Nursing the Feline Patient


Nursing The Feline Patient

By Linda E. Schmeltzer and Gary D. Norsworthy

Nursing the Feline Patient PDF is a comprehensive and accessible clinical manual addressing the unique nursing needs of cats.  Covering all aspects of feline nursing care from the examination room to the surgical suite, the book highlights the special considerations for cat patients throughout. Written specifically for veterinary technicians and nurses, topics range from restraint, preventative care, and laboratory procedures to surgery, dentistry, and specific diseases of concern.

Carefully designed for easy reference, chapters are logically organized into sections on patient management, diagnostics, surgery and recovery, and major diseases by body system.  Each chapter begins with an overview of the anatomy and physiology required for a full understanding of the disease. Nursing the Feline Patient is an essential resource for veterinary technicians working with feline patients.

  • Offers complete coverage on providing cats with high-quality veterinary care as a technician or nurse
  • Addresses the unique aspects of feline nursing throughout
  • Encompasses patient management, diagnostics, surgery and recovery, and major diseases
  • Designed specifically for veterinary technicians and nurses seeking thorough information on working with cats in the clinical setting
Table of Contents

Editors viii

Contributors ix

Preface x

Section 1: Patient Management

1 Patient History and Physical Examination
Nicole Atkens Humphreys 3

2 Restraint
Linda E. Schmeltzer 7

3 Environmental Enrichment in the Hospital
Gary D. Norsworthy and Linda E. Schmeltzer 12

4 Preventive Health Programs
Linda E. Schmeltzer 18

5 Gestation, Parturition, and Neonatal Care
Linda E. Schmeltzer 21

6 Geriatric Care
Karen M. Lovelace 24

Section 2: Diagnostics

7 Diagnostic Imaging of the Feline Patient
Judith Hudson and Merrilee Holland 31

8 Venipuncture and Cystocentesis
Karen M. Lovelace 66

9 Cytology
J. Scot Estep 70

10 In-Office Methodology and Quality Assurance Assessment
Craig M. Tockman 80

11 Interpretation of Common Feline Laboratory Values
Keith DeJong 90

12 Hematology
Laura V. Lane and Rick L. Cowell 97

Section 3: Surgery and Recovery

13 Anesthesia: Sedation and General
Ludovic Pelligand 113

14 Surgical Preparation
Eric Schmeltzer 119

15 Anesthetic Monitoring of the Feline Patient
Susan Bryant 121

16 Pain Assessment and Management
Susan Bryant 129

17 Postoperative Care
Linda E. Schmeltzer 136

18 Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
Barbara Bockstahler and David Levine 138

19 Dentistry and Dental Radiography
Diana Eubanks 145

Section 4: Major Diseases of the Cat

20 Cardiology
Gary D. Norsworthy 155

21 Dermatology
Gary D. Norsworthy 164

22 Diseases of the Digestive System
Linda E. Schmeltzer and Gary D. Norsworthy 172

23 Endocrine Diseases
Linda E. Schmeltzer 178

24 Feline Immunodeficiency Virus
Teija Kaarina Viita-aho 182

25 Feline Infectious Peritonitis
Linda E. Schmeltzer 185

26 Feline Leukemia Virus Diseases
Linda E. Schmeltzer 189

27 Parasitology
Teija Kaarina Viita-aho 195

28 Respiratory Diseases
Linda E. Schmeltzer 204

29 Toxicoses
Sharon Fooshee Grace 208

30 Urinary Tract Diseases
Linda E. Schmeltzer and Gary D. Norsworthy 213

Index 219

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