BSAVA Textbook of Veterinary Nursing, 6th Edition


BSAVA Textbook of Veterinary Nursing 6th Edition

Bsava Textbook Of Veterinary Nursing 6Th Edition

By Barbara Cooper, Elizabeth Mullineaux and Lynn Turner

BSAVA Textbook of Veterinary Nursing, 6th Edition continues to be the classic core textbook for veterinary nursing students and a useful resource for qualified veterinary nurses.ย  The edition has been revised and updated throughout and provides information covering the โ€˜Day 1 Competenciesโ€™ (D1Cs) and โ€˜Day 1 Skillsโ€™ (D1Ss), as set by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS), and which every veterinary nurse graduate is expected to meet. This edition focuses on dogs, cats, small mammals, birds and reptiles. Learning objective boxes, references and further reading, and self-assessment questions accompany each chapter.

Table of Contents

1. Professional Veterinary Nursing

  • Covers the RCVS Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Nurses.
  • Discusses procedures, professional competence, consent to treatment, animal welfare, accountability, and ethics in veterinary nursing.

2. Principles of Health and Safety

  • Addresses effective health and safety management, the legal framework, policy, risk assessment, fire safety, equipment, hazardous substances, waste management, lone working, and first aid.

3. Anatomy and Physiology

  • Provides terminology, body fluid, acid-base balance, cell structure, tissue types, body cavities, and systems such as skeletal, muscular, nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, endocrine, urinary, reproductive, and integumentary.

4. Genetics

  • Discusses genetic material, the cell cycle, inheritance, parentage analysis, breeding strategies, breed variation, and hereditary diseases.

5. Principles of Microbiology

  • Covers viruses, prions, bacteria, fungi, and zoonoses.

6. Principles of Parasitology

  • Addresses ectoparasites, endoparasites, and includes additional information on exotic pets.

7. Principles of Infection and Immunity

  • Discusses infection principles, disease control, the immune system, vaccination, and immune-mediated disorders.

8. Medicines: Pharmacology, Therapeutics, and Dispensing

  • Covers medicine nomenclature, administration routes, equipment, drug classes, legal aspects, pharmacy management, dosage calculation, and client advice.

9. Client Communication and Practice Organization

  • Addresses communication principles, client interactions, admission and discharge procedures, colleague communication, customer service, and practice organization.

10. Nurse-led Clinics

  • Discusses setting up and running nurse clinics, history taking, clinical examination, vaccination, flea and worm control, behavioral problem recognition, nutritional consultations, weight management, and various clinics.

11. Animal Handling, Restraint, and Transport

  • Covers communication, learning theory application, initial approach, moving, restraint, and handling of dogs, cats, and exotic pets.

12. The Nursing Process, Nursing Models, and Care Plans

  • Addresses the nursing process, nursing models, nurse-patient relationship, and clinical application in a veterinary environment.

13. Nutrition and Feeding

  • Discusses energy, nutrients, feeding dogs, cats, exotic pets, and clinical nutrition.

14. Managing the Hospital Ward and Basic Patient Care

  • Covers inpatient accommodation, ward management, patient observation, and essential care.

15. Nursing Interventions in Hospitalized Animals

  • Discusses nursing interventions, complementary therapies, and care of common patient types.

16. Diagnostic Imaging

  • Addresses radiography principles, imaging techniques, contrast studies, and imaging of exotic species.

17. Veterinary Laboratory Equipment and Techniques

  • Discusses laboratory diagnostic aids, equipment, sample collection, processing, and interpretation.

18. Medical Disorders of Dogs and Cats and Their Nursing

  • Covers various medical disorders in dogs and cats and their nursing care.

19. Small Animal First Aid and Emergencies

  • Addresses different types of emergencies, patient handling, primary and secondary surveys, and specific emergency treatments.

20. Small Animal Fluid Therapy

  • Discusses body fluid distribution, dehydration, types of fluids, administration routes, monitoring, and special considerations.

21. Anaesthesia and Analgesia

  • Covers anaesthesia effects, preparation, induction, maintenance, monitoring, emergencies, and anaesthesia in small mammals and exotic pets.

22. Theatre Practice

  • Addresses infection control, operating theatre setup, patient preparation, surgical assistance, instrumentation, and equipment maintenance.

23. Small Animal Surgical Nursing

  • Discusses surgical nursing physiology, wound care, fracture management, oncological surgery, and diseases of body systems.

24. Reproduction, Obstetric, Neonatal, and Paediatric Nursing

  • Covers breeding, reproduction control, pregnancy, parturition, neonatal care, and diseases in neonates.

25. Dentistry

  • Addresses dental disease, oral examination, instrumentation, radiography, dental health maintenance, and dentistry in rabbits and rodents.


  • Includes common breeds, normal parameters, conversion tables, veterinary terminology, and an index for reference.

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