Induced Fish Breeding: A Practical Guide for Hatcheries


Induced Fish Breeding: A Practical Guide for Hatcheries

Induced Fish Breeding A Practical Guide For Hatcheries

By Nihar Ranjan Chattopadhyay

Induced Fish Breeding: A Practical Guide for Hatcheries PDF takes a successive approach to explaining the use of breeding technology with proven scientific methods. It provides real-life examples for the purpose of maximizing fish and seed production to support overall sustainability in aquaculture. It is a concise reference to understanding the latest developments in the field, useful for anyone who is involved in fisheries or hatchery management as well as researchers and students who need to understand the technology.

A practice originally developed to produce quality seed in captivity, induced breeding has made great strides in fish populations for India. The book offers a practical and succinct overviewโ€”from existing methods and operations to recent trends and their impacts on aquaculture for the future.

  • Provides detailed information about empirical breeding practices like mixed spawning and indiscriminate hybridization
  • Presents the environmental and hormonal influence on maturation and spawning of fish with real-life fish breeding examples from around the world
  • Includes step-by-step scientific measures to help solve problems arising from common fish-farming mistakes
  • Provides real-life examples for the purpose of maximizing fish and seed production to support overall sustainability in aquaculture
Table of Contents

Introduction: Preexisting (Traditional) and Modern Fish Breeding Methods in Practice Among Fish Farmers

Bundh Breeding in Captivity

What Is a Bundh?

Area of Bundh

Different Parts of a Typical Bundh

Topography of a Bundh

Types of Soil

Impact of Regional Soil on Hydrobiological Parameters of Breeding and Hatching Bundh


Catchment Area

Bundh Proper (Deepest Area)

Size and Height of Embankment

Breeding Environment

Types of Bundh

Operation Technique of a Dry Bundh for Production of Spawn

Improved Methods for Bundh Breeding


Modern Technique for Bundh Breeding in Nonlaterite Belt

Hybridization in Bundhs


Part I: Induced Breedingโ€”A Scientific Approach Towards Modern Fish Breeding Procedure

1. Eco-Hatchery for Fish Breeding of Carps in Captivity


1.1 Overhead Tank

1.2 Spawning Pool

1.3 Incubation or Hatching Pools

1.4 Breeding Technique

1.5 Spawn Collection Tank

1.6 Breeding Protocols

1.7 Brood Stock Collection and Development


2. Reproductive Cycle, Maturation, and Spawning


2.1 Collection and Preservation of Pituitary Gland

2.2 Identification of Male and Female Breeders

2.3 Selection of Breeders

2.4 Mode of Injection/Dosage Administration

2.5 Injection and Dosage for Indian Carp and Exotic Carp

2.6 Three Doses of Injection Instead of the Usual Two Doses

2.7 Calculation of Dose for Purposes of a Batch of Fish

2.8 Inducing Agents

2.9 Environmental Influence on Dose

2.10 Application of Terramycin With Extract

2.11 Methods of Injections

2.12 Breeding Practices

2.13 Identification of Fertilized Egg

2.14 Characteristics of Carp Eggs

2.15 Development of Egg and Spawn With Special Reference to Indian Major Carp

2.16 Larval Rearing


3. Hybridization


3.1 Natural Hybridization

3.2 Artificial Hybridization


4. Selective Breeding


4.1 Genetic Improvement of Farmed Fish

4.2 Deformities as Observed in Different Hatcheries

4.3 Interaction Studies

4.4 Conclusions/Implications: Preservation of Biodiversity

4.5 Genetic Concerns With Stock Transfers

4.6 Differences Between Populations

4.7 Population Fitness

4.8 Effect of Stock Transfer on Fish Biodiversity

4.9 Possible Impact of the Hatchery-Raised Fish in Wild

4.10 Final Impact

4.11 Extract

4.12 Genetic Variance and Breeding

4.13 Genetic Improvement Programs

4.14 Molecular Genetics and Genomics

4.15 The PCR

4.16 Genomic Mapping

4.17 Gene Expression Studies


5. Negative Aspects of Breeding Practice


5.1 Use of Impotent Pituitary Gland

5.2 Restocking of Brooders

5.3 Genetic Appraisal of Improper Fish Breeding Practices

5.4 Genetic Drift

5.5 Sampling Error

5.6 Why Does This Error Occur?

5.7 Sample Size and Sampling Error

5.8 Standard Deviation and Sampling Error

5.9 Random Genetic Drift

5.10 Ways to Eliminate Sampling Error

5.11 Simple Measures to Avoid Improper Breeding Practices in the Hatchery


6. Influence of Ecological Factors on Maturation, Spawning, and Hatching of Carps


6.1 Abiotic Factors


Part II: Case Studies

7. Current Status of Hatchery Operations in Some Leading Seed-Producing States of India and Its Impact on Aquaculture


7.1 Three Eastern States of India

7.2 Categorization of Hatcheries

7.3 Temporal Trends in Hatchery Establishment

7.4 Ownership Status and Educational Profile of the Hatchery Owners

7.5 Size of the Hatcheries and Their Modes of Operation

7.6 Pond Status, Water Source, and Manpower

7.7 Breeding Season and Price Variation

7.8 Breeding Program

7.9 Brood Stock Management

7.10 Breeding Practice

7.11 Spawn Yield With CPE and Ovaprim

7.12 Brood Stock Management

7.13 Fish Disease

7.14 Deformities

7.15 Inbreeding

7.16 Genetic Drift

7.17 Hybridization

7.18 Impact on Wild Fish

7.19 Innovative Technology Developed by Scientists and Fish Breeders of Bengal by Modifying Glass Jar Hatcheries

7.20 New Dimension in Common Carp Breeding

7.21 Captive Breeding of Two Recently Introduced Carnivorous Fish Species in West Bengal

7.22 Innovative Technology Developed by Fish Breeders


8. Seed Resources and Supply Chain in Some Asian Countries


8.1 Seed Management

8.2 Seed Production Facilities and Seed Technology

8.3 Fish Seed Quality

8.4 Institutional Support and Seed Certification

8.5 Fish Seed Marketing

8.6 Economics of Seed Production

8.7 Information and Knowledge Gaps

8.8 Future Prospects and Recommendations


9. Review of Freshwater Prawn Hatchery Operation in Some Asian Countries


9.1 Introduction

9.2 Results

9.3 Discussion

9.4 Conclusion


10. Genetic Variation and Phylogenetic Relationship Among the Two Different Stocks of Catla (Catla catla) in the Indian State of Orissa Based on RAPD Profiles


10.1 Introduction

10.2 Materials and Methods

10.3 Results


Part III: Innovations

11. Approaches to Genetic Improvement


11.1 Different Approaches of Selection Program


12. Conservation Hatchery and Supplementationโ€”A Recent Approach to Sustainable Aquaculture


12.1 History of the Conservation Hatchery Concept

12.2 Conclusion and Recommendation

12.3 Recovery of Threatened and Endangered Species



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