Small Animal Endoscopy 3rd Edition


Small Animal Endoscopy 3Rd Edition Pdf

By Todd Tams and Clarence Rawlings

Small Animal Endoscopy 3rd Edition PDFย presents informative, practical, and up-to-date guidance on endoscopic indications, instrumentation, patient preparation, and techniques. Todd R. Tams and Clarence A. Rawlings, the foremost experts in veterinary endoscopy, provide the novice as well as the advanced practitioner with the information needed to deliver the safest, high-quality endoscopic services for small animals, including avian and exotics. Chapters are organized consistently and lavishly illustrated to help you easily find and understand key concepts and procedures. This edition includes a companion website with expert demonstrations of techniques.

  • Enables you to deliver the safest, high quality careย and a wider range of services to the pets of increasingly concerned and savvy owners.
  • Features cutting-edge informationย on minimally invasive proceduresย to improve diagnostic accuracy, reduce operating time, improve success, minimize post-operative stress and pain, and promote faster healing.
  • Helps you recognize the many indications for endoscopyย in everyday practice.
  • Covers a vast range of topicsย in a clear, concise and readable style.
  • Describes instrumentation, examination, and sample procurement techniquesย in detail.
  • Shows both normal and abnormal findingsย you may encounter during a procedure in an atlas of images in relevant chapters.
  • Provides minimally invasive examination and surgical optionsย for veterinarians treating uniquely sensitive avian and exotic patients.
  • Provides step-by-step instructionsย on specific techniques.
  • Helps beginners master endoscopic diagnosis and treatmentย and more experienced endoscopists utilize their endoscopic equipment to its fullest capacity.
Table of Contents

Part I: Flexible Endoscopy

Endoscopic Instrumentation and Documentation for Flexible and Rigid Endoscopy
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy: Instrumentation, Handling Technique, Training, and Implementation in Practice
Enteroscopic Examination of the Small Intestine
Endoscopic Removal of Gastrointestinal Foreign Bodies
Endoscopic Biopsy Specimen Collection and Histopathologic Considerations
Endoscopic Placement of Gastrostomy and Jejunostomy Tubes
Laryngoscopy and Tracheobronchoscopy of the Dog and Cat

Part II: Rigid Endoscopy

Stapling and Energy Devices for Endoscopic Surgery
Application of Laser Energy with Endoscopic Visualization
Endoscopic Knot Tying and Suturing
Psychomotor Training and Virtual Reality
Vaginoscopy and Transcervical Catheterization in the Bitch
Exotic Pets
Marketing Endoscopic Services in the Clinic
New Technologies on the Horizon

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