Veterinary Technician’s Pocket Partner: A Quick Access Reference Guide


Veterinary Technicianโ€™s Pocket Partner: A Quick Access Reference Guide

Veterinary Technician's Pocket Partner: A Quick Access Reference Guide Pdf

By Marisa Bauer

Veterinary Technicianโ€™s Pocket Partner: A Quick Access Reference Guide PDF Book provides veterinary technicians access to practical information needed to excel in the workplace. THE VETERINARY TECHNICIANโ€™S POCKET PARTNER reviews common lab and nursing procedures, animal nutrition, and provides on-the-job terminology and abbreviations right at the readerโ€™s fingertips. The Pocket Partner also covers essential clinical topics relating to emergency care, surgery and pharmaceuticals, as well as additional information on standard office procedures. Instead of spending valuable time researching information, veterinary technicians can use the color-coded tabs, helpful websites, and charts like the canine and feline zoonotic table, to quickly access the information they need. The bookโ€™s wipe and wash pages, and notes pages for personalized information ensure that studentโ€™s can take this reference guide from the classroom to the workplace.

Read more: Pathology and Parasitology for Veterinary Technicians 2nd Edition

Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Anatomy.
Chapter 2. Anesthesia.
Chapter 3. Cytology and Endocrine Function Testing.
Chapter 4. Dentistry.
Chapter 5. Emergencies.
Chapter 6. Physical Examination.
Chapter 7. Hematology.
Chapter 8. Imaging.
Chapter 9. Nursing Care.
Chapter 10. Nutrition.
Chapter 11. Medical Records and Office Procedures.
Chapter 12. Parasitology.
Chapter 13. Pharmaceuticals.
Chapter 14. Pocket Pets.
Chapter 15. Reproduction.
Chapter 16. Surgery.
Chapter 17. Urinalysis.
Chapter 18. Vaccines and Disease.
Chapter 19. Zoonosis.

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