An Introduction to Fish Migration


An Introduction to Fish Migration

An Introduction To Fish Migration Pdf

By Pedro Morais and Francoise Daverat

An Introduction to Fish Migration PDF aims to overcome this drawback by presenting a comprehensive coverage of all life history strategiesโ€”potadromy, anadromy, catadromy, amphidromy and oceanodromy in one book.

The first section of this book reviews the history of fish migration studies, the main definitions and concepts related with fish migration and the main trends and challenges of fish migration research. The second section describes the main processes and patterns associated with all migratory life history strategies, as well as the main problems associated with their conservation. Finally, the third section provides examples of the main methodologies used to study fish migration.

This book was conceived with the objective to provide undergraduate and graduate students and researchers with a comprehensive book on which they could rely.

Read more: Biology and Physiology of Freshwater Neotropical Fish

Table of Contents

PART 1 Past, present and future of fish migration research.

PART 2 Life history patterns of migratory fishes.

PART 3 Technical apparatus, analytical techniques and data analyses used in fish migration research.

File Size 10.4 MB
File Format Pdf
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