Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Mammals PDF


Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Mammals 3rd editionย 

Veterinary Anatomy Of Domestic Mammals 3Rd Edition Pdf

By Horst Erich Kรถnig , Hans-Georg Liebich

Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Mammals PDF is A revised third edition of this bestselling textbook. It contains a unique blend of text, colour photographs, imaging and diagrams describing the gross systematic and topographical anatomy of domestic mammals. Throughout the book the authors focus on anatomical relationships to clinical conditions and where appropriate, to microscopic anatomy, histology, embryology and physiology. Greatest emphasis is given to dog and cat and horse, with relevant information on ox/cow, pig, sheep, goat and rabbit. The book combines meticulous science and superb illustrations, and will be a life-long source of reference for veterinary students, practitioners, educators and researchers.

Read more: Dyce, Sack and Wensingโ€™s Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy, 5th Edition

Table of Contents

Introduction and general anatomy โ€”
1. Axial skeleton (skeleton axiale) โ€”
2. Fasciae and muscles of the head, neck and trunk โ€”
3. Forelimb or thoracic limb (membra thoracica) โ€”
4. Hindlimb or pelvic limb (membra pelvina) โ€”
5. Statics and dynamics โ€”
6. Body cavities and viscera โ€”
7. Digestive system (apparatus digestorius) โ€”
8. Respiratory system (apparatus respiratorius) โ€”
9. Urinary system (organa urinaria) โ€”
10. Male genital organs (organa genitalia masculina) โ€”
11. Female genital organs (organa genitalia feminina) โ€”
12. Organs of the cardiovascular system (systema cardiovasculare) โ€”
13. Immune system and lymphatic organs (organa lymphopoetica) โ€”
14. Nervous system (systema nervosum) โ€”
15. Endocrine glands (glandulae endocrinae) โ€”
16. Eye (organum visus) โ€”
17. Vestibulocochlear organ (organum vestibulocochleare) โ€”
18. Common integument (integumentum commune) โ€”
19. Topographical-clinical anatomy.

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