An Introduction to Animal Husbandry in the Tropics


An Introduction To Animal Husbandry In The Tropics Pdf

By Grahame Williamson and William John Arthur Payne

An Introduction to Animal Husbandry in the Tropics 3rd Edition. The original concept, when the first edition of this book was published in the late 195Os, wasto summarize such knowledge of tropical domestic animals as was available at that time and which could be considered useful for students, livestock extension specialists, progressive livestock owners and administrators concerned with the development of livestock industries and the economy.

The dificulties of adequately dealing with such a wide subject in one volume were anticipated and discussed when the first edition was published. Thesedifficulties have now multiplied asthe frontiers of fundamental knowledge in animal sciencehave steadily expanded and an ever increasing volume of experimental data in different aspects of tropical animal husbandry has been published. In addition, the total number of animal sciencestudents in tropical countries has increased very rapidly, livestock extension agencieshave grown and multiplied, there are more technically educated tropical livestock owners and livestock development projects are numerous in tropical countries.

Table of Contents

Part 1: Basic Principles

  1. The Effect of Climate
  2. Maintenance of Health
  3. Nutrition and Feeding
  4. Reproduction and Breeding

Part 2: Husbandry 5. Cattle
6. Buffalo
7. Sheep
8. Goats
9. Camels
10. Llamoids or New World Camelidae
11. Game as a Source of Meat
12. Pigs
13. Poultry

Part 3: Animal Products 14. Milk and Milk Products
15. Meat and Carcase By-products
16. Wool Production


  1. Nomadism in Africa
  2. Marking Livestock for Identification

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