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Tag: Cats

Veterinary Necropsy of Dogs and Cats: A Case Based Approach

Veterinary Necropsy of Dogs and Cats: A Case Based Approach

By Linda Morrison and Sionagh Smith Using case examples of canine and feline necropsies, Veterinary Necropsy of Dogs and Cats: A Case Based Approach PDF is...
Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Toxicology, 3rd Edition

Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Toxicology, 3rd Edition

Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Toxicology, 3rd Edition By Lynn R. Hovda, Ahna G. Brutlag, Robert H. Poppenga and Steven E. Epstein Blackwell’s...
The Cat: Clinical Medicine and Management 2nd Edition PDF

The Cat: Clinical Medicine and Management 2nd Edition

By Susan E. Little The Cat: Clinical Medicine and Management, 2nd Edition PDF is an essential resource for providing complete, state-of-the-art care to cats. Authoritative, clinically...
Amikacin for Dogs, Cats and Different Animal Species: Dosage, Uses, and Side Effects Guide

Amikacin: Dosage, Uses, and Side Effects

Amikacin for Dogs, Cats and Different Animal Species: Dosage, Uses, and Side Effects Guide Overview Amikacin is one of Aminoglycosides which inhibits bacterial protein synthesis with...
Atlas of Surgical Approaches for Soft Tissue and Oncologic Diseases in the Dog and Cat PDF

Atlas of Surgical Approaches for Soft Tissue and Oncologic Diseases in the Dog and...

Atlas of Surgical Approaches for Soft Tissue and Oncologic Diseases in the Dog and Cat By Marije Risselada Atlas of Surgical Approaches for Soft Tissue and Oncologic...
Atlas of Canine and Feline Urinalysis PDF

Atlas of Canine and Feline Urinalysis

By Theresa E. Rizzi, Amy C. Valenciano, Mary Bowles, Rick L. Cowell, Ronald Tyler and Dennis B. DeNicola Atlas of Canine and Feline Urinalysis PDF...
Small Animal Medical Differential Diagnosis: A Book of Lists 4th Edition

Small Animal Medical Differential Diagnosis 4th edition [Updated, True PDF]

By Mark Thompson Small Animal Medical Differential Diagnosis 4th Edition PDF is the essential reference to facilitate rapid diagnosis of medical problems in dogs and cats....
Fluid Therapy in Dogs and Cats, 2nd Edition ebook PDF Download

Fluid Therapy in Dogs and Cats 2nd Edition

By Fabio Viganò and Deborah C. Silverstein Fluid therapy is one of the most widely used and necessary therapies for critically ill patients and those...
diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms in internal medicine for dogs and cats pdf

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Algorithms in Internal Medicine for Dogs and Cats

By Federico Fracassi The problem-oriented approach (POA) is the method recommended by the College of Internal Medicine to address and resolve medical questions and problems....
Diseases of Senior Cats and Dogs: Diagnosis and Therapy, 2nd Edition

Diseases of Senior Cats and Dogs: Diagnosis and Therapy, 2nd Edition

Diseases of Senior Cats and Dogs: Diagnosis and Therapy, 2nd Edition By Salvador Cervantes Sala Diseases of Senior Cats and Dogs: Diagnosis and Therapy, 2nd Edition...