Desertification Combat and Food Safety The Added Value of Camel Producers


Desertification Combat and Food Safety The Added Value of Camel Producers

Desertification Combat And Food Safety The Added Value Of Camel Producers

By Ed. Faye, B

Desertification Combat and Food Safety The Added Value of Camel Producers PDF brings together desert and camel scientists from Western European countries, Mediterranean countries and Central Asian Republics. Scientists from Central Asia are confronted with the demanding challenge of desertification and maintenance of animal productivity in order to satisfy human requirements both in quantity and quality. The problem is complex and solutions need a multidisciplinary investment. The knowledge of the desertification process and the place of animal production in desert ecosystem is increasing in many countries. New approaches and methodologies have been implemented for a better observation and understanding of the situation.

Desertification Combat and Food Safety contributes to the exchange between scientists in order to allow access to those new approaches and methodologies by all desert and camel scientists in the involved countries. Most contributors are well-known in the camel sciences community. All of them have significantly contributed to a better understanding of camel biology, camel productivity or of the camel as an element of the desert ecosystem. The confrontation of the research achieved in those countries with the scientific activities achieved in Central Asia is quite important. It contributes to the improvement of the methods used in those countries and at the very least helps the scientists from Central Asia to access more recent publications and to reach the international standard for publications.

Table of Contents
  1. Camel and desert : new trends of the camel sciences
  2. Desertification in the Central Asian countries
  3. Camels of the Arvana breed : history, modern state, and perspectives for the development
  4. The camel and society
  5. Camel : history of its domestication
  6. Participatory approaches to using the camel in combating desertification
  7. The current status of the wild Bactrian camel
  8. Environmental education and public awareness : valuable tools in combating desertification
  9. Desertification and camel-breeding in Kalmykia (Russian Federation)
  10. Realization of the National Action Program to Combat Desertification in Turkmenistan
  11. Diseases of camels, their preventive maintenance and treatment
  12. The most important infectious diseases in camelids
  13. Fungal infections of camelids
  14. Role and method of advising for producers in natural hardship conditions
  15. Factors affecting reproductive performance of camels at the herd and individual level
  16. Assisted reproduction in dromedary camels
  17. Camel genetic resources and ways of camel breeding products use for population of Kazakstan arid areas
  18. Body lipids and adaptation of camel to food and water shortage : new data on adipocyte size and plasma leptin
  19. Standards for camel milk
  20. Modern dairy products from traditional camel herding : an experience in Mauritania
  21. Lactoferrin of camel milk of Kazakhstan
  22. Artificial nursing of camel calves : an effective technique for calvesโ€™ safeguard and improving herd productivity
  23. Camel dairy in eastern Africa : present state and future perspectives
  24. Influence of feeding on camel milk components
  25. Probiotic properties of a sour-milk product : shubat from the camel milk
  26. The effectiveness of the people treatment with camel chal
  27. Development of products for child nutrition and for medical and prevention purposes on the base of camel milk
  28. Camel milk production and transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa
  29. Pasture ration of Arvana camels in desert pastures
  30. Meat productivity of the camel Arvana breed and ways to increase it
  31. The milk productivity of the camel Arvana breed and its use
  32. Wool productivity and quality of fleece in the camel Arvana breed

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