British Poultry Standards, 7th Edition


British Poultry Standards, 7th Edition

British Poultry Standards, 7Th Edition Pdf

By J. Ian H. Allonby and Philippe B. Wilson

British Poultry Standards, 7th Edition PDF contains complete specifications together with judging points for all standardised breeds and varieties of poultry, as compiled by the specialist Breed Clubs and published under the guidance of the Poultry Club of Great Britain. Intended as a manual to aid in the instruction and identification of breeds for the novice through to the veterinarian, this new edition has been thoroughly revised and edited, with numerous changes to breed pictures and profiles, providing a well-defined update for contemporary breeding, judging and exhibiting.

Under the guardianship of the Poultry Club of Great Britain, this book details the authorised standards of excellence for each breed, covering categories such as feather markings, breed classification, and defects and deformities.

  • The must-have reference for keepers, breeders, judges and exhibitors of pure bred poultry
  • Features over 500 colour photographs, including 150 new images
  • Includes 10 new breeds as well as all standardised breeds, and features photographs of many different varieties
  • Provides complete specifications and judging points of all standardised breeds and varieties of poultry
  • Recognised by the Poultry Club of Great Britain

British Poultry Standards, 7th Editionย is an essential resource for all poultry judges, breeders, exhibitors and keepers, as well as agricultural and veterinary college libraries and conservationists.

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Table of Contents

Acknowledgements ix

Introduction 1

Standard feather markings 4

Chief points of the fowl 13

Complete classification of pure breed poultry 21

Defects and deformities 25

Large fowl and bantamsย 31

Ancona 31

Andalusian 34

Appenzeller 36

Araucana 41

Rumpless Araucana 45

Asil 48

Australorp 50

Autosexing breeds 53

Brockbar 54

Brussbar 55

Cambar 57

Dorbar 59

Legbar 60

Rhodebar 63

Welbar 65

Wybar 68

Ayam Cemani 71

Barnevelder 72

Belgian Bearded bantams 75

Barbu dโ€™Anvers 75

Barbu dโ€™Uccle 77

Barbu de Watermael 78

Barbu dโ€™Everberg (Rumpless dโ€™Uccle) 80

Barbu du Grubbe (Rumpless dโ€™Anvers) 81

Barbu de Boitsfort (Rumpless de Watermael) 81

Booted bantam 87

Rumpless Booted Bantam 92

Brabanter 93

Brahma 95

Brakel 100

Breda 102

Bresse-Gauloise 104

Burmese 106

Campine 108

Cochin 111

Crรจvecoeur 114

Croad Langshan 115

Dandarawi 118

Derbyshire Redcap 120

Dominique 121

Dorking 124

Dutch bantam 128

British Faverolles 133

Fayoumi 137

Friesian 139

Frizzle 143

German Langshan 145

Groninger 149

Hamburgh 152

Houdan 155

Indian Game 158

Ixworth 162

Japanese bantam 164

Jersey Giant 169

Ko Shamo 171

Kraienkรถppe 173

Kulang 177

La Flรจche 179

Lakenvelder 181

Leghorn 183

Lincolnshire Buff 188

Malay 191

Marans 194

Marsh Daisy 198

Minorca 201

Modern Game 204

Modern Langshan 209

Nankin bantam 212

Nankin Shamo 214

New Hampshire Red 215

Norfolk Grey 218

North Holland Blue 220

Ohiki 222

Carlisle Old English Game 223

Oxford Old English Game 230

Old English Game bantam 236

Old English Pheasant Fowl 242

Orloff 244

Orpington 247

Pekin bantam 251

Plymouth Rock 255

Poland 261

Rhode Island Red 265

Rosecomb bantam 269

Rumpless Game 272

Satsumadori 274

Scots Dumpy 277

Scots Grey 280

Sebright 282

Serama 285

Shamo 288

Sicilian Buttercup 290

Silkie 293

Spanish 296

Suffolk Chequer 298

Sulmtaler 300

Sultan 303

Sumatra 305

Sussex 307

Taiwan 311

Thai Game 312

Thรผringian 313

Transylvanian Naked Neck 317

Tuzo 318

Vorwerk 320

Welsummer 323

Wyandotte 327

Yakido 336

Yamato Gunkei 337

Yokohama 339

Long-tailed breeds standardised in Japan 343

Turkeysย 345

General Standard: Heavy Breeds 345

General Standard: Light Breeds 345

Judging โ€“ Scale of Points for All Colours 346

Serious Defects 346

Disqualifications 346

Turkey Eggs 346

Blue 347

Bourbon Red 348

Bronze 349

Buff 352

Crimson Dawn/Black-Winged Bronze 353

Crollwitzer (Pied) 353

Harvey Speckled 354

Narragansett 355

Nebraskan 357

Norfolk Black 358

Slate 359

White 361

Other Varieties 361

Waterfowlย 363

Geeseย 363

African 364

American Buff 366

Brecon Buff 368

Buff Back (Saddleback) 369

Chinese 371

Czech 373

Embden 375

Franconian 376

Grey Back 378

Pilgrim 379

Pomeranian 381

Roman 383

Sebastopol 384

Shetland 386

Skรฅยดne 388

Steinbacher 390

Toulouse 392

West of England 394

Ducksย 397

Abacot Ranger 398

Aylesbury 401

Bali 403

Black East Indian 405

Blue Swedish 407

Call 409

Campbell 435

Cayuga 439

Crested 441

Crested Miniature 443

Hook Bill 444

Indian Runner 447

Magpie 461

Muscovy 463

Orpington 467

Pekin 469

Rouen 472

Rouen Clair 475

Saxony 477

Silver Appleyard 480

Silver Appleyard Miniature 483

Silver Bantam 484

Welsh Harlequin 486

Other breeds 489

Standard for utility 491

Standard for eggs 493

Glossary 499

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