Learning from Disease in Pets: A ‘One Health’ Model for Discovery


Learning from Disease in Pets: A ‘One Health’ Model for Discovery

Learning From Disease In Pets: A ‘One Health’ Model For Discovery By Rebecca A. Krimins

By Rebecca A. Krimins

Learning from Disease in Pets: A ‘One Health’ Model for Discovery PDF is the first encompassing reference guide for veterinarians, researchers and physicians on conducting studies using spontaneous models of disease in animals. The study of naturally occurring disease in (pet) animals can help model our understanding of the biology, prevention and therapy of human and animal diseases. Studies of pet dogs, for instance, can aid treatment of complex medical problems such as cancer, orthopedic, cardiopulmonary, and neuro-inflammatory diseases, and zoonotic infections. Each chapter within this novel cross-species approach is contributed by a leader, or leaders, in their field of research.

Using clinical trials to learn how pets with real diseases respond to therapy can lead to breakthroughs in human medicine, as well as benefiting pets suffering from otherwise debilitating illness. Despite similarities of diseases across species, there are very few spontaneous models of disease used in research compared with models where disease is induced in healthy laboratory animals. Many medical researchers and veterinarians have a multitude of questions regarding how to use naturally occurring diseases in pets for the discovery of treatments and diagnostics: this book will demonstrate how to safely make this happen.

This book encourages veterinarians to build on and disseminate existing findings for the wider benefit of pets and humans. Many pets suffering from incurable illnesses may benefit from clinical trials; the book includes a section on the imperative communication styles necessary within the research environment and with clients, a compelling discussion on the ethics of using pets in veterinary clinical research, comprehensive tables of diseases that spontaneously occur in animals and humans, the regulatory requirements necessary to move therapy from benchside research to patient bedside, as well as intricate details on how to design a robust clinical study.

Read more: Zoonoses and Communicable Diseases Common to Man and Animals, 3rd Edition (Volume1-3)

Table of Contents

Foreword by Chand Khanna, Ethos Veterinary

    1. The Contribution of Pets to Human and Veterinary Medicine by Rebecca Krimins, Johns Hopkins University
    2. Companion Animals Models of Human Disease by David Bruyette, Anivive LifeSciences
    3. Specific Diseases of Large Animals and Man by Timothy Lescun, Purdue University
    4. Cancer Research is Leading the Way by Diane Peters, Johns Hopkins University
    5. Investment Dynamics in the World of Pharma by Bryan Jones, Sollis Therapeutics
    6. How to Perform Research in Spontaneous Models of Disease by Kristen Khanna, Animal Clinical Investigations
    7. The Use of Animals in Research by Victoria Baxter, North Carolina State University
    8. DNA Methods in Veterinary Medicine by Alan Scott, Johns Hopkins University
    9. The Importance of Collecting Tissue from Pets by Rebecca Krimins, Johns Hopkins University
    10. The FDA New Animal Drug Approval Process by Jacob Michael Froehlich, Alice Ignaszewski and Anna O’Brien, FDA
    11. Clinical Trials, Patient Recruitment and Advertising, by Krista Vermillion, Vanderbilt University
    12. One Health: Animals, Humans and Our Planet by Radford Davis, Iowa State University
    13. Communications and Expectations by Kristen V. Khanna, Animal Clinical Investigations, and Karen Gozdan-Aiken, Elevate DVM
    14. Ethical Considerations by Steven M. Niemi, Harvard University

Appendix A: Funding for Veterinary Clinical Research

Appendix B: Resources for Veterinary Clinical Research

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