Biomarkers in Toxicology, 2nd Edition


Biomarkers in Toxicology, 2nd Edition

Biomarkers In Toxicology 2Nd Edition

By Ramesh Gupta

Biomarkers in Toxicology 2nd Edition PDF is a timely and comprehensive reference dedicated to all aspects of biomarkers that relate to chemical exposure and their effects on biological systems. This revised and completely updated edition includes both vertebrate and non-vertebrate species models for toxicological testing and the development of biomarkers. Divided into several key sections, this reference volume contains new chapters devoted to topics in microplastics, neuroimmunotoxicity and nutraceuticals, along with a look at the latest cutting-edge technologies used to detect biomarkers. Each chapter contains several references to current literature and important resources for further reading. Given this comprehensive treatment, this book is an essential reference for anyone interested in biomarkers across the scientific and biomedical fields.

  • Evaluates the expansive literature, providing one resource covering all aspects of toxicology biomarkers
  • Includes completely revised chapters, along with additional chapters on the newest developments in the field
  • Identifies and discusses the most sensitive, accurate, unique and validated biomarkers used as indicators of exposure
  • Covers special topics and applications of biomarkers, including chapters on molecular toxicology biomarkers, biomarker analysis for nanotoxicology, development of biomarkers for drug efficacy evaluation, and much more
Table of Contents

Part I. Toxicity Testing Models and Biomarkers
1. Introduction
2. Rodent Models for Toxicity Testing and Biomarkers
3. The Gรถttingen Minipig as large animal model in toxicology
4. Nonhuman primates in preclinical research
5. Biomarkers of toxicity in zebrafish
6. Mechanistic Toxicology Biomarkers in Caenorhabditis elegans
7. Drosophila melanogaster, Eisenia fetida, and Daphnia magna for toxicity testing and Biomarkers
8. Alternative animal toxicity testing and biomarkers
9. Adverse outcome pathways and biomarkers

Part II. Systems Toxicity Biomarkers
10. Central nervous system toxicity biomarkers
11. Peripheral nervous system toxicity biomarkers
12. Cardiovascular toxicity biomarkers
13. Respiratory toxicity biomarkers
14. Hepatic toxicity biomarkers
15. Conventional and emerging renal biomarkers
16. Gastrointestinal toxicity biomarkers
17. Reproductive toxicity biomarkers
18. Biomarkers of toxicity in human placenta
19. Early Biomarkers of Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis
20. Skeletal muscle toxicity biomarkers
21. Ocular biomarkers in diseases and toxicities
22. Biomarkers of Ototoxicity
23. Blood and bone marrow toxicity biomarkers
24. Immunotoxicity biomarkers

Part III. Chemical Agents, Solvents and Gases Toxicity Biomarkers
25. Bisphenol A (BPA) Biomarkers and Biomonitoring
26. Insecticides
27. Herbicides and fungicides
28. Polychlorinated biphenyls, polybrominated biphenyls, and brominated flame retardants
29. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
30. Metals
31. Melamine
32. Biomarkers of petroleum products toxicity
33. Biomarkers of chemical mixture toxicity
34. Biomarkers of toxic solvents and gases

Part IV. Biotoxins Biomarkers
35. Freshwater cyanotoxins
36. Mycotoxins
37. Poisonous plants: biomarkers for diagnosis

Part V. Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals Biomarkers
38. Biomarkers of drug toxicity and safety evaluation
39. Risk Assessment, Regulation and the Role of Biomarkers for the Evaluation of Dietary Ingredients present in Dietary Supplements
40. Nutriphenomics in rodent models: Impact of dietary choices on toxicological biomarkers

Part VI. Nanomaterials and Radiation
41. Engineered nanomaterials: Biomarkers of exposure and effect
42. Biomarkers of Exposure and Responses to Ionizing Radiation

Part VII. Carcinogens Biomonitoring and Cancer Biomarkers
43. Biomonitoring exposures to carcinogens
44. Genotoxicity biomarkers: Molecular basis of genetic variability and susceptibility
45. Epigenetic biomarkers in toxicology
46. Breast cancer biomarkers
47. Pancreatic and ovarian cancer biomarkers
48. Prostate cancer biomarkers

Part VIII. Disease Biomarkers
49. Biomarkers of Alzheimerโ€™s disease
50. Biomarkers of Parkinsonโ€™s disease
51. Biomarkers for drugs of abuse and neuropsychiatric disorders: Models and mechanisms
52. Osteoarthritis biomarkers
53. Pathological biomarkers in toxicology
54. Oral pathology biomarkers

Part IX. Special Topics
55. Biomarkers of mitochondrial dysfunction and toxicity
56. Biomarkers of blood-brain barrier dysfunction
57. Biomarkers of oxidative/nitrosative stress and neurotoxicity
58. Cytoskeletal disruption as a biomarker of developmental neurotoxicity
59. Membrane transporters and transporter substrates as biomarkers for drug pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and toxicity/adverse events
60. Citrulline: Pharmacological perspectives and role as a biomarker in diseases and toxicities

Part X. Applications of Biomarkers in Toxicology
61. Analysis of toxin- and toxicant-induced biomarker signatures using microarrays
62. Biomarkers detection for toxicity testing using metabolomics
63. Transcriptomic biomarkers in safety and risk assessment of chemicals
64. Percellome toxicogenomics project as a source of biomarkers of chemical toxicity
65. Proteomics in biomarkers of chemical toxicity
66. Biomarkers for Testing Toxicity and Monitoring Exposure to Xenobiotics
67. Biomarkers in epidemiology, risk assessment and regulatory toxicology

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