Atlas of Early Zebrafish Brain Development 2nd Edition


Atlas of Early Zebrafish Brain Development 2nd Edition

Atlas Of Early Zebrafish Brain Development 2Nd Edition Pdf

By Dr. Mueller, Thomas , Mario Wullimann

Atlas of Early Zebrafish Brain Development: A Tool for Molecular Neurogenetics 2nd Edition PDF remains the only neuroanatomical expression atlas of important genetic and immunohistochemical markers of this vertebrate model system.

It represents a key reference and interpretation matrix for analyzing expression domains of genes involved in Zebrafish brain development and neurogenesis, and serves as a continuing milestone in this research area.

Atlas of Early Zebrafish Brain Development 2nd Edition PDF provides in-situ hybridized and immunostained preparations of complete series of brain sections, revealing markers of the fundamental stages in the life history of neuronal cells in very high quality preparations and photographic plates. Specific additions to this edition include documentation on the distribution of neurons expressing GABA, dopamine and serotonin, material on the basal ganglia, hypothalamus, and the caudal, segmented part of the diencephalon, new theories on the early organization of the telencephalon and thalamus, and integration of a comparative perspective on the mid- and hindbrain.

  • Documentation on the distribution of neurons expressing GABA, dopamine and serotonin
  • Material on the basal ganglia, hypothalamus, and the caudal, segmented part of the diencephalon
  • New theories about the early organization of the telencephalon and thalamus
  • Integration of a comparative perspective on the mid- and hindbrain
Table of Contents

Cover image

Title page

Table of Contents


Preface 2015

Preface 2005


Chapter 1: Vertebrate Central Nervous System Development: Introduction


1.1 Introductory Remarks: The Order of the Universe

1.2 Major Developmental Stages of the Vertebrate Neural Tube

1.3 Functional Brain Architecture: Mammalian Examples

1.4 Primary and Secondary Neurogenesis in Anamniotes and Amniotes

1.5 The Approach of This Book

Chapter 2: Atlas of Cellular Markers in Zebrafish Neurogenesis: Atlas


2.1 Choice and Characterization of Molecular Markers

2.2 Technical Details

2.3 The End of Embryonic Life (2 Days): Outset of Secondary Neurogenesis

2.4 The Early Larva (3 Days): The Emergence of Brain Subdivisions

2.5 The Late Larva (5 Days): Increasing Differentiation

2.6 The Emergence of Transmitter Phenotypes (2 and 3 days): GABA

Chapter 3: Interpretation of Dataโ€”How to Use the Atlas: Analysis


3.1 General and Local Dynamics of Neurogenesis

3.2 The Generation of Glutamatergic Versus GABAergic Neurons

3.3 The Generation of Modulatory Neurons

3.4 The Exception to the Rule: Peripheral Proliferation and Neurogenesis in the Diencephalon (M1 and M2)

3.5 The Cerebellar and Rhombic Lip Region: Pervasive Tangential Migration

3.6 BrdU Proliferation Assays

Chapter 4: Comparison of Vertebrate Model Systems: Model Systems


4.1 Development of Pallial and Subpallial Territories in Vertebrates

4.2 Mammalian Telencephalon: Pallial and Subpallial Gene Expression Patterns

4.3 Teleostean Telencephalon: Evolution and Development of Pallial Territories in the Zebrafish

4.4 Subpallial Territories: Identification and Development of the Zebrafish Basal Ganglia

4.5 Conserved Early Diencephalic Gene Expression Patterns in Vertebrates

4.6 Expression of Basic Helix-Loop-Helix (bHLH) Genes Indicates a Phylotypic Stage of Neurogenesis within a Conserved Vertebrate Forebrain Bauplan




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