Veterinary Anatomy: The Regional Gross Anatomy of Domestic Animals


Veterinary Anatomy: The Regional Gross Anatomy of Domestic Animals

 Veterinary Gross Anatomy Pdf

By Vitthal R. Bhamburkar

Veterinary Anatomy: The Regional Gross Anatomy of Domestic Animals ( Veterinary Gross Anatomy) PDF. The text of this book with regional approach of teaching and studying veterinary gross anatomy has been divided in six parts. The first part comprises the basics of veterinary anatomy described in the conventional form of systemic anatomy while the remaining five parts comprise region wise description of gross anatomy. Each of these parts contains the description of all anatomical structures viz. bones, joints, muscles, viscera, blood vessels, lymphatics nerves, etc located in the respective region of the animal body viz. head, neck, thorax, abdomen, pelvis and the fore and hind limb. Bovine animal, the ox, has been considered as a model species for detail description of the anatomical features, while the major differences or remarkable features in other species like horse, dog, sheep and goat, pig and fowl have been described under a separate heading as Comparative Anatomy at the end of each section. In addition to this, a separate section on Applied Anatomy has been introduced at the end of each regional part. This will make it easy to understand the applications of the anatomical features that form the basis of surgical, diagnostic, medical and obstetrical techniques in the solution of clinical disorders which is the main purpose of regional pattern of learning the anatomy. Because of these distinctive features, the book has become a little voluminous and therefore, had to be split into two volumes. Part-I comprises the first three parts viz-General Systemic Anatomy, Anatomy of Head and Neck and the Anatomy of Thorax while the Part-II comprises the next three parts viz- the Anatomy of Abdomen and Pelvis, the Anatomy of Fore limb and the Anatomy of Hind Limb.

Table of Contents

Preface v
Acknowledgement vii
Introduction xv
Section-A: Locomotor System
1. Skeletal System (Osteology) 3-13
2. Articular System (Syndesmology/Arthrology) 15-19
3. Muscular System (Myology) 21-25
Section-B: Splanchnology
4. Digestive System 31-40
5. Respiratory System 41-45
6. Urinary System 47-49
7. Genital System (Reproductive System) 51-58
Section-C: Endocrine System
8. Endocrine Organs 61-65
Section-D: Blood Vascular System
9. Heart and Pericardium 69-70
10. Major Blood Vessels 71-72
11. Lymphatic System 73-74
Section-E: Nervous System
12. Central Nervous System 77-81
13. Peripheral Nervous System 83-85

Section-F: Sense Organs and Common Integument
14. Organs of General and Special Senses 89-89
Section-A: Musculo-Skeletal Component
15 Skeleton of Head (SKULL) 91-110
16 Comparative Anatomy of Skeleton of Head 111-123
17 Skeleton of Neck 125-130
18 Comparative Anatomy of Skeleton of Neck (Cervical Vertebrae) 131-135
19 Articulations of Head 137-137
20 Articulations of Neck 139-142
21 Comparative Anatomy of Articulations of Head and Neck 143-145
22 Muscles of Head 147-169
23 Muscles of Neck (Cervical Muscles) 171-181
24 Comparative Anatomy of Muscles of Head 183-187
25 Comparative Anatomy of Muscles of Neck 189-196
Section-B: Organs and Glands
26 Organs of Digestion 197-209
27 Organs of Respiration 211-217
28 Organs of Central Nervous System 219-236
29 Sense Organs and Common Integument 237-251
30 Endocrine Glands in Head and Neck 253-256
31 Comparative Anatomy of the Organs and Glands in Head
and Neck 257-275
Section-C: Blood Vessels and Lymphatics
32 Arteries of Head and Neck 277-285
33 Veins of Head and Neck 287-290
34 Lymphatics of Head and Neck 291-295
35 Comparative Anatomy of Blood Vessels and Lymphatics
of Head and Neck 297-305

