Chemical and Microbiological Analysis of Milk and Milk Products


Chemical and Microbiological Analysis of Milk and Milk Products

Chemical And Microbiological Analysis Of Milk And Milk Products Pdf

By Ramakant Sharma

Chemical and Microbiological Analysis of Milk and Milk Products PDF. The Indian Dairy Industry has made repid progress since Independence. A large number of modern milk plants and production factories have since been established. These organized dariries have been successfully engaged in the routine and commercial production of pasterized milk and various western and Indian dairy products. Most of the supervisory and technical personnel in these dariries have had their dairy education in theis country, although a few have been trained abroad as well. The author is interested in sharing hsi knowledge of chemical and microbiological analysis of milk & milk products with many such persons i.e. consumers, producers, graduate and post-graduate students of food technology, microbiology, dairy technology, doctors, and research scholars in the in the interest of our business and for the safety of our consumers. It is essential to make awareness regrading food safety standards. The term quality covers value, short shelf life and could also be a health hazard to consumers. In most of the developed countries, the media, the consumers and the regulatory bodies have forced the producers and the suppliers to comply with the prescribed food safety standards. Whereas in India, while there are reasonably good rules, observations of these rules and the implementation of quality control measures are usually inadequate, due to many reasons. Public awareness regarding quality is poor and regulation on quality followed. In the interest of our business and for the safety of our consumers, it is essential to maintain the appropirate quality of milk and milk products. As a member of the world trade. Organization, it has become obligatory for India to apply sanitary and phytosanitary measures while measures while producing, processing and marketing milk and milk products and abide by the guidelines prescribed by the Codex Alimentarious Commission. This in necessary if we want to participate in the international trade of milk and milk products for ensuring better returns to our farmer members. The united Nationa recommends governments all over the world to adopt the standards set up by the codex alimentatarious as the reference point for consumer protection, with regard to food. By harmonizing the food laws and by adopting internationally agreed standards, global commerce improve and the trade barriers diminsih gradually. Through harmonization free movement of goods amongst the countries is achieved to the benefit of the farmers and the subsequent reduction of hunger and poverty. Several international firms have started importing milk to India and have even set up their plants here. We cannot prevent them from doing so, because of the WTO agreement. In order to safeguard the existing market and expand the business of the co-operative dairy sector, it is essential to produce superior quality products that are safe for consumers. In order to fulfil the information appropriate to producers, consumers and milkprocesser, the book has been prepared. I shall welcome the comments and criticism from readers to further improve the book. There are 41 chapters and by reading this book, I hope the reader, besides basic concepts, will also gain an overview of the current status of many diverse and interesting aspects. The Indian Dairy Industry has made repid progress since Independence. A large number of modern milk plants and production factories have since been established. These organized dariries have been successfully engaged in the routine and commercial production of pasterized milk and various western and Indian dairy products. Most of the supervisory and technical personnel in these dariries have had their dairy education in theis country, although a few have been trained abroad as well. The author is interested in sharing hsi knowledge of chemical and microbiological analysis of milk & milk products with many such persons i.e. consumers, producers, graduate and post-graduate students of food technology, microbiology, dairy technology, doctors, and research scholars in the in the interest of our business and for the safety of our consumers. It is essential to make awareness regrading food safety standards. The term quality covers value, short shelf life and could also be a health hazard to consumers. In most of the developed countries, the media, the consumers and the regulatory bodies have forced the producers and the suppliers to comply with the prescribed food safety standards. Whereas in India, while there are reasonably good rules, observations of these rules and the implementation of quality control measures are usually inadequate, due to many reasons. Public awareness regarding quality is poor and regulation on quality followed. In the interest of our business and for the safety of our consumers, it is essential to maintain the appropirate quality of milk and milk products. As a member of the world trade. Organization, it has become obligatory for India to apply sanitary and phytosanitary measures while measures while producing, processing and marketing milk and milk products and abide by the guidelines prescribed by the Codex Alimentarious Commission. This in necessary if we want to participate in the international trade of milk and milk products for ensuring better returns to our farmer members. The united Nationa recommends governments all over the world to adopt the standards set up by the codex alimentatarious as the reference point for consumer protection, with regard to food. By harmonizing the food laws and by adopting internationally agreed standards, global commerce improve and the trade barriers diminsih gradually. Through harmonization free movement of goods amongst the countries is achieved to the benefit of the farmers and the subsequent reduction of hunger and poverty. Several international firms have started importing milk to India and have even set up their plants here. We cannot prevent them from doing so, because of the WTO agreement. In order to safeguard the existing market and expand the business of the co-operative dairy sector, it is essential to produce superior quality products that are safe for consumers. In order to fulfil the information appropriate to producers, consumers and milkprocesser, the book has been prepared. I shall welcome the comments and criticism from readers to further improve the book.

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