The Welfare of Cattle


The Welfare of Cattle

The Welfare Of Cattle Pdf

By Terry Engle, Donald J. Klingborg and Bernard E. Rollin

The Welfare of Cattle PDF offers an accurate, detailed account of the ethical and welfare concerns related to the human use of cattle. There is currently no significant book dealing with the welfare of cows, animals often seen as archetypal paradigms of ‘farm animals’. Covering both beef and dairy cattle, the expert authors provide in-depth information on the husbandry roots of traditional agriculture, the replacement of this system of stewardship by an industrial model, and the resulting welfare challenges associated with industrial agriculture: feedlots, highly industrialized dairies, and slaughterhouses killing huge numbers of animals who have been transported great distances. This important book explores in detail the ways in which people who are providing care for cattle can take their first step, or their next step, toward enhancing the welfare of these animals.

  • Contains a selection of White Papers, commissioned to better inform the exploration of cattle welfare. These are prepared by notable experts in their field, to help provide factual context around selected topics that impact cattle welfare and production systems.
  • Covers all aspects of cattle use in an accessible style, making this a must have volume for anyone interested in cattle welfare or cattle medicine.
  • Provides an in-depth picture of the distinctive beef and dairy cattle welfare practices and issues, covering topics such as behavior, breeding and genetic manipulation, nutrition and feeding, housing and management, health and disease, and transport and slaughter.
  • Written by acknowledged leaders in animal science, veterinary science, philosophy and animal welfare, presenting a truly multidisciplinary perspective on cattle welfare.
  • Includes a section on understanding and managing animal welfare in both beef and dairy cattle, discussing how cattle perceive the world, animal handling and pain mitigation, and how to assure that the cows have a reasonably good life.

Read more: Advances in Cattle Welfare

Table of Contents

Foreword, Donald Klingborg

Preface and Introduction to the White Papers, Donald Klingborg

List of Authors

Part 1: White Papers

Chapter 1: Can Food Production Keep Pace with Population Growth, Changing Dietary Habits and a Desire for Higher Quality Protein? Daniel Dooley

Chapter 2: Economics of Global Cattle Industries, with Implications for On-Farm Practices, Daniel A. Sumner

Chapter 3: Dairy and Beef Sustainability: Nutrient Loss and Use Efficiency, Joe Harrison and Al Rotz

Chapter 4: Livestock and Climate Change: Facts and Fiction, Frank Mitloehner

Chapter 5: Microbial Pathogens in Extensive and Intensive Systems, Pramod Pandy and E.R. Atwill

Chapter 6: Cattle Ectoparasites in Extensive and Intensive Cattle Systems, Alec Gerry

Chapter 7: The Uses of Biotechnology to Improve Animal Welfare, Alison L. Van Eenennaam

Part 2: Concepts Relevant to both Beef and Dairy Cattle

Chapter 8: Understanding and Managing Animal Welfare in Cattle, Bernard Rollin

Chapter 9: Sense and Sensibility: Understanding How Cattle Perceive our Collective World, Lily N. Edwards-Callaway

Chapter 10: Breeding and Welfare: Genetic Manipulation of Beef and Dairy Cattle, Courtney Daigle, Andy D. Herring and Fuller W. Bazer

Chapter 11: Providing Assurance that Cattle have a Reasonably Good Life, Jennifer Walker and Marina A. G. von Keyserlingk

Chapter 12: Transportation and Slaughter of Beef and Dairy Cattle, Kurt Vogel

Chapter 13: Optimal Human Animal Interactions for Improving Cattle Handling, Temple Grandin

Chapter 14: Principles of Facility Design, Temple Grandin

Chapter 15: Pain Mitigation in Cattle, Johann F. Coetzee and Michael D. Kleinhenz

Part 3: Beef Cattle

Chapter 16: Overview of the Beef Cattle Industry and Animal Welfare Implications, Jason Ahola, John Wagner, and Terry Engle

Chapter 17: Ranching with Integrity and Intentionality, Tom Field and Paul Engler

Chapter 18: Range Beef Cow and Calf Health and Welfare, Franklyn Garry

Chapter 19: Animal Care Issues in Beef Cattle Feedlots, John Wagner

Chapter 20: Welfare Issues in Feedlot Cattle, Karen Schwartzkopf-Genswein, Desiree Gellatly, Daniela Melendez Suarez, Eugene Janzen, and Sonia Marti

Chapter 21: Sustainability, the Environment, and Animal Welfare, Shawn L.Archebeque

Part 4: Dairy Cattle

Chapter 22: To Meet the Ethical Imperative of telos in Modern Dairy Production: Societal Concern for Naturalness, Animal Welfare, and opportunities for Resolution through Science, Beth Ventura and Candace Croney

Chapter 23: Herdsmanship and Human Interaction with Dairy Cattle, Kurt Vogel

Chapter 24: Health, Disease, and Animal Welfare Perspectives for Dairy Cattle, Jerry Olson

Online Chapter (accessible in Additional Resources tab on webpage): Dairy Nutrition, Michael Gamroth

Chapter 25: Dairy Cow Welfare and Herd Turnover Rates, Donald Klingborg

Chapter 26: Calf Welfare, Munashe Chigerwe

Online Chapter (accessible in Additional Resources tab on webpage): What would an ideal intensive dairy look like? Jan Shearer and James Reynolds

Chapter 27: The Downer Cow, Noa Roman-Muniz

Chapter 28: Cow Comfort, Jesse Robbins and Alex Beck

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