Ecotoxicology of Marine Organisms

Ecotoxicology Of Marine Organisms

By Bernardo Duarte and Maria Isabel Violante Caçador

Ecotoxicology of Marine Organisms  Book PDF presents a comprehensive review of the most recent studies on the impact of contaminants on the marine environment. Conventional and new information, as well as the latest techniques, are presented, which can be applied to several types of marine organisms from bacteria and fungi to animals and algae. Specific topics discussed include the impact of different contaminants on different organisms as well as different approaches and their outcomes in terms of impact assessment. The integration of these techniques is also discussed in order to attain sentinel species and biomarkers to be applied for assessing ecological quality and impact assessment programs and studies.

Table of Contents

Environmental Disturbance Caused by Stressors: Changing the Focus from Individuals to Habitats
Cristiano V.M. Araújo, Matilde Moreira-Santos and Rui Ribeiro

Toxicity of Rare Earth Elements to Marine Organisms
Pedro Luís Borralho Aboim de Brito

Chemical Contaminants in a Changing Ocean
Ana Luísa Maulvault, Patrícia Anacleto, António Marques, Rui Rosa and Mário Diniz

Effects of Harmful Algal Bloom Toxins on Marine Organisms
Lopes, V.M., Costa, P.R. and Rosa, R.

Overview of Phytoplankton Indicators and Biomarkers as Key-Tools for Trace Element Contamination Assessment in Estuaries
Maria Teresa Cabrita, Bernardo Duarte, Carla Gameiro, Ana Rita Matos, Isabel Caçador and Rita M. Godinho

Phytoremediation and Removal of Contaminants by Algae and Seagrasses
Bouchama Khaled, Rouabhi Rachid and Bouchiha Hanen

Ecotoxicology of Pharmaceuticals in Coastal and Marine Organisms
Vanessa F. Fonseca and Patrick Reis-Santos

Mercury Exposure, Fish Consumption and Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake: An Overview
Vieira, H.C., Soares, A.M.V.M., Morgado, F. and Abreu, S.N.

Contaminants Impact on Marine Turtle Populations Development: An Overview
Patricia Salvarani, Vania C. Foster, Jaime Rendon and Fernando Morgado

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