Meat Animals: Growth and Productivity


Meat Animals Growth and Productivity

Meat Animals: Growth And Productivity Pdf

By D. Lister

Meat Animals: Growth and Productivity PDF. Dramatic shortfalls in crop production in various regions of the world have led some people to question the relatively inefficient use of cereal grains for feeding meat animals instead of their direct use for human food. There is no doubt, however, that meat offers a nutritionally valuable, attractive and widely accepted food, the world demand for which increases daily. Thus it is not enough simply to condemn the consumption of meat as an irresponsible extravagance; rather it is preferable to examine how the demand for meat can be met most efficiently and effectively, which requires a fundamental enquiry into how meat is ‘grown’. The importance of fat, for instance, both to the growing animal and to the consumer, needs to be established in view of the ‘expense’ involved in its deposition by the animal and the extent to which it is discarded at many points in the chain from the slaughterhouse to the consumer. We were aware that there existed a wealth of information on the physiology of growth which, because of its having been collected as part of investigations in many other disciplines and the inevitable communication gap, had not been incorporated into the science of animal production. Similarly there were principles and teChniques of animal husbandry which, if known in other disciplines, might enable more pertinent questions to be asked. The biochemical and physiological pathways by which animals utilise feed to produce body protein, fat and other components are intriguing problems which are receiving considerable attention.
Table of Contents

1 What Do We Want from the Carcass?
I The Efficiency of Meat-Producing Systems
2 The Relevance of Various Measures of Efficiency
3 The Influence of Reproductive Rate on the Efficiency of Meat Production in Animal Populations
4 The Optimum Size and Structure of Enterprise

II The Efficiency of Food Conversion —
5 Comparison of Biological Mechanisms for Conversion of Feed to Meat
6 Efficiencies of Energy Utilization during Growth
7 Efficiency of Protein Utilization

III The Development of Muscle 
8 Towards More Efficient Meat Animals: A Theoretical Consideration of Constraints at the Level of the Muscle Cell
9 Factors Affecting Muscle Size and Structure
IV The Development of Fatty Tissue
10 Physiological Significance of Lipids
11 The Control of Fat Absorption, Deposition and Mobilization in Farm Animals

V Endocrine Regulation 
12 Hormonal Control of Muscle Growth
13 Protein-Fat Interactions

VI Overall Control of Growth 
14 The Right Size
15 The Central Control of Growth: Its Connection with Age-dependent Disease

VII Environmental Control of Growth 
16 Environmental Control of Growth: The Maternal Environment
17 The Nutritional Control of Growth
18 Climate and Season

VIII Physiological Significance of Differences in Body Composition 
19 The Physiological Basis of Reproductive Efficiency
20 Hormonal Influences on the Growth, Metabolism and Body Composition of Pigs
21 Observations of the Apparent Antagonism between Meat-producing Capacity and Meat Quality in Pigs

IX The Technology of Producing Meat Animals 
22 Meat Production from Ruminants
23 Advances in Pig Technology

X The Use of Genetic Potential —
24 The Choice of Selection Objectives in Meat-producing Animals —
25 Using the World’s Genetic Resources —

XI The Challenge of New Foods 
26 Vegetable Protein as a Human Food
Background and Present Situation
27 Vegetable Protein as a Human Food
Research and Development in the National Food Research Institute
28 Single Cell Protein as a Feedstuff

XII Final Perspectives
Final Perspectives

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