Venomous Bites from Non-Venomous Snakes, 2nd Edition


Venomous Bites from Non-Venomous Snakes, 2nd Edition

Venomous Bites From Non-Venomous Snakes, 2Nd Edition Pdf Download

By Scott Weinstein, David Warrell and Daniel Keyler

Venomous Bites from Non-Venomous Snakes, 2nd Edition PDF thoroughly examines the potential hazards associated with bites by non-front-fanged snakes (popularly, but inaccurately, called โ€œrear-fanged snakesโ€). This diverse group contains approximately 80% of living snake species (approximately 2,900 species). A large proportion of these snakes were previously assigned to the family Colubridae but, as a consequence of expanding systematics investigations, have been split into multiple families and subfamilies. Many of these snakes produce venoms or oral secretions that contain toxins and other biologically active substances. A large variety of nonโ€“front-fanged snakes figure in the pet industry, yet little documented information or formal study of their potential medical importance has been published. Therefore, although the possible medical importance of many of these species has been subjected to speculation since the mid-19th century, there is a limited amount of useful descriptive information regarding the real hazard (or lack thereof) of this wide variety of snakes.

The first edition of this book provided โ€œone-stop shoppingโ€ by offering information regarding their possible toxicity and clinical relevance as well as recommendations for medical management of their bites. The second edition expands and updates the content with detailed information about the effects and medical management of bites by a broad representation of nonโ€“front-fanged species. The hypothetical venomous nature of some lizards considered as non-venomous such as the Komodo monitor or dragon and their allies, as well as the medical effects of their bites, is also examined. The dynamic taxonomy of advanced snakes is updated, and the bases for some of these fluid changes are discussed. Likewise, terminology is also updated in order to reflect the ongoing debates regarding the definition of โ€œvenomโ€ and the balanced reinforcement of nonmedical criteria used to define the biological basis of the term โ€œvenomous.โ€

Table of Contents
Chapter 1. A summary of taxing taxonomic considerations: non-front-fanged snakes and the shifting sands of systematics
Chapter 2. Differences between buccal gland secretion and associated venom delivery systems of front-fanged snakes and non-front-fanged snakes: Low- versus high-pressure gland function and canaliculated versus solid dentition
Chapter 3. A brief overview of the history of non-front-fanged snake venom research
Chapter 4. Medically significant bites by non-front-fanged snakes (NFFCs)
Chapter 5. Summary and conclusions
Appendix A. Representative unverified cases of medically significant non-front-fanged snake bites posted on the internet
Appendix B. Representative lethal potency ranges and yields of venoms and other oral products from selected non-front-fanged colubroid snakes
Appendix C. Strategies for management of gram-negative septicemia: are there lessons to be learned for managing venom-induced coagulopathies?
Appendix D. Legal considerations regarding private ownership of venomous snakes (including hazard level 1 non-front fanged snakes): an opinionated essay
Appendix E. List of examined osteological specimens
Additional recommended reading
A call for cases

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