Nutrient Digestion And Utilization In Farm Animals: Modelling Approaches


Nutrient Digestion And Utilization In Farm Animals: Modelling Approaches

Nutrient Digestion And Utilization In Farm Animals

By E. Kebreab, J. Dijkstra, A. Bannink, W. J. J. Gerrits and J. France

Nutrient Digestion And Utilization In Farm Animals: Modelling Approaches PDF brings together the papers presented orally or as posters at the Sixth International Workshopon Modelling Nutrient Utilization in Farm Animals, held in Wageningen, The Netherlands, 6 โ€“ 8 September2004. The purpose of this book is to present current research in modelling nutrient digestion andutilization in cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry and fish.The book is organised into six sections that cover a range of topics and modelling approaches; theseare (i) absorption and passage; (ii) growth and development; (iii) mineral metabolism; (iv) methodology;(v) environmental impact; and (vi) animal production and feed evaluation. Deterministic, stochastic,empirical and mechanistic modelling approaches are described.This book will be of significant interest to researchers and students of animal science, particularly thoseconcerned with nutrition modelling.

Table of Contents

1: Introduction: History and Future Focus

2: The Nordic Dairy Cow Model Karoline โ€“ Development of VolatileFatty Acid Sub-Model

3: A Three-Compartment Model of Transmembrane Fluxes of Valineacross the Tissues of the Hindquarters of Growing Lambs Infectedwith Trichostrongylus colubriformis

4: Using Rumen Degradation Model to Evaluate Microbial ProteinYield and Intestinal Digestion of Grains in Cattle

5: Simulation of Rumen Particle Dynamics using a Non-Steady StateModel of Rumen Digestion and Nutrient Availability in Dairy CowsFed Sugarcane

5: Modelling Fluxes of Volatile Fatty Acids from Rumen to PortalBlood

6: The Role of Rumen Fill in Terminating Grazing Bouts of DairyCows under Continuous Stocking

7: Functions for Microbial Growth

8: Obtaining Information on Gastric Emptying Patterns in Horses fromAppearance of an Oral Acetaminophen Dose in Blood Plasma

9: A Model to Evaluate Beef Cow Efficiency

10: Prediction of Energy Requirement for Growing Sheep with theCornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System

11: Prediction of Body Weight and Composition from Body DimensionMeasurements in Lactating Dairy Cows

12: Relationships between Body Composition and UltrasonicMeasurements in Lactating Dairy Cows

13: Empirical Model of Dairy Cow Body Composition, O Martin,INRA, UMR Physiology de la Nutrition et Alimentation

14: Simulating Chemical and Tissue Composition of the GrowingBeef Cattle: From the Model to the Tool

15: Representation of Fat and Protein Gain at Low Levels of Growth and Improved Prediction of Variable Maintenance Requirement in a Ruminant Growth and Composition Model

16: Growth Patterns of Nellore vs. British Beef Cattle Breeds Assessedusing a Dynamic, Mechanistic Model of Cattle Growth and Composition

17: A Kinetic Model of Phosphorus Metabolism in Growing Sheep,R Souza Dias ,Center for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture

18: Dynamic Simulation of Phosphorus Utilization in Salmonid Fish

19: Development of a Dynamic Model of Ca and P Flows in Layers

20: Estimating the Risk of Hypomagnesaemic Tetany in Dairy Herds

21: Modelling the Effects of Environmental Stressors on ThePerformance of Growing Pigs: From Individuals to Populations

22: Empirical Modelling Through Meta Analysis Vs MechanisticModelling

23: Iterative Development, Evaluation and Optimal Parameter Estimationof a Dynamic Simulation Model: A Case Study

24: Segmented, Constrained, Nonlinear, Multi-objective, DynamicOptimization Methodology Applied to the Dairy Cow RationFormulation Problem

25: A Model to Simulate the Effects of Different Dietary Strategieson the Sustainability of a Dairy Farm System

26: Advantages of a Dynamical Approach to Rumen Function to HelpResolve Environmental Issues

27: Evaluation of Models to Predict Methane Emissions from EntericFermentation in North American Dairy Cattle, E Kebreab

28: Investigating Daily Changes in Food Intake by Ruminants

29: An Ingredient-Based Input Scheme for Molly

30: Metabolic Control: Improvement of a Dynamic Model ofLactational Metabolism in Early Lactation

31: Rostock Feed Evaluation System โ€“ An Example of theTransformation of Energy and Nutrient Utilization Models to Practical Application

32: The Nordic Dairy Cow Model Karoline โ€“ Model Description

33: The Nordic Dairy Cow Model KAROLINE โ€“ Model Evaluation

34: A composite model of growth, pregnancy and lactation

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