Tag: Canine and Feline
Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Toxicology, 3rd Edition
Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Toxicology, 3rd Edition
By Lynn R. Hovda, Ahna G. Brutlag, Robert H. Poppenga and Steven E. Epstein
Atlas of Surgical Approaches for Soft Tissue and Oncologic Diseases in the Dog and...
Atlas of Surgical Approaches for Soft Tissue and Oncologic Diseases in the Dog and Cat
By Marije Risselada
Atlas of Surgical Approaches for Soft Tissue and Oncologic...
Small Animal Medical Differential Diagnosis 4th edition [Updated, True PDF]
By Mark Thompson
Small Animal Medical Differential Diagnosis 4th Edition PDF is the essential reference to facilitate rapid diagnosis of medical problems in dogs and cats....
Fluid Therapy in Dogs and Cats 2nd Edition
By Fabio Viganò and Deborah C. Silverstein
Fluid therapy is one of the most widely used and necessary therapies for critically ill patients and those...
Diseases of Senior Cats and Dogs: Diagnosis and Therapy, 2nd Edition
Diseases of Senior Cats and Dogs: Diagnosis and Therapy, 2nd Edition
By Salvador Cervantes Sala
Diseases of Senior Cats and Dogs: Diagnosis and Therapy, 2nd Edition...
Vaccines in Small Animals. Boosting the Immune Response
Vaccines in Small Animals. Boosting the Immune Response
By Fernando Fariñas Guerrero, Marisa Palmero Colado, Rafael Astorga Márquez
Vaccines in Small Animals. Boosting the Immune Response...
Safety of Dietary Supplements for Horses, Dogs, and Cats
Safety of Dietary Supplements for Horses, Dogs, and Cats
By National Research Council
Safety of Dietary Supplements for Horses, Dogs, and Cats PDF. Growing numbers of...
Small Animal Surgery, Bloodless Surgery
Small Animal Surgery, Bloodless Surgery
By José Rodríguez Gómez, Guillermo C. Couto and Jorge Llinás
José Rodríguez, together with Guillermo Couto and Jorge Llinás, surprises us...
BSAVA Small Animal Formulary: 11th Edition ( Part: A & B )
BSAVA Small Animal Formulary, Canine and Feline, 11th Edition ( Part: A & B )
BSAVA Small Animal Formulary, Part A, Canine and Feline, 11th...
Canine and Feline Liver Cytology
Canine and Feline Liver Cytology
By Carlo Masserdotti
Canine and Feline Liver Cytology is a practical and highly illustrated manual with detailed descriptions of cytological features...