The Lymphatic System of the Dog


The Lymphatic System of the Dog

The Lymphatic System Of The Dog Pdf

By Hermann Baum

The Lymphatic System of the Dog . An English translation of a 1918 work by German veterinary anatomist Dr. Hermann Baum, The Lymphatic System of the Dog details a comprehensive investigation of the anatomy and drainage patterns of the canine lymphatic system. Despite being written over 100 years ago, much of Dr. Baumโ€™s exhaustive work has not been repeated and is still relevant today.

The Lymphatic System of the Dog pdfย is organized into two main sections: the first details the anatomical location and drainage pathways of lymph nodes, while the second describes the lymphatic drainage pathways of major organs. This information is applicable to the diagnosis and treatment of canine patients as well as to researchers investigating the lymphatic system in dogs and in humans.

In addition to translating the original work, the University of Saskatchewan team of faculty and students has added notes describing key clinical points, as well as interactive student learning tools, including flashcards on lymphatic drainage patterns in canine cancer patients and lymph node labelling exercises. Our goal in translating this textbook was to honour the legacy of Dr. Baumโ€™s extensive work and to make this valuable information freely accessible to English-speaking veterinary students, teachers, veterinarians, and researchers.

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