Oncology for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses


Oncology for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses

Oncology For Veterinary Technicians And Nurses

By Antony S. Moore and Angela E. Frimberger

Oncology for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses PDFย is a handbook of cancer care from the technician perspective. Providing information on cancer from cause to treatment, this comprehensive resource focuses on the nursing role, emphasizing technical procedures, staging, and patient support. By equippingย veterinary supportย staffย with the information they need to properly and safely perform cancer treatments,ย Oncology for Veterinary Technicians and Nursesย promotes working as part of a team to provide optimal care for dogs and cats with cancer.

  • Comprehensive guide to cancer care aimed at the veterinary technician or nurse
  • Emphasizes the technicianโ€™s role throughout, including technical procedures, staging, and patient support
  • Promotes working as a team to provide optimal cancer care
  • Covers topics ranging from treatment strategies to owner support and emergency care, with clinical cases for specific diseases
  • Includes appendices for quick reference to essential charts and dosing information
Table of Contents

Contributors viii

Acknowledgments ix

Introduction x

Section Summary xi

Section 1. Basics of Oncologyย 3

1. Introduction to Clinical Veterinary Oncology 5

2. Causes of Cancer in Pets 9

Section 2. Approaching the Cancer Patientย 13

3. Diagnosis of Cancer 15

4. Staging of Cancer 25

Section 3. Treatment of Cancerย 43

5. General Principles of Veterinary Cancer Treatment 45

6. Surgery in Veterinary Oncology 48

7. Radiation Therapy 57

8. Chemotherapy 67

9 Biotherapy and Photodynamic Therapy 85

10. Complementary and Alternative Medical (CAM) Therapies 90

Section 4. Supportive Care of Patientsย 95

11. Comfort, Pain Management, and Physical Rehabilitation 97
Patricia Suomala

12. Gastrointestinal and Nutritional Support 113
Patricia Suomala

13. Hematologic Support 123

14. Euthanasia and End-of-Life Patient Care 129

Section 5. Support for Pet Owners and Caregiversย 133

15. Supporting the Patientโ€™s Human Family 135
Nicole Edwards

16. What About the Nurseโ€™s Emotional Experience? 148
Nicole Edwards

Section 6. Oncologic Emergenciesย 155

17. Hematologic Emergencies 157
Lee Garrod

18. Febrile Neutropenia 170
Lee Garrod

19. Metabolic Emergencies 175
Lee Garrod

20. Anaphylaxis 195
Lee Garrod

21. Extravasation Injury 202
Lee Garrod

22. Urological Emergencies 208
Lee Garrod

23. Bone Emergencies 217
Lee Garrod

24. Pericardial Effusion and Cardiac Tamponade 222
Lee Garrod

Section 7. Common Cancers in Veterinary Patientsย 227

25. Lymphoma in Dogs 229

26. Lymphoma in Cats 236

27. Mast Cell Tumor in Dogs 240

28. Soft Tissue Sarcomas in Dogs and Cats 244

29. Splenic Hemangiosarcoma in Dogs 248

30. Osteosarcoma in Dogs 252

31. Oral Melanoma in Dogs 256

32. Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Cats 260

33. Mammary Carcinoma in Dogs 264

34. Mammary Carcinoma in Cats 269

35. Transitional Cell Carcinoma in Dogs 273

36. Pulmonary Carcinoma in Dogs 277

37. Chronic Lymphoid Leukemia in Dogs 281

Section 8. Appendicesย 285

1. BSA Conversion Charts 287

2. Analgesics 290

3. Antiemetics, Gastroprotectants, and Appetite Stimulants 292

4. Antibiotics 294

5. Glossary of Cancer Terms 296

6. Chemotherapy Drug Information: Quick Reference 301

Index 306

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