Improving the Safety and Quality of Milk Vol.2 Improving Quality in Milk Product


Improving the Safety and Quality of Milk Vol.2 Improving Quality in Milk Product

Improving The Safety And Quality Of Milk Vol2 Improving Quality In Milk Product

By Mansel Griffiths

Improving the Safety and Quality of Milk Vol.2 Improving Quality in Milk Product PDF. Consumers demand quality milk with a reasonable shelf-life, a requirement that can be met more successfully by the milk industry through use of improved processes and technologies. Guaranteeing the production of safe milk also remains of paramount importance. Improving the safety and quality of milk provides a comprehensive and timely reference to best practice and research advances in these areas. Volume 1 focuses on milk production and processing. Volume 2 covers the sensory and nutritional quality of cow’s milk and addresses quality improvement of a range of other milk-based products.The health aspects of milk, its role in the diet and milk-based functional foods are the focus of the opening section of Volume 2. Part two reviews essential aspects of milk quality, including milk microbial spoilage and chemical deterioration, sensory evaluation, factors affecting milk vitamin and mineral content and the impact of packaging on quality. Chapters in part three look at improving particular products, such as organic milk, goat milk and sheep milk. The impact of milk on the quality of yoghurt and cheese is also covered.With its distinguished editor and international team of contributors, volume 2 of Improving the safety and quality of milk is an essential reference for researchers and those in industry responsible for milk safety and quality.

  • Examines the sensory and nutritional quality of cow’s milk and addresses quality improvement of a range of other milk-based products
  • Reviews the health aspects of milk and its role in the diet, as well as the essential aspects of milk quality, including microbial spoilage and chemical deterioration, sensory evaluation and factors affecting milk vitamin and mineral content
  • Discusses various application requirements of milk such as milk quality requirements in yoghurt-making, cheesemaking, infant formulas and applications of milk components in products other than foods
Table of Contents

Part 1 Nutritional aspects of milk: The role of milk in the diet

The health aspects of milk

‘Designer’ milks: Functional foods from milk.

Part 2 Improving milk quality: Understanding and preventing consumer milk microbial spoilage and chemical deterioration

Effects of packaging on milk quality and safety; Sensory evaluation of milk

Instrumental measurement of milk flavour and colour

Analysing and improving the mineral content of milk

Improving the level of vitamins in milk

Managing the environmental impact of the dairy industry: The business case for sustainability.

Part 3 Improving particular milks and milk-based products: Improving organic milk

Improving goat milk

Improving the quality and safety of sheep milk

Improving buffalo milk

Milk quality requirements for yoghurt-making

Milk quality requirements for cheesemaking

Trends in infant formulas: A dairy perspective

Applications of milk components in products other than foods.

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