Tilapia and Trout Harvesting


Tilapia and Trout Harvesting

Tilapia And Trout Harvesting

By Barbara Richardson

Tilapia and Trout Harvesting PDF book discusses the harvesting, prevalence and benefits of tilapia and trout. Chapter One begins with a review of the risks and benefits of tilapia. Chapter Two provides a human health risk assessment of heavy metals in the consumption of the fish. Chapter Three studies the utilization of by-products and waste generated from the tilapia processing industry. Chapter Four reviews thermal ecology of brown trout and the climate change challenge. Chapter Five examines reparative neurogenesis in the adult trout brain and peculiarity of development in the troutโ€™s brain cells in primary culture. Chapter Six focuses on the effects of plant-based feeds on the immune responses of rainbow trout.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Risk and Benefit of Tilapia

Chapter 2. Human Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in the Consumption of Tilapia: An Assessment based on Reported Data

Chapter 3. Utilization of By-products and Waste Generated from the Tilapia Processing Industry

Chapter 4. Thermal Ecology of Brown Trout and the Climate Change Challenge

Chapter 5. Reparative Neurogenesis in the Adult Trout Brain and Peculiarity of Development in Troutโ€™s Brain Cells in Primary Culture

Chapter 6. Effects of Plant-Based Feeds on the Immune Responses of Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum)
