

Deslorelin: Uses, Dosage and Side Effects

Deslorelin: Uses, Dosage and Side Effects


  • Superagonist of GnRH.
  • Receptors are stimulated for the first two weeks after application, but then die down due to overstimulation, resulting in decreased LH and FSH production.
  • As a result, cessation of testosterone and sperm formation

Uses of Deslorelin

Temporary chemical castration.

Vet Books

Dose of Deslorelin in Dogs and Cats


1 implant per male dog repeats after 6 or 12 months (depending on the size of implant).


1 implant (4.7 mg) per male cat.

Side Effects of Deslorelin in Dogs and Cats

  • Moderate swelling at the implant site.
  • A significant decrease in testicle size will be seen during treatment.

Contraindications of Deslorelin in Dogs and Cats

  • Use in bitches causes induction of oestrus within a few days, followed by a long anoestrus period

Some Notes:

  • Infertility lasts 6–12 months.
  • Treated dogs should stay away from bitches in the heat for 6 weeks after initial treatment (separation unnecessary after future implantations if the product is administered every 6 or 12 months).
  • Matings during therapy rarely result in pregnancy.
  • Dogs under 10 kg may take 18 months to regain testosterone.
  • Deslorelin devices chemically castrate tom cats for 2–4 years.
  • Pre-implant site disinfection prevents infection.
  • Subcutaneously insert the product between the lower neck and lumbar area.
  • In low-vascularized areas, the fat injection may impede active substance release.
  • If therapy is discontinued, biocompatible implants can be removed under local anesthesia.

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