Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences, 2nd Edition (4-Volume Set)


Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences, 2nd Edition (4-Volume Set)

Encyclopedia Of Dairy Sciences 2Nd Edition

By John W. Fuquay

Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences, 2nd Edition PDF. Dairy Science includes the study of milk and milk-derived food products, examining the biological, chemical, physical, and microbiological aspects of milk itself as well as the technological (processing) aspects of the transformation of milk into its various consumer products, including beverages, fermented products, concentrated and dried products, butter and ice cream.

This new edition includes information on the possible impact of genetic modification of dairy animals, safety concerns of raw milk and raw milk products, peptides in milk, dairy-based allergies, packaging and shelf-life and other topics of importance and interest to those in dairy research and industry.

Academic researchers in laboratories; researchers and managers working in industry; students studying applied dairy sciences or related subjects; those involved in economic and nutritional policy agencies; and the media

  • Fully reviewed, revised and updated with the latest developments in Dairy Science
  • Full color inserts in each volume illustrate key concepts
  • Extended index for easily locating information
Table of Contents

Additives in dairy foods

Analytical methods

Animals that Produce Dairy Foods

Bacteria, beneficial



Biofilm formation

Biogenic amines

Body condition

Bull Management

Business Management

Butter and other milkfat products


Chocolate, milk


Concentrated dairy products

Contaminants of milk and dairy products

Dairy Education

Dairy Farm Layout and Design

Dairy Farm Management Systems

Dairy Production in Diverse Regions

Dairy Societies, Associations, etc. (including IDF)

Dehydrated dairy products

Diseases of Dairy Animals

Enzymes exogenous to milk in dairy technology

Enzymes indigenous to milk

Feed Concentrates

Feed Supplements

Feeds, Prediction of Energy and Proteins

Feeds, Ration Formulation

Fermented Milks

Flavours and off-flavours in dairy foods

Forages and Pastures

Gamete and Embryo Technology

Genetic Defects in Cattle


Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points

Heat treatment of milk

Homogenisation of milk

Hormones in milk

Husbandry of Dairy Animals

Ice cream and desserts

Imitation dairy products

Labelling of dairy products

Labour Management on Dairy Farms


Lactic acid bacteria

Lactose and Oligosaccharides

Liquid milk products


Mammary Gland

Mammary gland, milk biosynthesis and secretion

Mammary resistance mechanisms

Manure / Effluent Management

Mastitis pathogens

Mastitis therapy and control

Microorganisms associated with milk


Milking and Handling of Raw Milk

Milk biosynthesis and secretion

Milk lipids

Milk proteins

Milk protein products

Milk quality and udder health

Milk salts

Milking machines

Milking parlours

Molecular genetics and dairy foods


Nucleosides and nucleotides in milk

Nutrients, digestion and absorption

Nutrition and Health

Office International des Epizooties

Organic dairy production


Pathogens in milk

Plant and equipment

Policy schemes and trade in dairy products


Psychrotrophic bacteria

Replacement management in cattle

Reproduction, events and management

Rheology of liquid and semi-solid milk products

Risk analysis

Rodents, birds and insects

Standardisation of fat and protein content

Stress in dairy animals

Utilities and effluent treatment


Water in dairy products

Welfare of animals, political and management issues

Whey processing


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