Dairy Cattle Fertility and Sterility


Dairy Cattle Fertility and Sterility

Dairy Cattle Fertility And Sterility

By Hoard’s Dairyman

Dairy Cattle Fertility and Sterility PDF Book. Genetic factors, diseases of reproduction, embryo losses, breeding heifers, pregnancy diagnosis, synch strategies, nutrition and fine-tuning your reproductive program. All this and more in addition to description of anatomy and explanation of the basic reproductive processes. This new edition was produced in cooperation with the Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council (DCRC), and is updated and revised throughout based on the 2006 DCRC conference proceedings, featuring the industry’s top experts in cattle reproduction.

Table of Contents

Infertility and sterility : A huge loss

The bull’s role

The cow’s reproductive tract

Reproduction : Full-time job for the dairy cow

Union of sperm and egg

Before birth : A calf begins to grow

Calving time

Can we feed for fertility?

Genetic factors

Diseases of reproduction

Embryo losses

Health of fresh cows, impact on reproduction

When should cows be bred?

Breeding heifers

Pregnancy diagnosis

How do we achieve reproductive efficiency?

Inseminating your own cows

Synchronization strategies

Fine-tuning your reproductive program

Using bulls on the farm

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