Withrow and MacEwen’s Small Animal Clinical Oncology


Withrow And Macewen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology Pdf

By David M. Vail

Withrow and Macewen’s Small Animal Clinical Oncology PDF tells the full story of cancer in dogs and cats — what it is, how to diagnose it, and how to treat many of the most common cancers encountered in clinical practice. Nearly 500 color photographs, diagrams, x-rays, and gross views depict the clinical manifestations of various cancers. This edition covers the latest advances in clinical oncology, including chemotherapy, surgical oncology, and diagnostic techniques. With contributions from 65 veterinary oncology experts, this authoritative reference is a must-have for current, evidence-based therapeutic strategies on canine and feline oncology.

“I really love this book. If you are interested in veterinary oncology, have a flick through this book online or at a conference when you get the chance. I hope that you agree with me that this is the definitive oncology reference source for the early 21st century and that you feel compelled to buy it. Your patients will thank you for it.” Reviewed by: Gerry Polton MA VetMB MSc(Clin Onc) DipECVIM-CA(Onc) MRCVS, UK Date: July 2014

  • Cutting-edge information on the complications of cancer, pain management, and the latest treatment modalities prepares you to diagnose and treat pets with cancer rather than refer cases to a specialist.
  • A consistent format for chapters on body system tumors includes coverage of incidence and risk factors, pathology, natural behavior of tumors, history and clinical signs, diagnostic techniques and workup, treatment options, and prognosis for specific malignancies.
  • A systems approach to the diagnosis and management of cancer facilitates access to information about the many malignancies affecting small animal patients.
  • Nearly 500 color images provide accurate depictions of specific diseases and procedures.
  • Helpful drug formularies provide quick access to information on indications, toxicities, and recommended dosages for chemotherapeutic and analgesic drugs used in cancer treatment.
  • Expert contributors provide in-depth coverage of the most current information in his or her respective specialty in veterinary oncology.
  • Chemotherapy protocols are included when case studies prove clinical efficacy.
  • Discussion of compassion and supportive care for the management of pain, nutritional needs, and grief includes methods for handling the pet’s pain and nutritional complications as well as the pet owner’s grief when treatment is not successful.
  • Thoroughly UPDATED chapters cover the most recent changes in the clinical management of melanoma, mast cell tumors, tumors of the skeletal system, tumors of the endocrine system, tumors of the mammary gland, urinary cancers, nervous system cancers, lymphoma, and histiocytic diseases.
  • NEW Clinical Trials and Developmental Therapeutics chapter discusses the various phases of clinical trials as well as current challenges and opportunities in oncology drug development.
  • NEW! A focus on the best recommended treatment options highlights therapeutic strategies that have been vetted by veterinary oncology experts.
  • NEW co-author Dr. Rodney L. Page adds his valuable perspective, expertise, and research experience.
Table of Contents

Why Worry About Cancer in Pets?


1. The Etiology of Cancer

1A. Genetic Factors

1B. Chemical, Physical, and Hormonal

1C. Cancer-Causing Viruses

2. Tumor Biology and Metastasis

3. The Pathology of Neoplasia

4. The Epidemiology and Incidence of Cancer

5. Paraneoplastic Syndromes


6. Diagnostic Imaging in Oncology

7. Diagnostic Cytology in Clinical Oncology

8. Molecular Diagnostics

9. Biopsy Principles and Staging


10. Surgical Oncology

11. Cancer Chemotherapy

12. Radiation Therapy

13. Immunotherapy of Cancer

14. Molecular/Targeted Therapy of Cancer

14A. Gene Therapy for Cancer

14B. Signal Transduction and Cancer

14C. Anti-angiogenic & Metronomic Treatment

14D. Emerging Therapeutics

15. Miscellaneous Treatments for Solid Tumors

15A. Management of Chronic Cancer Pain

15B. Nutritional Management of the Cancer Patient

15C. Client Grief Support

16. Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Patients with Cancer

17. Clinical Trials NEW!


18. Tumors of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissues

19. Melanoma NEW!

20. Mast Cell Tumors

21. Soft Tissue Sarcomas

22. Cancer of the Gastrointestinal Tract

22A. Oral Tumors

22B. Salivary Glanc Cancer

22C. Esophageal Cancer

22D. Exocrine Pancreatic Cancer

22E. Gastric Cancer

22F. Hepatobiliary Tumors

22G. Intestinal Tumors

22H. Perianal Tumors

23. Tumors of the Respiratory System

23A. Cancer of the Nasal Planum

23B. Canine Nasosinal Tumors

23C. Cancer of the Larynx and Trachea

23D. Pulmonary Neoplasia

24. Tumors of the Skeletal System

25. Tumors of the Endocrine System

26. Tumors of the Female Reproductive System

27. Tumors of the Mammary Gland

28. Tumors of the Male Reproductive System

29. Tumors of the Urinary System

30. Tumors of the Nervous System

31. Ocular Tumors

32. Hematopoietic Tumors

32A. Canine Lymphoma and Lymphoid Leukemia

32B. Feline Lymphoma and Leukemia

32C. Canine Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Chronic Myeloproliferative Diseases, and Myelodysplasia

32D. Plasma Cell Neoplasms

33. Miscellaneous Tumors

33A. Hemangiosarcoma

33B. Thymoma

33C. Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor

33D. Mesothelioma

33E. Neoplasia of the Heart

33F. Histiocytic Diseases

File Size 48 MB
File Format Pdf
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