The Laboratory Rabbit, 2nd Edition


The Laboratory Rabbit, 2nd Edition

The Laboratory Rabbit 2Nd Edition

With laboratory animals, especially rabbits, playing such an important role in biomedical research, the humane care of these animals is an ongoing concern. The Laboratory Rabbit, Second Edition presents basic information and common procedures in detail to provide a quick reference for caretakers, technicians, and researchers in a laboratory setting.

Now in full color, the second edition of this book illustrates management practices and technical procedures with numerous figures and tables. It includes updated tables on anesthetic agents, methods of euthanasia, recommended needle sizes, injection sites, approximate values for injection, and sedative and immobilization agents. Plastic comb-bound for convenient and frequent use, this guide also provides sources and suppliers of additional information on rabbits, feed, and sanitation supplies.

  • Provides quick reference on the humane care and use of the rabbit in the laboratory
  • Includes full color illustrations to enhance understanding
  • Illustrates management practices and technical procedures with numerous figures and tables in an easy-to-follow format
  • Adds tables on anesthetic agents, methods of euthanasia, recommended needle sizes, injection sites, and more
  • Gives possible sources and suppliers of additional information on rabbits, feed, and sanitation supplies

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