Section-D: Nerves
36 Nerves of Head (Cranial Nerves) 307-316
37 Nerves of Neck (Cervical Spinal Nerves) 317-321
38 Comparative Anatomy of Nerves of Head and Neck 323-326
Section-E: Applied Anatomy
39 Applied Anatomy of Head and Neck 327-334
Section-A: Musculo-Skeletal Component
40 Skeleton of Thorax 335-341
41 Comparative Anatomy of Skeleton of Thorax 343-346
42 Articulations of Thorax 347-349
43 Muscles of Thorax 351-362
44 Comparative Anatomy of Muscles of Thorax 363-364
Section-B: Thoracic Cavity and Viscera
45 Thoracic Cavity 365-366
46 Viscera of Thorax 367-388
47 Comparative Anatomy of Viscera of Thorax 389-396
Section-C: Blood Vessels and Lymphatics
48 Arteries of Thorax 397-399
49 Veins of Thorax 401-402
50 Lymphatics of Thorax 403-405
51 Comparative Anatomy of Blood Vessels and Lymphatics
of Thorax 407-409
Section-D: Nerves
52 Nerves of Thorax 411-416
53 Comparative Anatomy of Thoracic Nerves 417-417
Section-E: Applied Anatomy
54 Applied Anatomy of Thorax 419-420

Section-A: Musculo-skeletal Component
55 Skeleton of Abdomen and Pelvis 421-429
56 Comparative Anatomy of Skeleton of Abdomen and Pelvis 431-435
57 Articulations of Abdomen and Pelvis 437-439
58 Comparative Anatomy of Joints and Ligaments of Abdomen
and Pelvis 441-442
59 Muscles of Abdomen and Pelvis 443-453
60 Comparative Anatomy of Muscles of Abdomen and Pelvis 455-458
Section B: Viscera
61 Digestive Organs 463-479
62 Comparative Anatomy of Digestive Organs 481-494
63 Urinary Organs 495-500
64 Comparative Anatomy of Urinary Organs 501-503
65 Female Genital Organs 505-512
66 Comparative Anatomy of Female Genital Organs 513-518
67 Male Genital Organs 519-526
68 Comparative Anatomy of Male Genital Organs 527-531
Section-C: Blood Vessels and Lymphatics
69 Abdominal Aorta and Arteries of Abdomen and Pelvis 533-541
70 Comparative Anatomy of Arteries of Abdomen and Pelvis 543-548
71 Caudal Vena Cava and Veins of Abdomen and Pelvis 549-553
72 Comparative Anatomy of Veins of the Abdomen and Pelvis 555-558
73 Lymphatics of the Abdomen and Pelvis 559-562
74 Comparative Anatomy of Lymphatics of Abdomen and Pelvis 563-567
Section-D: Nerves
75 Nerves of the Wall of Abdomen and Pelvis 569-571
76 Autonomic Nerves of Viscera of Abdomen and Pelvis 573-576
77 Comparative Anatomy of Nerves of Abdomen and Pelvis 577-579

Section-E: Applied Anatomy
78 Applied Anatomy of Abdomen and Pelvis 581-587
Section-A: Musculo-Skeletal Component
79 Skeleton of Fore Limb 589-604
80 Comparative Anatomy of Skeleton of Fore Limb 605-613
81 Articulations of Fore Limb 615-622
82 Comparative Anatomy of Articulations of Fore Limb 623-625
83 Muscles of Fore Limb 627-638
84 Comparative Anatomy of Muscles of Fore Limb 639-643
Section-B: Blood Vessels and Lymphatics
85 Arteries of Fore Limb 645-650
86 Veins of Fore Limb 651-654
87 Lymphatics of Fore Limb 655-655
88 Comparative Anatomy of Blood Vessels and Lymphatics of
Fore Limb 657-661
Section-C: Nerves
89 Nerves of Fore Limb 663-667
90 Comparative Anatomy of Nerves of Fore Limb 669-672
Section-D: Applied Anatomy
91 Applied Anatomy of fore limb 673-675
Section-A: Musculo-Skeletal Component
92 Skeleton of Hind Limb 677-687
93 Comparative Anatomy of Skeleton of Hind Limb 689-694
94 Articulations of Hind Limb 695-702
95 Comparative Anatomy of Articulations of Hind Limb 703-705
96 Muscles of Hind Limb 707-726
97 Comparative Anatomy of Muscles of Hind Limb 727-730

Section-B: Blood Vessels and Lymphatics
98 Arteries of Hind Limb 731-735
99 Veins of Hind Limb 737-740
100 Lymphatics of Hind Limb 741-742
101 Comparative Anatomy of Blood Vessels and Lymphatics of
Hind Limb 743-748
Section-C: Nerves
102 Nerves of Hind Limb 749-754
103 Comparative Anatomy of Nerves of Hind Limb 755-757
Section-D: Applied Anatomy
104 Applied Anatomy of Hind Limb 759-762
Bibliography 763-764

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