Biochemistry and Physiology of the Neutrophil


Biochemistry and Physiology of the Neutrophil

Biochemistry And Physiology Of The Neutrophil

By Steven W. Edwards

Biochemistry and Physiology of the Neutrophil PDF describes the role of the neutrophil in infection and inflammation and provides an up-to-date review of the biochemistry and physiology of these cells, highlighting the mechanisms by which they seek out and destroy pathogenic micro-organisms. The development of these cells during haematopoiesis is described and the mechanisms which lead to the production of reactive oxidants and the intracellular signal transduction systems which lead to the cellโ€™s activation are reviewed. The book also discusses recent discoveries concerning the role of cytokines in the regulation of neutrophil function together with the importance of the neutrophil as a generator of inflammatory cytokines. Finally there is a description of the biochemical defects that give rise to some of the neutrophil-associated human diseases.

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