Equine Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery


Equine Dentistry And Maxillofacial Surgery

By Jack Easley, Padraic Dixon and Nicole du Toit

Equine Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery PDF is the largest and most comprehensive textbook on equine dentistry and maxillofacial surgery ever published, and includes the many major scientific advances made in this area over the last 25 years. It also describes in great detail numerous developments in standard and advanced equine dental surgical techniques. The 38 authors include the most prominent academic and clinical specialists in equine dentistry in the world, and most of the authors are Equine Diplomates of the European or American Colleges of Veterinary Dentistry. This textbook will be essential reading for all equine veterinarians performing dentistry especially those who wish to specialise in more advanced equine dentistry, including maxillofacial surgery. Sections of the book will also be of great interest to undergraduate veterinary students, equine interns, equine surgical residents, and veterinary anatomists and pathologists.

Table of Contents

Section 1: Introduction

  1. Equine Dental Evolution

2. Milestones in Equine Dentistry

3. Equine Bits, Bridles, and Tack

4. The Business of Equine Dentistry

Section 2: Dental Morphology and Physiology

5. Equine Dental Anatomy

6. Equine Mastication: Morphological, Functional, and Biomechanical Adaptations

7. Age-Related Changes in Equine Dentition

Section 3: Dental Disease and Pathology

8. Equine Oral Microbiology

9. Abnormalities of Craniofacial and Dental Development

10. Equine Dental Pathology

11. Equine Dental Fissures and Fractures

12. Equine Oral Medicine

13. Equine Head and Dental Trauma

14. Oral, Nasal, and Sinus Masses

15. Equine Sinonasal Disorders

16. The Temporomandibular Joint

Section 4: Diagnostic Techniques in Equine Dentistry

17. General Clinical, Oral, and Dental Examination

18. Equine Oral Endoscopy

19. Equine Dental Radiology

20. Computed Tomography of the Equine Head

21. Other Imaging Modalities

22. Equine Rhinoscopy and Sinoscopy

Section 5: Treatment of Dental and Sinus Disorders

23. Sedation, Anesthesia, and General Anesthetic Considerations

24. Dental Equipment, Materials, and Instrumentation

25. Equine Odontoplasty

26. Treatment Strategies for Equine Periodontitis

27. Geriatric Dental Care

28. Equine Exodontia

29. Exodontia Complications and Treatments

30. Medical and Surgical Treatment of Equine Oral Neoplasia

31. Equine Functional Orthodontics and Orthognathic Surgery

32. Equine Maxillofacial Surgery

33. Treatment of Head and Dental Trauma

Treatment of Sino-Nasal Disorders

34. Minimally Invasive Treatment of Sino-Nasal Disorders

35. Surgical Treatment of Sinus Disease

Restorative Procedures

36. Materials for Equine Dental Restorations

37. Infundibular Restorations

38. Restorative Dentistry: Cavity Preparation and Restoration

Endodontic Procedures

39. Endodontics: Incisor and Canine Teeth

40. Endodontic Treatment of Equine Cheek Teeth

Glossary Index

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