Preface v
Acknowledgement vii
Introduction xv
Section-A: Locomotor System
1. Skeletal System (Osteology) 3-13
2. Articular System (Syndesmology/Arthrology) 15-19
3. Muscular System (Myology) 21-25
Section-B: Splanchnology
4. Digestive System 31-40
5. Respiratory System 41-45
6. Urinary System 47-49
7. Genital System (Reproductive System) 51-58
Section-C: Endocrine System
8. Endocrine Organs 61-65
Section-D: Blood Vascular System
9. Heart and Pericardium 69-70
10. Major Blood Vessels 71-72
11. Lymphatic System 73-74
Section-E: Nervous System
12. Central Nervous System 77-81
13. Peripheral Nervous System 83-85
Section-F: Sense Organs and Common Integument
14. Organs of General and Special Senses 89-89
Section-A: Musculo-Skeletal Component
15 Skeleton of Head (SKULL) 91-110
16 Comparative Anatomy of Skeleton of Head 111-123
17 Skeleton of Neck 125-130
18 Comparative Anatomy of Skeleton of Neck (Cervical Vertebrae) 131-135
19 Articulations of Head 137-137
20 Articulations of Neck 139-142
21 Comparative Anatomy of Articulations of Head and Neck 143-145
22 Muscles of Head 147-169
23 Muscles of Neck (Cervical Muscles) 171-181
24 Comparative Anatomy of Muscles of Head 183-187
25 Comparative Anatomy of Muscles of Neck 189-196
Section-B: Organs and Glands
26 Organs of Digestion 197-209
27 Organs of Respiration 211-217
28 Organs of Central Nervous System 219-236
29 Sense Organs and Common Integument 237-251
30 Endocrine Glands in Head and Neck 253-256
31 Comparative Anatomy of the Organs and Glands in Head
and Neck 257-275
Section-C: Blood Vessels and Lymphatics
32 Arteries of Head and Neck 277-285
33 Veins of Head and Neck 287-290
34 Lymphatics of Head and Neck 291-295
35 Comparative Anatomy of Blood Vessels and Lymphatics
of Head and Neck 297-305
Section-D: Nerves
36 Nerves of Head (Cranial Nerves) 307-316
37 Nerves of Neck (Cervical Spinal Nerves) 317-321
38 Comparative Anatomy of Nerves of Head and Neck 323-326
Section-E: Applied Anatomy
39 Applied Anatomy of Head and Neck 327-334
Section-A: Musculo-Skeletal Component
40 Skeleton of Thorax 335-341
41 Comparative Anatomy of Skeleton of Thorax 343-346
42 Articulations of Thorax 347-349
43 Muscles of Thorax 351-362
44 Comparative Anatomy of Muscles of Thorax 363-364
Section-B: Thoracic Cavity and Viscera
45 Thoracic Cavity 365-366
46 Viscera of Thorax 367-388
47 Comparative Anatomy of Viscera of Thorax 389-396
Section-C: Blood Vessels and Lymphatics
48 Arteries of Thorax 397-399
49 Veins of Thorax 401-402
50 Lymphatics of Thorax 403-405
51 Comparative Anatomy of Blood Vessels and Lymphatics
of Thorax 407-409
Section-D: Nerves
52 Nerves of Thorax 411-416
53 Comparative Anatomy of Thoracic Nerves 417-417
Section-E: Applied Anatomy
54 Applied Anatomy of Thorax 419-420
Section-A: Musculo-skeletal Component
55 Skeleton of Abdomen and Pelvis 421-429
56 Comparative Anatomy of Skeleton of Abdomen and Pelvis 431-435
57 Articulations of Abdomen and Pelvis 437-439
58 Comparative Anatomy of Joints and Ligaments of Abdomen
and Pelvis 441-442
59 Muscles of Abdomen and Pelvis 443-453
60 Comparative Anatomy of Muscles of Abdomen and Pelvis 455-458
Section B: Viscera
61 Digestive Organs 463-479
62 Comparative Anatomy of Digestive Organs 481-494
63 Urinary Organs 495-500
64 Comparative Anatomy of Urinary Organs 501-503
65 Female Genital Organs 505-512
66 Comparative Anatomy of Female Genital Organs 513-518
67 Male Genital Organs 519-526
68 Comparative Anatomy of Male Genital Organs 527-531
Section-C: Blood Vessels and Lymphatics
69 Abdominal Aorta and Arteries of Abdomen and Pelvis 533-541
70 Comparative Anatomy of Arteries of Abdomen and Pelvis 543-548
71 Caudal Vena Cava and Veins of Abdomen and Pelvis 549-553
72 Comparative Anatomy of Veins of the Abdomen and Pelvis 555-558
73 Lymphatics of the Abdomen and Pelvis 559-562
74 Comparative Anatomy of Lymphatics of Abdomen and Pelvis 563-567
Section-D: Nerves
75 Nerves of the Wall of Abdomen and Pelvis 569-571
76 Autonomic Nerves of Viscera of Abdomen and Pelvis 573-576
77 Comparative Anatomy of Nerves of Abdomen and Pelvis 577-579
Section-E: Applied Anatomy
78 Applied Anatomy of Abdomen and Pelvis 581-587
Section-A: Musculo-Skeletal Component
79 Skeleton of Fore Limb 589-604
80 Comparative Anatomy of Skeleton of Fore Limb 605-613
81 Articulations of Fore Limb 615-622
82 Comparative Anatomy of Articulations of Fore Limb 623-625
83 Muscles of Fore Limb 627-638
84 Comparative Anatomy of Muscles of Fore Limb 639-643
Section-B: Blood Vessels and Lymphatics
85 Arteries of Fore Limb 645-650
86 Veins of Fore Limb 651-654
87 Lymphatics of Fore Limb 655-655
88 Comparative Anatomy of Blood Vessels and Lymphatics of
Fore Limb 657-661
Section-C: Nerves
89 Nerves of Fore Limb 663-667
90 Comparative Anatomy of Nerves of Fore Limb 669-672
Section-D: Applied Anatomy
91 Applied Anatomy of fore limb 673-675
Section-A: Musculo-Skeletal Component
92 Skeleton of Hind Limb 677-687
93 Comparative Anatomy of Skeleton of Hind Limb 689-694
94 Articulations of Hind Limb 695-702
95 Comparative Anatomy of Articulations of Hind Limb 703-705
96 Muscles of Hind Limb 707-726
97 Comparative Anatomy of Muscles of Hind Limb 727-730
Section-B: Blood Vessels and Lymphatics
98 Arteries of Hind Limb 731-735
99 Veins of Hind Limb 737-740
100 Lymphatics of Hind Limb 741-742
101 Comparative Anatomy of Blood Vessels and Lymphatics of
Hind Limb 743-748
Section-C: Nerves
102 Nerves of Hind Limb 749-754
103 Comparative Anatomy of Nerves of Hind Limb 755-757
Section-D: Applied Anatomy
104 Applied Anatomy of Hind Limb 759-762
Bibliography 763-764