Applied Muscle Biology and Meat Science


Applied Muscle Biology and Meat Science

Applied Muscle Biology And Meat Science Pdf Download

By Min Du, Ph.D., Richard J. McCormick

Applied Muscle Biology and Meat Science PDF. Many of the difficulties that meat and animal scientists face when attempting to address specific problems—such as stress susceptibility and poor meat quality in swine—stem from a lack of understanding of the underlying biological mechanisms that drive muscle growth, metabolism, and its conversion to meat. This book provides current knowledge about skeletal muscle and meat, and serves as a platform for further investigation of specific technical issues.

Applied Muscle Biology and Meat Science outlines the tremendous strides made in the field of muscle biology in recent years, particularly pertaining to the understanding of the mechanisms that control skeletal muscle growth and development. With a distinguished international team of contributors, this text discusses the impact these factors have on meat production and quality with worldwide applicability.

This state-of-the-science reference covers a wide range of topics in muscle biology and meat science, including genetic selection, muscle structure and development, muscle protein turnover and meat tenderization, meat quality, collagen, color, lipid, and meat safety. With approximately 85 illustrations and tables, the text focuses on biological changes and the appropriate management techniques for meat animals.

Given recent developments in energy costs and distribution and changes in the commodities markets driven by the demand for biofuels, the challenges for animal production agriculture will only increase. This valuable text furthers understanding of the underlying biological mechanisms that are related to animal and meat production–an understanding that will play an integral role in solving today’s industry challenges.

Read more: Meat Inspection and Control in the Slaughterhouse

Table of Contents

Muscle structure and function, Darl R. Swartz, Marion L. Greaser, and Marie E. Cantino

Satellite cell biology, Rhoads R.P., C.R. Rathbone, and K.L. Flann

Adipose tissue development in extramuscular and intramuscular depots in meat animals, G. J. Hausman, and S. P. Poulos

Fetal programming of skeletal muscle development, Min Du and Mei J. Zhu

Muscle fiber characteristics and their relation to meat quality, Jennifer L. Aalhus, W. M. Robertson, and Jin Ye

Muscle protein turnover, Margrethe Therkildsen and Niels Oksbjerg

Collagen, Richard J. McCormick

Protein degradation postmortem and tenderization, D.L. Hopkins and G. H. Geesink

Regulation of postmortem glycolysis and meat quality, Qingwu W. Shen, Min Du, and Warrie J. Means

AMP-activated protein kinase in muscle growth, fat deposition and meat quality, Min Du, Qingwu W. Shen, Keith R. Underwood, Jun F. Tong, and Mei J. Zhu

Meat color, Richard A. Mancini

Lipid oxidation and flavor, D. U. Ahn, K. C. Nam, and E. J. Lee

Lipids in muscle structure, composition, and metabolism, Daniel C. Rule

Fish muscle, Peng Zhou and Joe M. Regenstein

Molecular mapping and marker-assisted breeding for muscle growth and meat quality, Penny K. Riggs and Clare A. Gill

Animal agriculture and animal welfare: an essay on how they benefit each other in the 21st century, Joe M. Regenstein

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