Vaccines in Small Animals. Boosting the Immune Response


Vaccines in Small Animals. Boosting the Immune Response

Vaccines In Small Animals. Boosting The Immune Response Pdf

By Fernando Fariñas Guerrero, Marisa Palmero Colado, Rafael Astorga Márquez

Vaccines in Small Animals. Boosting the Immune Response PDF. Cats are not small dogs and they are frequently forgotten in the literature. This book is intended to be an easy to use reference for practitioners and dermatology enthusiasts that only focuses on cats and their manifestations of skin disease. The emphasis will be on problem-based approach with numerous flowcharts and clinical images to provide examples of the various manifestations of skin disease in cats. The prominence is placed on clinically applicable information and experienced based clinical tips to help clinicians troubleshoot the various clinical presentations of skin disease in this species. Many dermatologic diseases may look alike and the purpose of this book is to help clinicians successfully diagnose the underlying disease rather than empirically treat symptoms. Particular emphasis will be placed on syndromes that are peculiar of cats and the special precautions that need to be taken when prescribing treatments in this species.

Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1: Clinical approach to feline patients with Skin disorders

General onsiderations

Signalment and history

Physical examination

Definition and examples of primary lesions

Examples of secondary lesions

Dermatological terms frequently used

Approach to the disease

Concluding remarks

CHAPTER 2: Diagnostic tests in feline dermatology

General onsiderations

Skin cytology

Skin scraping

Direct hair examination

Wood’s lamp

Fungal culture using Dermatophyte test media (DTM)

Bacterial culture

Skin biopsy

Skin test

Patch test

CHAPTER 3: Dermatologic therapy

General consideration

Therapy for ectoparasites

Therapy for fungal infections

Therapy for bacterial infections

Therapy for allergic and autoimmune diseases


Autoimmune skin diseases

Therapy for diseases of keratinization

CHAPTER 4: Clinical approach to feline pruritus

General considerations

Diagnosis of pruritus

Distribution of lesions

Diagnostic tools

Etiological diagnosis

CHAPTER 5: Clinical approach to feline allergic skin diseases

General consideration

Food allergies

Environmental allergies

Flea allergy

CHAPTER 6: Clinical approach o feline superficial fungal infections

Dermatophytosis (“ringworm”)

Prevalence and evelopment of infection

Clinical signs



Environmental decontamination and tips for the management of dermatophytosis in a cattery/shelter setting

Malassezia dermatitis

CHAPTER 7: Clinical approach to feline ectoparasites

General consideration





Demodex in cats



CHAPTER 8: Clinical approach to feline crusting dermatitis

General onsiderations

Etiologies of crusting dermatitis

Bacteria and parasites

Allergic diseases

Autoimmune diseases

Viral diseases

Bullous diseases and vasculitis

Idiopathic ulcerative dermatitis

Metabolic causes


Malassezia overgrowth

Primary keratinization alteration

Distribution of crusting dermatitis lesions

Clinical signs

Diagnosis of crusting dermatitis

Treatment of crusting dermatitis

Pemphigus foliaceous

CHAPTER 9: Clinical approach o feline nodular dermatitis

General consideration

Clinical approach

Importance of signalment and history

Physical examination

Initial diagnostic approach

Infectious diseases 04

Fungal diseases

Bacterial diseases

Algae and oomyces

Sterile/Inflammatory disease

CHAPTER 10: Clinical approach to eosinophilic granuloma complex

Indolent ulcer

Eosinophilic granuloma

Eosinophilic plaque

CHAPTER 11: Clinical approach to feline ulcerative diseases

General consideration

Importance of istory and physical examination


Erythema multiforme

Toxic epidermal necrolysis

Pemphigus vulgaris

Bullous pemphigoid

Systemic lupus erythematosus

Idiopathic ulcerative disease

Indolent ulcers

Skin fragility syndrome

CHAPTER 12: Clinical approach to feline alopecia

General consideration

Distribution and localization of alopecia

Diagnostic approach

Mechanisms for alopecia

CHAPTER 13: Clinical approach to feline otitis

General consideration

Factors involved in otitis externa

Otitis externa vs. otitis media

Diagnostic approach to otitis externa

Approach to otitis media

Approach o Pseudomonas cases

A note about ear cleaners

CHAPTER 14: Clinical approach to feline facial dermatitis

General consideration



Immunomediated diseases

Nodular diseases

Viral diseases


Diseases of the planum nasale

CHAPTER 15: Clinical approach to feline pododermatitis and nail diseases

General consideration


Differential diagnosis

Infectious diseases

Allergic disease

Plasma cell pododermatitis

Other conditions

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