Veterinary Practice Management 2nd Edition


Veterinary Practice Management 2nd Edition

Veterinary Practice Management 2Nd Edition

By Ignacio Mérida Isla

Veterinary Practice Management 2nd Edition PDF presents veterinary professionals with practical solutions to specific situations they may encounter due to new tendencies influencing the sector. The author gives clear, straightforward, and yet dynamic explanations of topics such as market research, how to form a team and retain staff, business plans and protocols, or how to control expenditure. The book has also been updated with the know-how required to get the most out of the new technologies and digital tools now available to veterinary practices (social media, digital marketing, etc.). The book aims to introduce veterinary professionals who own a practice to the management skills that can empower them to become cutting-edge veterinary entrepreneurs.

Table of Contents



1. What is marketing and where should investments be made?

2. Positioning of a practice

3. Strategy

4. Brand design

5. Market study and practice viability

6. Marketing in the waiting room

7. Design of a marketing campaign

8. Quality survey: what to ask and what for

9. Client retention

10. How to and why sell food products

11. Inbound marketing for veterinary practices

12. Getting to know our clients

13. Value proposition

14. Customer experience


15. How to be a leader

16. Team building

17. Personnel retention

18. Job descriptions

19. Coaching

20. Employee appraisal

21. Design of job offers

22. Job interview

23. Incentives and cross-selling


24. The Toyota production system

25. Protocols in the veterinary practice

26. Appointments

27. Technology use in the modern practice

28. Personnel management and work schedule improvement

29. Creation of information sheets

30. Process improvement

31. Management software


32. Target-based incentives

33. Simple tools to assess success

34. What is a business plan

35. Controlling expenses

36. Establishing business objectives

37. Pricing strategy

38. Financial analysis and types

of financing

39. Suppliers


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