Emotional Well-being for Animal Welfare Professionals

Emotional Well-being for Animal Welfare Professionals PDF

By Tamsin Durston

Emotional Well-being for Animal Welfare Professionals PDF. Each year, many thousands of animals are taken into rescue centres and animal shelters around the world. Some will have suffered neglect or cruelty, others relinquished because their owners are no longer able to cope with caring for a much-loved pet. Many owners will require support and guidance in meeting their animals’ needs and helping them thrive in environments which can sometimes be challenging. Often animal welfare and veterinary staff are affected deeply by the decisions that they need to make on a daily basis and are at risk from a whole range of emotional health issues. This book examines the risks to the emotional well-being of animal welfare staff and veterinary professionals. It provides practical solutions, coping strategies and various techniques aimed at restoring a work-life balance as well as giving guidance on creating healthy approaches to self-care for the emotionally challenging work undertaken by anyone working directly with animals. There is: · Practical advice on recognising the risks such as compassion fatigue, burnout and imposter syndrome · Guidance on creating emotional resilience through healthy coping strategies · Down-to-earth advice on supporting front line team members and public-facing animal care teams · A range of case studies by experts that help give professionals the strength to make positive changes An invaluable and important text for veterinary professionals, animal rescue workers, pet behaviour counsellors and dog training instructors, as well as support, administrative and front-line animal care teams.

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Table of Contents

Part I: Heart
1: Introduction – why is this topic so important?
2: Emotions, stress, and stressor stacking
3: Risk factors and influences upon emotional health
4: Stress injuries, compassion fatigue, and burnout
5: Self-care
Part II: Head
6: Happiness, wellbeing, and positive psychology
7: Imposter syndrome and the Dunning-Kruger effect
8: Developing mind skills
9: Psychology models, the intention-behaviour gap, and forming new habits
Part III: Hands
10: Resilience, mindset, and mindfulness
11: Strategies for teams
12: Practical toolkit – everyday activities for maintaining positive emotional wellbeing

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