Seafood Processing By-Products


Seafood Processing By-Products

Seafood Processing By-Products Pdf

By Se-Kwon Kim

Seafood Processing By-Products PDF Book. The seafood processing industry produces a large amount of by-products that usually consist of bioactive materials such as proteins, enzymes, fatty acids, and biopolymers. These by-products are often underutilized or wasted, even though they have been shown to have biotechnological, nutritional, pharmaceutical, and biomedical applications. For example, by-products derived from crustaceans and algae have been successfully applied in place of collagen and gelatin in food, cosmetics, drug delivery, and tissue engineering.

Divided into four parts and consisting of twenty-seven chapters, this book discusses seafood by-product development, isolation, and characterization, and demonstrates the importance of seafood by-products for the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and biomedical industries.

  • Provides an overview of seafood processing by-products
  • Discusses the various bioactive functional ingredients obtained from seafood processing by-products
  • Addresses the health benefits and industrial applications of seafood processing by-productsโ€‹

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Table of Contents

1 Introduction to Seafood Processing By-products

2 Trends in the Use of Seafood Processing By-products in Europe

3 Prospective Utilization of Fishery By-products in Indonesia

4 Development of Functional Materials from Seafood By-products by Membrane Separation Technology

5 Processing and Characterization of Salt- Fermented Fish (Jeotgal) Using Seafood By-products in Korea

6 Isoelectric Solubilization/Precipitation as a Means to Recover Protein and Lipids from Seafood By-products

7 Advances in the Processing of Marine Discard and By-products

8 Recovery of Gelatin with Improved Functionality from Seafood Processing Waste

9 Utilization of Fish Waste for the Making of Fish Sauce

10 Enzymes from Fish Processing Waste Materials and Their Commercial Applications
Se-Kwon Kim and Pradeep Dewapriya

11 Functional Proteins and Peptides from Fish Skin

12 Seafood Processing By-products: Collagen and Gelatin and Leonard Tambalu

13 Bycatch Utilization in Asia

14 Biological, Physical, and Chemical Properties of Fish Oil and Industrial Applications

15 Use of Seafood Processing By-products in the Animal Feed Industry

16 Potential Uses of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Seafood Products

17 Chitin and Its Benefi cial Activity as an Immunomodulator in Allergic Reactions

18 Chitosan Nanoparticles: Preparation, Characterization, and Applications

19 Chitin, Chitosan, and Their Derivatives Against Oxidative Stress and Infl ammation, and Some Applications

20 Lipid Bodies Isolated Microalgae Residues as a Source for Bioethanol Production

21 Bioactive Metabolites and Value-Added Products from Marine Macroalgae

22 The Application of Fish Collagen to Dental and Hard Tissue Regenerative Medicine

23 Applications of Seafood By-products in the Food Industry and Human Nutrition

24 Antidiabetic and Obesity Effects of Materials from Seafood By-products

25 Bioluminescence Isolated from Seafood By-products and Its Applications

26 Preparation of Useful Components from Marine Algal Processing By-products and Their Applications

27 Functional Properties of Ascidians By-products: Nutritional and Medicinal Value


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